The netizen’s revelation of the IP address sent a shiver down Su Bin’s spine. His mood changed from irritability to extreme fear because he knew that the person posting in English was not him but someone else in the house!

At this moment, he felt as if there were eyes watching his every move from behind…

Who is ALL? Why does their IP address match his own?

For a moment, Su Bin had a fleeting suspicion that ALL could be Allen himself, with a username that closely resembled his English name. But he quickly dismissed this idea…

Yang Chengzhe had said that Allen couldn’t speak Chinese, and Su Bin had chatted with him several times, knowing that Allen had little knowledge of Chinese culture.

If he didn’t even have a basic background, how could he navigate the advanced slang and internet language intermingled with historical allusions on the “Cliff”? That place was filled with a mixture of modern Chinese slang, internet language, and historical references! Even a native Chinese person straight out of the factory would be completely confused by a term like “Lanzhou pancake,” let alone words like “tongzi,” “maji,” or “huoqian liuming.” Even if you looked them up in a Chinese-English dictionary, it would be useless. There are also words like “White Bone Spirit” and “protein” that carry deeper meaning, which even a native Chinese person wouldn’t understand without years of immersion in the online world.

Therefore, Su Bin believed it was highly unlikely that Allen himself would come across this forum post and be able to understand it. Moreover, Allen was such a cold and aloof person, he didn’t seem to have such a mischievous personality!

With only four people living in the house, the range of suspects was very small. If it wasn’t Allen, then the only possibility was either Yang Chengzhe or Jin Fei. It definitely couldn’t be Su Bin himself going crazy and posting a thread about eating himself…

Su Bin returned to check the posting time of ALL. The timestamp on the “Cliff” forum showed “10-05 07:22,” which meant 22:00 on October 5th in country B, which was the midnight of the previous Sunday!

Su Bin recalled the events of that day… Ah, that day happened to be the day Allen returned from city D, and they all had dinner together. Yang Chengzhe had suggested changing rooms at the dinner table, but Allen refused, saying he was too tired. Afterward, Allen cornered Su Bin in the bathroom and misinterpreted everything he said… Thinking back to those moments, Su Bin felt annoyed.

If they deduced based on the timeline, all three of them had the opportunity to go up to the “Cliff” that night. However, Su Bin believed that Jin Fei was the most likely person to impersonate A and post the thread.

Although Su Bin didn’t know Jin Fei when he first moved in, if Jin Fei saw this thread, he would definitely be able to figure out that LZ (the original poster) was Su Bin based on some clues. Moreover, that annoying fly had teased Su Bin verbally more than once…

But the problem was, Jin Fei didn’t seem like someone who could keep calm. If he posted the thread, he would definitely want Su Bin to see it immediately and enjoy seeing the expression of fear on his face.

Su Bin didn’t want to continue guessing. Although he had known Jin Fei for a relatively short time, they had become the closest among the current group of people. Instead of guessing, he decided to ask directly.

“Do you play “Cliff”?” Su Bin sent a text message to Jin Fei.

That guy had gone out to attend a social party again. He should change his title from “Social Prince” to “Social Guru”…

Jin Fei hadn’t replied to the text message for a long time, and Su Bin grew more and more anxious. While waiting for the reply, he skimmed through a few pages of comments.

After the post exposing the IP address came out, the tone of the entire thread changed again:

|Author: Fei Rou Jun |Time: 200X-10-05 20:22

|Reply: Spectating the Technological Emperor! Light the candle for LZ!


|Author: Zhu Zhu ^^ |Time: 200X-10-05 21:32

|Reply: Lies! I’ve been searching B country’s recent newspapers all day and didn’t see any news about a foreign student being eaten! (>//

So, at the end of the thread were the “mourning” and “candle” comments that Su Bin initially saw.

Hehe, the development of this thread is truly twisty and turny, just like a runaway roller coaster…

While thinking about how to reply and debunk the rumor of being “eaten,” Su Bin’s phone received a text message.

“Not playing.” Jin Fei replied concisely and straightforwardly.

Su Bin knew that Jin Fei always spoke directly and didn’t beat around the bush. His reply indicated that he wasn’t curious about why Su Bin asked this…

So, he definitely wasn’t “ALL.”

Now Su Bin was puzzled. If it wasn’t Jin Fei, could it be Yang Chengzhe?

…No way, Chengzhe is such a kind and reliable person, and he’s even a doctor. If he saw the post and guessed that LZ was Su Bin, he would come directly to explain whether Allen was a vampire or not… rather than responding with such a vague post.

But even though Su Bin trusted Yang Chengzhe, he didn’t dare to jump to conclusions. After all, if Chengzhe was also ruled out, there was only one possibility left—the post was indeed a reply from Allen!

The thought of this outcome made Su Bin even more terrified than finding out Allen was a vampire…

So he sneaked out and lightly knocked on Yang Chengzhe’s door, “Brother Cheng…”

“Su Bin?” Yang Chengzhe looked somewhat surprised at Su Bin’s anxious expression. “What’s wrong?”

“Can I come in and talk?” Su Bin asked in a low voice.

“Sure, come in…” Yang Chengzhe had already changed into his pajamas and was ready to sleep. Su Bin felt really embarrassed, but if he didn’t figure this out tonight, he would be up all night… So, sorry!

“Brother Cheng, I have something to ask you, and you have to tell me the truth!” Su Bin said urgently.

Yang Chengzhe looked even more bewildered, “What’s the matter? Ask me.”

Su Bin widened his eyes and asked, “Do you know if I posted something on the “Cliff”?”

Yang Chengzhe became even more confused, “What post?”

Su Bin took a deep breath, “…” Damn it, even… even Brother Cheng doesn’t know QAQ!

Fifteen minutes later, guided by Su Bin, Yang Chengzhe read the popular post on the “Cliff” and laughed so hard that he collapsed onto the writing desk, “Su Bin… You actually suspected that Allen was a vampire, hahaha…”

Su Bin: “…”

Yang Chengzhe: “This is so hilarious, hahaha… I remember you actually bought garlic, hahaha…”

Su Bin: “… Brother Cheng, stop laughing at me.” (T_T) ~~ I told you this without caring about my reputation! Please help me analyze whether that ‘ALL’ is really Allen, please…

Yang Chengzhe pounded the table: “I’m actually curious too. I wonder what Allen would think if he saw this post, hahaha…”

Su Bin: “Don’t tell him!” (TAT)

Yang Chengzhe: “No wonder, you seemed scared of Allen. Why wouldn’t you want him to switch rooms with me… Oh, I see why now, hahaha…”

Su Bin: “He misunderstood! I never said I didn’t want him to switch with you! Um, you better not tell him…”

Yang Chengzhe: “You’re really a funny person, hahaha…”

Su Bin: “Brother Cheng, stop laughing at me…” sobs

Yang Chengzhe finally managed to stop laughing, looked at Su Bin’s embarrassed face, but couldn’t help laughing again…

“Alright, alright… Haha!” Yang Chengzhe forced himself to stop laughing and explained to Su Bin, “IP addresses can be faked.”


Su Bin was instantly stunned! So, he worried for nothing?

Okay, it seems like from now on, he should only use initials when writing names (=_=)!

Yang Chengzhe added, “But we can’t be certain yet. This post wasn’t written by Allen.”

Su Bin: “…”

Yang Chengzhe withdrew his smile and said seriously, “As a scientific researcher, I can honestly tell you that I believe ‘vampires’ do not exist.”

“Oh…” Su Bin felt a sense of being belittled…

“But who knows? Before Copernicus proposed the heliocentric model, everyone firmly believed that the Earth was the center of the universe… So, what I believe may not be completely correct either.” Yang Chengzhe smiled and shrugged.

Su Bin: “…” Brother Cheng, don’t play with me, TAT~

Yang Chengzhe: “That being said, I think your question is worth exploring. Well, let’s determine two topics: first, whether Allen is a vampire, and second, whether ALL is Allen.”

Su Bin: “Brother Cheng (_)…”

Yang Chengzhe said seriously, “First, to prove whether someone is a vampire, we would need to read scientific research reports on vampires. But as far as I know, there are currently only legends about vampires, and the main characteristics of vampires are derived from literature and fictional works. These cannot be used as reference. And as for online information, anyone can write anything… Therefore, in the absence of evidence to prove the existence of ‘vampires,’ if you do come across someone who seems to be a vampire, you need to make bold hypotheses and carefully investigate.”

Su Bin: “Okay, very professional…”

“So, let’s start by assuming ‘Allen is a vampire.’ The primary criterion for determining whether someone is a vampire is whether they drink blood…” Yang Chengzhe looked at Su Bin with a mischievous smile and asked, “Su Bin, have you ever seen Allen drink blood with your own eyes?”

Su Bin: “… No, Orz…”

He always felt that when Yang Chengzhe called his name, it was like calling him a “fool.”

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