Chapter 87:

The winter wind was bleak, and the wind blew on her face like a scraper. Seeing that there were still some tears on Meng Yan's face that she had to wipe away in the future, Wen Zhichu turned her body slightly to shield her from the wind.

He had never talked about friends, and he only kissed Qin Jiashu when he was so tall. He was still a man, and he had never coaxed girls at all. Seeing Meng Yan's sad look, his fingers were tangled together.

Then I remembered that famous saying.

"Meng Yan..."

Meng Yan looked at him with red eyes.

Wen Zhichu pointed to the bare tree in front of him, "Look at that tree, what did you think of..."

Meng Yan cast her eyes to look, but she couldn't think of anything left and right, so she turned her head to look at Wen Zhichu.

Wen Zhichu took a deep breath, sorry, Dean.

[System: Why are you sorry for him? 】

The next moment, the person continued: "Like the head of the dean..."

Tmall Elf: …

Thinking of the Dean's Mediterranean Sea, Meng Yan couldn't help laughing.

Seeing the scene where the blind cat met the dead mouse, the Sky Meow Elf was speechless.

[System: I didn't expect it to be really useful. 】

Wen Zhichu: "Of course, the most famous sayings will never change."

Sky Meow Elf:?

"Happiness is built on the suffering of others."

The last time when Mu Qing was comforted by the No. 6 Middle School next door, he used his own painful example to restore Mu Qing's mood.

It can be seen that this trick is very useful.

[System: Then how did you know to transfer the pain to the dean this time? 】

Wen Zhichu bowed her head shyly, "I want to treat myself better."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

Only the world where the teaching director was injured was reached.

Meng Yan originally planned to write a piece of youthful pain literature to commemorate her broken love, but the weather was too cold, and she trembled when she spoke without the atmosphere, so she had to give up.

After the two left, they went back to the dormitory building. The air in the unpopular dormitory was cold. Wen Zhichu hurriedly took out the remote control of the air conditioner and turned it on to warm air.

About five minutes later, the heat dissipated throughout the dormitory, Wen Zhichu took off his heavy coat, and swished into the quilt like a slippery fish.

Looking at the time, the other party estimated that it would take five minutes to come back.

He counted the time in his mind, five minutes later, Qin Jiashu opened the door and walked in.

The door opened, bringing in a fleeting burst of cool air, and Wen Zhichu popped his head out of the bed.

Since establishing a relationship with no name or distinction, Wen Zhichu always waited for Qin Jiashu to come back before going to bed.

It's not that I want to wait for the other party to come back to do something, but just take a look and feel at ease.

Qin Jiashu looked at him with deep eyebrows, didn't say anything, and walked to his bed, it was not an illusion, Wen Zhichu really relied on him more than ever during this time.

It's not a dependence that wants him to help solve troubles, but more like a spiritual companion. Even if he gave Wen Zhichu tutoring before, the other party would not come to him because he just wanted to share his grades.

Wen Zhichu is like a timid snail shrunk in its shell, only willing to slowly come out after having a stable emotional and relationship foundation.

But if he was frightened again, he would retreat quickly, and it would be even more difficult to wait for him to come out again, so he endured it all the time, with sober restraint on all Wen Zhichu's actions.

But gradually, there are times when the desire is unstable, like now, Wen Zhichu’s appearance of coming to him in the morning can’t be shaken off for a long time, his eyes are full of surprise, and he shows him the paper, eager to share the joy with him .

As if he was his first choice.

"Wen Zhichu."

Wen Zhichu, who had closed her eyes at first, heard the other party call her, moved in the quilt, turned her head to look at Qin Jiashu, with round eyes, "What's wrong..."

Now his speech in Qin Jiashu has improved a lot, and he can gradually speak coherently.

Qin Jiashu looked at the other person's little face on the pillow, with no emotion on his face, "Are you cold?"

Wen Zhichu shook his head honestly, and asked, "Are you cold?"


The deep voice made a byte, and then deliberately brought the topic to the main purpose, "It's a bit thin to wear a quilt."

Wen Zhichu looked at the other person's quilt. The fabric was soft and expensive, but she didn't expect that it would not keep warm.

Then he sat up and looked at the other person with concern, "It's okay, I you."

The next moment Wen Zhichu lifted the quilt, the light in Qin Jiashu's eyes flashed.

Just as she was about to get up and go, she saw Wen Zhichu get off the bed and come to the table.


Air conditioning temperature: 28 degrees Celsius.

Qin Jiashu: ...

Wen Zhichu adjusted the temperature, then turned to look at Qin Jiashu, "Is it better..."

Qin Jiashu said in a cold voice, "Thank you."

Wen Zhichu lowered her head shyly, "It's okay, it's a pleasure to help others."

Qin Jiashu: ...

After Wen Zhichu adjusted the temperature and lay down obediently, it didn't take long before she felt that a corner of the quilt had been thrown back, and the bed that was sleeping alone suddenly became crowded.

Wen Zhichu was startled, turned around and met Qin Jiashu's eyes.

" did come...I..."

Qin Jiashu looked at him, "Why are you stuttering?"

Although talking to others is much better than before, but when I am anxious or nervous, I still can't speak subconsciously.

The hot air from the opponent's body rushed towards his face, afraid of squeezing him, Qin Jiashu directly hugged him.

Wen Zhichu didn't dare to look directly at the other party, "You...why did you come up here?"

The other party still used the same rhetoric, "Cold."

Looking at Wen Zhichu's dodging eyes, Qin Jiashu's voice was flat and unwavering, as if it was really because of Leng's lack of selfishness, "Why are you shy?"

Wen Zhichu was silent.

"Nothing has been done."

Wen Zhichu was startled, and quickly covered the opponent's mouth.

There he quibbled: "It's just... just a kiss on the lips."

After finishing speaking, I felt guilty for a while.

Qin Jiashu also knew how to keep his sense of proportion, "I won't be able to change the quilt tomorrow."

Sure enough, Wen Zhichu became honest after hearing the excuse.

Looking up at Qin Jiashu, "Really?"


He didn't show it on the surface, but he was suffering sharply in his heart. Qin Jiashu closed his eyes and said, "Go to sleep."

Wen Zhichu felt the beating in the chest of the other party, as if it was ringing in his ears, and he couldn't fall asleep even if he closed his eyes, then quietly raised his head and stared at Qin Jiashu.

Before he knew it, he fell asleep, and when he woke up again, he was woken up by the other party. Wen Zhichu opened his eyes in a daze, and planned to walk out of the dormitory with someone after getting dressed.

Before going out, Qin Jiashu raised his hand and gathered the cloth around the other's neck, "Cover it up."

Only when Wen Zhichu was wrapped up plumply did he go out.

Back in class, there was still some time before class, Wen Zhichu took off his heavy coat, intending to continue studying, and moved a chair next to him next to last, "Wen Zai, how do you plan to pass the New Year's Eve?"

Wen Zhichu looked at him suspiciously, and asked tentatively, "Live?"

second last:…

"Will you go to dinner with friends after class that night?"

No. 1 middle school and senior year only have the day off on New Year's Day, and they have to go to school during the New Year's Eve.

Wen Zhichu thought about the holiday on the 1st of the next day, so he didn't have to get up early to go to school, so he nodded and agreed.

The penultimate one: "Okay, Mu Qing and I have also talked about it, including the four of you, Mu Qing said that we might invite a few more, but we all know each other."

Wen Zhichu nodded.

Then the penultimate found something was wrong, looking at Wen Zhichu's neck covered by the collar, there was an abnormal dark red skin on one part of the exposed skin, but it didn't look like it was frozen out at all, because I don't know how to cause the eyebrows to be tight wrinkled.

"Warm smash."

Wen Zhichu: "What's wrong?"

"What happened to your neck?"

They are both brothers, and the penultimate one has nothing to hide. He turned down a part of the collar of the other party, and a large dark red spot was instantly exposed on the fair neck, which was very eye-catching.

Wen Zhichu was puzzled, wondering what happened to his neck.

Tmall Elf reminds.

[System: You have a red mark on your neck. 】

There was a rumble in Wen Zhichu's mind, almost subconsciously remembering that his neck was itchy during his afternoon nap, and he vaguely heard the deep voice recalling in his ears.

"It will be over in a moment."

Looking at the penultimate gaze of seeking knowledge, Wen Zhichu was nervous and incoherent for a while, "I...I..."

"How did you do it, such a big red mark."

Wen Zhichu's head felt hot, "Bugs... bug bites."

The penultimate one was surprised, "There are still bugs in winter?!"

"Isn't there... is there a word?"

"What word?"

"Cordyceps sinensis."

[System: Can you say something more reliable? 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

However, at the next moment, the penultimate man suddenly realized, "So that's how it is."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

[System: I finally know why you are friends. 】

Wen Zhichu: "Why?"

[System: One dares to speak and the other dares to believe. 】

Wen Zhichu was shy.

[System: Otherwise, it will be difficult for your friendship to last long. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

The New Year's Eve is getting closer and closer. I knew that Mu Qing would invite other friends, but I didn't expect that it was Mu Qing who invited Zhou Qing. Thinking about going to a cram school, it would be strange if Qin Jiashu didn't go, so I invited him along the way Qin Jiashu didn't think much of it, but he didn't refuse.

Mu Qing was pleasantly surprised, "I didn't expect to invite Qin Jiashu, but the other party really agreed."

Mu Qing was the happiest at the same table, "Qin Jiashu, how is the handsome guy!!"

Zhou Qing had already seen through everything on the sidelines.

On New Year's Eve, Chief Ji Feng grabbed Qin Jiashu's collar and dragged him away, "You are heartless, do you know what day it is today?! You actually want to go out to eat, do you still have the heart!"

"New Year's Eve, why don't you go out for dinner if you don't go home, what will I do with my game if you leave, I'm **** awesome and blowing it out."

"You bitch, you are willing to leave me alone."

Who doesn't go out during the New Year's Eve? In the past, I went to the club with Qin Jiashu. Today, the other party has other arrangements, so he is left alone. Isn't this just telling others that he has no friends!

Seeing Ji Fengchang with snot and tears, Qin Jiashu raised his hand and pinched the center of his eyebrows.

"What's your expression? You're impatient with me. I'm more important than your love!"

Seeing that no one answered, Ji Feng said, "You foolish lord, you foolish lord!"

"You don't think about me, you also think about that little piglet in your family. If you don't go back, won't he cry in the middle of the night?!"

Qin Jiashu couldn't help it, "You go too."

Ji Fengchang was taken aback for a moment, got up and patted his buttocks, "Then let's go."

Qin Jiashu: ...