Chapter 119:

Chapter 119

Well, Im glad its over, whatever it was.

Kyle let out a sigh of relief and dropped the hammer he had been holding awkwardly. He had been carrying Amella on one shoulder, so he couldnt participate in the battle actively.

Then he heard a small voice behind his shoulder.

Kyle. Let me down.

At her words, Kyle bent his upper body and lowered his posture. Amella, who had been dangling from his feet, stumbled for a moment, but soon regained her balance and looked at the ice crystals that were scattering. The sparkling fragments were swallowed by the fierce wind and quickly disappeared. She said,

Its a pity that this is the end of the man who had the ambition to unify the continent.

As she said that, Ruon, who saw her blood-stained face, approached the group and asked,

It must have been hard to get here.

Its okay. It was just an overload on my brain. At most, I shortened my life by a month or so. It was a cheap price to pay for risking my life.

Amella shrugged her shoulders as if it was nothing. Ruon smiled faintly at the mage.

Its good to be positive.

Then Colin, who had been looking at the hazy fog, narrowed his eyes and said,

Someones coming.

As he said that, shadows in the shape of people were approaching one by one. Then, Aslan and the rest of the knights, who had been swallowed by the white space, appeared through the blizzard.

They came with heavy footsteps, and they looked very exhausted at a glance.

Are you all right?

Colin asked with concern, and Aslan, who was at the front, nodded.

We were lucky. We would have been unable to hold on if we were a little later.

Amella scanned the knights, who had noticeably decreased in number, with her eyes and said,

Its not luck. Its amazing that you guys held on in a space where your senses were disappearing.

It was true. The knights, who had been around thirty, were now less than half of that. Aslan spoke calmly, even though the death of his comrades must have hurt.

Is this the resting place of the spirits?

Amella wiped the blood under her nose and answered,

Yes. All the statues here are the former chieftains.

As she said, there were huge sculptures scattered around the spacious square. Of course, it was hard to see their exact appearance in the snowstorm.

If we go a little further inside, well find the sacred tree. It would have been nice if the horses were alive, butwe cant help it. Lets move as soon as were ready.

At her words, everyone started to check their equipment. Of course, it was just a formality. In fact, it was more accurate to say that they were preparing their minds for the last time. The fight that was coming up would be incomparable to the previous ones.

Take care.

Ruon gently stroked the forehead of Caliban, who was still lying weakly. He was the only black horse that survived, even though all the excellent warhorses had died, but he looked too tired to fight anymore.

He tried to get up with a snort, as if his pride was hurt, but he lay down again under the gentle pressure of Ruons neck.

Dont push yourself. Well be in danger if we do.

As he patted the black horses back and stood up, Kyle, who had come up behind him, asked,

Ruon. What do we do with this?

Oh. That was left.

Ruon looked at the ice axe in Kyles hand and smiled slightly.

How about using that too? Weapon Master Kyle. Not bad.

What are you talking about? I already have the Arming Sword from Garan. Do you want me to fight with my mouth?

Ruon thought that the chief who had rushed in without saying a word was better and answered.

What do you want to do with a useless name?

Despite his sullen response, the old man, Beolun, didnt care at all. Rather, he showed his dark gums and smiled wickedly. Soon, his body began to melt like cheese in the sun.

It must be a pleasant experience to ruin a young star. Its something Ill see in a long time.

As soon as he appeared, the voice of the great demon disappeared again.

Come. My adversaries.

At that moment.

Ruon felt a sinking sensation in his whole body as if his organs were falling to the ground. What if he pulled up the sensation of the viking he rode a long time ago in an amusement park by hundreds of times? Not only him, but everyone who was in the empty lot felt their insides empty and breathed heavily. Some of them couldnt stand the pressure and collapsed.


A fallen knight stretched out his arm. His trembling fingertip pointed to a huge shadow that was blooming in the direction. The moment everyone realized that it was a tree that was hard to fit in one eye. The ground cracked with a tremendous noise.


The scream of the knight who was caught by something that sprang out of the gap faded away. Immediately after, there was a crunching sound of something being forcibly crushed, and blood exploded in the sky.


Blood and flesh poured down like a drizzle. Colin, who had lost his mind for a moment by the fragments of the broken armor and the blade, was pushed roughly by Kyle who was next to him. Right after that, something fell to where he was standing.


For a short moment, Kyles body floated up as he swung his hammer hastily at the flying attack. Judging by the weight of the armor he was wearing, it would have been strange if he didnt break anywhere if he fell like that, but before that, Amelas spell created several thin shields in the air and reduced the impact of his fall.

Thanks to that, Kyle, who protected his body by rolling on the ground, got up and swung his hammer again.

As the lightning flashed and stretched out sharply, Ruon was swinging his sword fiercely where he fell.


The thing that screamed in pain as its flesh was cut off was a huge root.

No. Could he call that a root? Not only was it covered with slimy mucus, but it also had suckers and red eyes of crustaceans.

Ruon stepped on the wriggling flesh and burst it with his foot, then swung his sword horizontally at the disgusting roots that were pouring toward him.

A red line appeared in the air. Based on that line, the root that was cut in half spewed black blood. But Ruon, as if he hadnt started yet, swung his sword at an incredible speed with both hands. The root that was swept away by the storm-like attack lost its shape and tore apart.


Then, the ground behind him bulged up and another root flew in to aim at the back of his head.

But without even looking, Ruon turned his head and avoided it, then hooked the root between his left armpit and squeezed it hard. In that state, he stretched his legs forward.


The root that stretched like a rubber band reached the breaking point and tore apart little by little, then made a popping sound and broke off completely. Only then did Ruon loosen his arm and drop the limp flesh, then chop it down with his sword and looked around.

The party had struggled at first, overwhelmed by the enemys presence and the sudden ambush. But they had regained their composure and fought back fiercely.

The situation calmed down temporarily after the last of the roots that had been hit by the blood stream from Amelas palm shattered into pieces.

But it was only for a moment.

Look! Something is falling!

Kyle shouted as he looked up at the sky. The fruits that had been hanging on the giant tree branches that faintly shone through the fog began to free fall towards the ground.

Thud- They smashed the ground and revealed that they were not ordinary fruits like the roots. The creatures that stretched out their limbs that had been curled up were twisted demons.


The ones that had no eyes or nose, only a long slit mouth that filled their face, screamed and charged at the party. The party clenched their teeth and gripped their weapons tightly.

Then, they heard Beoluns voice in their ears.

Foolish ones. Bow down. I am the legion.