Chapter 120:

Chapter 120

The demons fell from the sky like a sudden downpour of late autumn rain.

Stick together!

Someone shouted with a hoarse voice in the midst of chaos, and the group formed a circle with their backs to each other, facing the hungry beasts that attacked from all sides.

Amela was the first to react. The mage quickly chanted a spell and stomped on the ground, causing the earth to flip and shoot up high.

The demons that were swept by it were crushed like mashed potatoes. But there were so many of them that some survived or arrived late, and they soon tore through the stone pillars that rose like a wall and slashed at the group with their sharp claws.

Get away! Scram!

Colin yelled loudly, trying to shake off the fear that crept into his skin, and stabbed his sword. The flashing blade pierced deep into the vertical mouth of a demon that had stuck its face through a crack in the rocks.

But the blade that should have pierced through the back of its head was stuck by the demon that snapped its mouth shut. Colin gasped in shock as he saw the demons mouth glow red like a furnace, accompanied by a foul smell that stung his nose.

Do you know how much this costs!

He had been trying to push the sword further in, but he quickly pulled his arm back and drew a dagger from his waist with his other hand, striking the demons skull.


Only then did the demons jaw loosen, and Colin quickly retrieved his sword, putting all his strength into the hand holding the dagger.

As the thick blade mercilessly dug into its head, the demon finally stopped its violent movement and slumped down.

Colin looked around with satisfaction, proud of himself for taking down one of these crazy monsters. And he swallowed his dry saliva.

There must have been hundreds of demons swarming from all directions.


There are too many of them!

Amela, who had used big and small spells all the way here, had her nosebleed start again, but she had no time to stop the bleeding as she gasped for breath.

The knights who had lost their divine power had fought as best as they could, but they looked exhausted from the constant battles without a chance to heal their broken bodies.

Kyle was the only one who showed an amazing amount of activity, swinging his rune hammer, but he seemed to be worried that the stone pillars that acted as a wall would collapse, so he didnt dare to unleash lightning.

Just then, Aslan clenched his teeth and swung an ice axe in the air. The axe manifested his will, and transparent ice grew from the stone pillars that were standing upright, and soon they stuck together and completely blocked the gap.

The demons that had been squeezing and digging through the pillars were enraged by the ice that blocked their way, and they repeatedly slammed their bodies into it, but the hard ice didnt break easily, even if it cracked.

Colin, who finally got a chance to catch his breath, quickly looked around and said.

It seems like someone is missing.

Some of our brothers who were fighting in the distance couldnt make it inside.

Aslan said that and lowered his hand holding the axe. His iron gauntlet was full of white frost, and his movement was unnatural, as if it wasnt a normal state. It was obvious that he was paying the price for using the forbidden power with a body that had no divine power.

Then Amela, who had wiped her blood-stained nose with her sleeve, chimed in.

Thats the same for Ruon. He didnt seem to have any intention of coming in from the start

As if to prove her words, there were continuous explosions outside the stone pillars. Judging by the occasional screams of the suffering demons, it was obvious who was fighting alone.

Ruon will always fight in his own way. The problem is us.

Kyle finished his words and hung his hammer on his shoulder, scanning the surroundings. The demons that met his eyes screamed and pounded the ice more fiercely. Some of them were even trying to climb the wall.

Despite the chilling situation, Kyles face remained calm, but Colin muttered with a bitter tone.

Shit. What the hell are those? Do the demons usually drop their offspring from the sky?

As he approached, Amela spoke to him. Her face was pale as if her blood was not flowing, like her palm that had clenched her wrist.

This kind of attrition war is meaningless. The divine tree is now rooted in the essence of the abyss, not the phenomenal world, and has gained infinite power.

As soon as her murmur ended, a huge something roared. He looked closely and saw a different form of demon shedding its sticky skin and getting up.

Amela shook her head sharply as if trying to regain her senses and pointed her index finger at the giant tree. It was hard to see clearly because of the harsh snowstorm, but there was a dreadful power surging there.

The only way is to destroy the divine tree. You feel it too, right? He is still growing.


Ruon nodded in agreement. As she said, the tree had grown a foot more than when it first showed itself. Judging by the distance, it was an incredible growth rate of tens of meters.

We dont have time to waste. Lets hurry.

But contrary to her words, Amela was already losing strength in her legs and swayed greatly. Kyle, who supported her from the side, said.

I think its too late.

All kinds of monsters formed a circular siege and slowly closed in on them. Not only that, but disgusting mucous roots were wriggling from the cracked ground. It was a situation where there was no hope even as much as a speck of dust.

Then Amela said to Ruon.

Just go If you get tied up because of us, its really over.

Everyone in this place knew very well that her words could not come true. Even Amela herself who said them.

The moment Ruon, who could be called a superhuman in this place, left, the rest of them would not be able to stop the flood of demons and eventually die.

The demons were not rushing in directly because they instinctively feared Ruons tremendous presence. It was not because they were taking it easy. In fact, they were steadily narrowing the distance.

If he did not step up, the corrupted divine tree and his army would continue to grow stronger. If he did, the party would not last long and die.

Neither situation was good for Ruon. In movies, reinforcements usually come in such situations, but thats all nonsense.

Ruon, who had briefly hoped for a childish clich, silently gripped his sword. He decided to split that big tree in one breath rather than wasting time. As he was about to put strength into his legs, Aslan suddenly walked forward. His staggering gait looked like he was possessed by something.

Its strange.

He came next to Ruon and muttered as he looked somewhere.

Its strange. Really.

Aslan. Why are you suddenly

Kyle, who had lightly touched Aslans shoulder, who looked like he was in a bad state, quickly pulled his hand away as if he had touched a hot iron. Then he muttered with a candle-like eye.

Divine power?

By then, Ruon had also noticed Aslans change. A golden light shone in his eyes, which could see through the inner side of the opponent after engraving his name in the sky.

Meanwhile, Aslan continued his words.

It was not a mere intuition. It was a longing. A longing for the embrace of a mother whom I had never seen

At some point, he threw his helmet to the ground with a deep sigh. Contrary to his expectation of seeing a melted face, a man with thick lines on his neck and golden eyes was shining above his neck.

That was not the only change. The faces of the knights who started to take off their helmets one by one had all returned to their appearance before they burned their holy power.

W-what is this? Why are you all fine?

As Colin muttered in confusion amid the sudden series of changes, Aslan said.

The holiness of the divine tree that has not been completely devoured by the great demon is calling us. I can hardly believe it myself

He finished his words with a determined expression.

It seems to be Ganax.