Chapter 88:

He took out his mobile phone and greeted people in advance, and then brought Chang Ji Feng over.

It's fine if someone makes an appointment during the New Year's Eve, and it doesn't matter what the monsoon is long.

Then he bumped Qin Jiashu's shoulder, "I knew you were reliable, a good brother for a lifetime~"

Qin Jiashu raised his eyebrows when he heard the other party mention the Primary School Chicken Manifesto.

Chang Ji Feng looked at him, "What's your expression, am I embarrassing you?"

Qin Jiashu didn't make a sound.

Ji Fengchang: "Why don't you speak?"

Qin Jiashu had no expression on his face, "There is no need to publicize it."

Long monsoon: ?

"It's good that you know it in your heart."

Long Monsoon:…


It snowed lightly at night, Chang Jifeng was shivering in his handsome attire, and suddenly said something.

"You really don't want to go home?"

Qin Jiashu's eyes were cold, "I won't return."

Chief Ji Feng hesitated for a while, "What about the brat?"

"They're going home today."

Ji Fengchang knew who this "they" was referring to. Qin Jiashu's words did not show any emotional ups and downs, as if he was talking about an unimportant matter, as if those people were a family and he was just a bystander.

When they arrived at the location, Ji Fengchang looked up and saw a hotpot restaurant. The storefront was not big and the consumption class was different. The two of them had never been to such a hotpot restaurant before, but they didn't think they could eat it.

After walking in, they saw Zhou Qing beckoning to them, and then walked into the box, where Wen Zhichu was there as expected.

Ji Feng has a long face: I knew it.

Otherwise, Qin Jiashu would not agree to come over.

Almost everyone knows it, and those who don't know it also have media-mediated knowledge.

Qin Jiashu took off his coat and sat beside Wen Zhichu naturally. Wen Zhichu and Qin Jiashu were a little nervous when there were other people present, but the latter obviously noticed it and didn't take the initiative to get closer.

After waiting for a while, he said in a low voice, "Nervous?"

Wen Zhichu nodded, and then quietly whispered in Ren's ear, "Will I...will I lower the atmosphere?"

In fact, Wen Zhi was quite nervous before he first came here. He is stuffy and boring, and he doesn't know how to tell jokes, so he is afraid that he will be left out.

Qin Jiashu poured a glass of warm water and put it in front of the person, "You don't have to think about it."

Wen Zhichu:?

He looked at the other party suspiciously, obviously not understanding the meaning of the other party's words.

fifteen minutes later...

Long monsoon: "Fate~"

Penultimate: "Wonderful~"


When Ji Fengchang and the penultimate man met at first sight, there was a sense of sympathy for each other.

Fuck, he's not a good guy either.

The attributes are the same and they naturally hit each other, and the two people's active atmosphere is almost crazy, as if they have known each other for eight hundred years.

Looking at the duo of social cows on the table, Wen Zhichu finally understood the meaning of Qin Jiashu's words just now.

You don't have to think about it.

This is not your job.

They are going to be generous and glorious, and no one can stop them.

Fortunately, there are two people who are constantly laughing. The third year of high school is under a lot of pressure. They come out to relax and order some drinks. After drinking some, they feel boring.

The penultimate suggestion is, "Do you want to play Truth or Dare?"

No one objected, so they packed up the venue and started.

The first few rounds were directed at girls, most of them chose the truth, asked some childhood jokes, and then started the next round.

This time, the mouth of the bottle was aimed at Wen Zhichu impartially, and the penultimate one stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Wen Zhichu's neck, "Wen Zai, listen to Dad! Choose a big adventure."

Wen Zhichu drank some wine, although his mind was sober, his reaction was a little slow, thinking that the penultimate man said this to give him water.

He nodded fiercely.

"Okay, I knew you believed in your father, and now your godfather will come up with the question."

Wen Zhichu:? ? ?

The penultimate one pointed to Chief Ji Feng, "That is my half-brother who has been separated for many years."

Wen Zhichu: ...

Ji Fengchang was in high spirits, knowing that Wen Zhichu had tried hard to talk to people recently, so he raised his hand and put a fruit plate in the person's hand.

Wen Zhichu was stunned, "Do you want to eat them all?"

Ji Fengchang smiled charmingly: "Send it to the next door."

Wen Zhichu:!

The penultimate: "Fuck, you really are not a good guy."

"I am over-flattered."

Wen Zhichu: ...

Fortunately, there are also students next door, Wen Zhichu plucked up the courage to send in the fruit plate, but he still blushed a little uncomfortable, but it was also beneficial for Wen Zhichu.

Qin Jiashu saw it and said nothing.

The feng shui took turns, and the mouth of the next bottle was aimed at the monsoon chief impartially.

Chang Feng: "Come on, big adventure."

The few people were a little clueless, and when everyone was still thinking hard, Qin Jiashu said, "Go to the next door and get the fruit plate back."

Long monsoon:!

The penultimate one looked at Qin Jiashu in amazement, no wonder, he was still wondering how Qin Jiashu and Ji Fengchang were friends, although his family background was also very prominent, but he looked like a different kind of person at all.

Now that I see it, I understand that if Ji Fengchang's behavior just now was not a good thing, then Qin Jiashu is not a human being now.

In the end, Ji Fengchang kept the last human dignity and chose to drink three cups in a row.

Gradually, a few people chatted about the future college entrance examination, half a year before the college entrance examination, except for the two half-brothers who were not too surprised, everyone else talked freely.

The two brothers looked at these cultural people, looked at each other, and reached a consensus.

They must commit this bitch.

Zhou Qing: "I heard that there are many carnival nights held on Qingman campus."

The second to last with a total score of 380, "Ah, isn't that a delay in rest, I won't go."

With a total score of 250, Monsoon Chang said, "Then I won't go either."

Everyone: ...

The cheers didn't end until almost early morning. When they left, Wen Zhichu and Ji Fengchang were waiting outside the shop, and Qin Jiashu paid the bill.

The air temperature outside was low, and the two of them just stood and breathed in layers of white mist.

Ji Fengchang turned his head to look at Wen Zhichu, seeing that the other person didn't look stupid at all, his eyes were full of pity.

Falling in love with this dog, there are no bones left that cannot be eaten.

Ji Fengchang: "How are you two getting along?"

Wen Zhichu's heart skipped a beat when he was asked, and he also knew that Chief Ji Feng knew about the relationship between the two, "Very...very good."

Ji Fengchang: "I'm not asking about his feelings, I'm asking about you."

Wen Zhichu was a little confused, but still nodded shyly, with a smile unconsciously on the corner of his mouth, "I'm fine too..."

Looking at the snow on the ground, Wen Zhichu pursed his lips, "I...I plan to go to a university with him."

I was too embarrassed to say that I liked it, so Wen Zhichu changed his expression.

In this strange world, Wen Zhichu met many people who were kind to him. He was very grateful, and the most important thing in his heart was Qin Jiashu.

Whether the other party is a friend or a teacher is also the person he likes.

It wasn't until Wen Zhichu discovered not long ago that the other party would always subtly encourage him to do some things. He was afraid of touching things that he hadn't touched. Although he preached harshly, he never criticized.

The relationship between the two became more and more intimate. Wen Zhichu thought that when the college entrance examination is over, he must confess his love to someone.

Give each other a name.

Wen Zhichu asked nervously, "Qin Jiashu likes...what kind of person does he like, or..."

Ji Fengchang almost saw Wen Zhichu's concerns at a glance, and felt that he was not good enough for him.

Ji Fengchang: "What else can he like? He just likes you like this. If someone else doesn't like you, you don't have to think about it. He must like you because you are excellent."

Wen Zhichu: "Thank you..."

Ji Fengchang: "Be polite to me."


Chang Feng was shivering from the cold wind.

Wen Zhichu: "Are you cold...?"

Ji Feng's long teeth were trembling, ""

"Then...then what are you talking about, why are you stuttering?"

Ji Feng's long-dead duck mouthed hard, "Isn't this...cooperating with you?"

But fortunately, both of them drank a lot of wine, but they just came out of the store to be cold, and when they got used to it, the temperature of their bodies gradually rose with the strength of the wine.

Qin Jiashu came out to look at the stammering duo, called a car for Ji Fengchang, and then turned around to take Wen Zhichu home.

As soon as she got into the car, Wen Zhichu's hand took his.

Qin Jiashu's tall figure froze for a moment, then turned his head to meet Wen Zhichu's continuous gaze.

The other party was drunk at this time, and kept staring at him, his fair and innocent face was blushing, and when he saw him looking over, he smiled foolishly at him.

Qin Jiashu's mouth was a little dry, and he relaxed his restraint. He raised his hand to caress the man's face, "What are you looking at?"

Wen Zhichu shook his head with a smile, feeling a little embarrassed, but he was very frank in his heart after drinking.

Leaning close to the person's ear, as if talking about their little secret, "You are so pretty."

Although the sound was very light, Qin Jiashu's eyes dimmed as if a thousand catties had hit his heart.

"Go back and do something else."

Wen Zhichu was curious, but the other party didn't say anything.

It wasn't until Wen Zhichu got home to take a shower that she realized she was shy, " need, I... myself."

However, in front of Qin Jiashu, Wen Zhichu's strength was not strong enough to push him, feeling the aura of the other party, Wen Zhichu was a little scared, the other party was different from usual.

After being carried by someone to take a shower, he went to the narrow single bed.

The other party didn't give him anything to wear, so Wen Zhichu hid back a little scared.

Qin Jiashu looked down at him, his stern face flickering in the dim light, and the only bath towel at home was hanging loosely between the crosses.

The firm lower abdomen is protruding like blue veins, and the mermaid lines and muscle lines are more deeply shaded in the dark.

Without saying a word, he raised his hand to grab the person's ankle and dragged him back.

Wen Zhi wanted to get up at the beginning, but was restrained and forced to stretch, which made people see everything at a glance.

Qin Jiashu's eyes drifted away, with silent greed.

Wen Zhichu was a little flustered, "Qin...Qin Jiashu, I'm afraid."

"Don't move you."

It gave people a reassurance, but there was still a follow-up, "You have been under a lot of pressure recently, just change the way."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to the other party.

Half an hour later, Wen Zhichu kicked his legs weakly, looked at Qin Jiashu, and had difficulty breathing, "Qin Jiashu...Qin Jiashu, I feel a little... a little strange."

This ordinary mutual help is not the same at all!

Qin Jiashu stared at one place, "It will be fine soon."

However, this time lasted for more than an hour. Qin Jiashu stopped when he saw the person shivering comfortably behind him.

He took out some paper towels and wiped his wet fingers, then pecked on the man's lips in satisfaction.
