Yang Chengzhe continued, “If you’re just feeling threatened based on intuition, I can’t help you with that. If Allen really is a vampire, then I’m glad he wasn’t interested in my blood╮(╯_╰)╭… ”

Su Bin: “…” Why is it like this T_T~~

Yang Chengzhe: “And you have to be careful not to use those ‘vampire characteristics’ you find online as a standard to determine whether Allen is a vampire. Who knows, maybe vampires enjoy sunbathing and eating garlic!”

Su Bin: “…” How is that possible? Don’t fool me just because I’m not well-read TAT~

Yang Chengzhe smiled and said, “But if, and I mean if, Allen is truly attracted to your blood and can’t resist revealing his non-human nature to bite you (…) then you can start suspecting him! It’s impolite to casually suspect someone of not being human without concrete evidence!”

Su Bin: “…” What if I’m already dead when he reveals his teeth? QAQ!

Yang Chengzhe ignored Su Bin’s painful expression and continued with a serious face, “Alright, next question, let’s discuss whether ALL is Allen.”

Su Bin: “…” How cruel Orz~~~

Yang Chengzhe: “Firstly, let’s assume that ALL is not Allen but just a random person who enjoys using fake IP addresses. In that case, what do you think their purpose is? Obviously, they must be bored! They find it amusing to pretend to be A, to tease you, and to amuse other bored netizens. If you respond to them, you fall into their trap. So, it’s best for you to do nothing, go along with what that person says, and consider yourself already eaten (…). The netizens in the post may cause some commotion for a few more days, but can that random person really find you here?”

Su Bin: “…” That’s true!

Yang Chengzhe squinted his eyes and said, “The trickier situation is if ALL is actually Allen himself…”

Su Bin trembled all over Q_Q~~~

Yang Chengzhe chuckled, seemingly thinking of something. He couldn’t help but laugh again, saying, “I haven’t come across such an amusing situation in years. Actually, I’m quite curious if ALL is really Allen. It would be even more interesting to know what Allen is thinking…”

Su Bin: “Please, Brother Cheng, don’t do this TAT~”

“Well, it’s a pity. The Allen I know doesn’t seem like someone who would play these childish games,” Yang Chengzhe shrugged.

Just as Su Bin relaxed a bit, Yang Chengzhe said, “But then again, I’m not really that close to him, so I don’t really know him!”

…Damn it (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻!

At this moment, Su Bin’s emotions were like riding a roller coaster. With each word from Yang Chengzhe, he soared to the clouds and plunged into the abyss… clouds, abyss, clouds, abyss… Su Bin was about to burst into tears. Can’t you stop playing like this!?

“However, Su Bin, if Allen really is ALL, I think he’s just joking with you,” Yang Chengzhe patted Su Bin’s shoulder, holding back his laughter. “He wouldn’t actually devour you, would he? Don’t overthink it.”

“…” Brother Cheng, I know I’m overthinking, but I can’t control it Q_Q… By the way, Allen once told me that he’s a snake. It just occurred to me now that he’s a snake one year older than me, which means he’s a snake that’s 121 years old~!

Su Bin couldn’t help but want to confide in Yang Chengzhe, but he couldn’t bring himself to say something so foolish. Until now, every conversation with Yang Chengzhe had made Su Bin feel utterly inferior in terms of intelligence, courage, logic, and various other aspects. He couldn’t argue back at all and felt like a complete idiot in front of the academic genius.

However, it was precisely because Yang Chengzhe, in Su Bin’s eyes, was gentle, wise, and like an older brother next door that he confided in him about the post on the cliff. If the person in front of Su Bin right now was Jin Fei, Su Bin wouldn’t utter a word even if he choked to death. After all, it would involve a man’s dignity and pride.

Yang Chengzhe stroked his chin and said, “How about this, tomorrow I’ll find an opportunity to test Allen for you?”

…As expected, the academic genius not only tolerated Su Bin’s ignorance but was also eager to help!

Su Bin’s roller coaster ride finally reached the end of time… The gods said, let there be light, and Su Bin’s world had light!

“Brother Cheng(_)~” Su Bin looked at Yang Chengzhe with a face full of trust and asked, “Should I reply to that post on the Cliff?”

Yang Chengzhe said, “Sure, maybe that ALL person will come again. The more he says, the more clues he might reveal, and that narrows down our search range.”

Suddenly, Su Bin felt like with Yang Chengzhe’s guidance, he was like Liu Bei, the shoe seller, finding Kongming, the light bearer—there was hope for a turnaround!

After returning to his room, Su Bin pondered for a while, made some changes to his reply, and finally posted just one sentence:

|Original Poster: SBWoodcedar|Time: 200X-10-14|Views: 51447|Replies: 2379|Page 67

|Comment: I’m alive and well, not eaten. Stop spreading rumors, don’t bother me!


After Su Bin posted his reply, he refreshed the webpage and immediately saw several comments appearing in seconds:

|Author: Invincible Rat|Time: 200X-10-14 06:55

|Reply: OP is faking death(⊙口⊙)! (Su Bin: What the hell are you talking about!)


|Author: Panda Nai|Time: 200X-10-14 06:55

|Reply: Best wishes! [Candle] (Su Bin: I said no candles…)


|Author: Don’t Run, Pineapple|Time: 200X-10-14 06:56

|Reply: Front row photo… By the way, are you a vampire now, OP? Q皿Q (Su Bin: …)


|Author: Yu Qiao|Time: 200X-10-14 06:55

|Reply: OP plays a great split personality~~~~ You scared me to death!


|Author: Take Another Look, Big Big|Time: 200X-10-14 06:56

|Reply: SB, I declare you, you know! (/ω\)

Su Bin was speechless. Who are all these people? Did they wake up this early, or did they not sleep at all? Are they camping under this post every day? Geez!

He didn’t reply again, silently closed the webpage… He wouldn’t play with them anymore, it’s time to sleep!

The next morning, Yang Chengzhe ran into Allen in the kitchen while making coffee.

“Good morning~” Yang Chengzhe greeted Allen with a great mood, then glanced at the direction of the stairs. Seeing no one coming down, he lowered his voice and asked, “Allen, do you know about Michael suspecting you’re a vampire?”

Allen paused with the milk bottle in his hand, then slowly curved his lips. “Hehe.”

“… ” Yang Chengzhe was taken aback for a moment. So Allen knows everything with that expression?… I see!

After brewing the coffee, Allen raised an eyebrow and whispered, “He is very interesting.”

“Yes, um…” Yang Chengzhe remembered last night’s conversation and couldn’t help but want to laugh.

Allen took a sip of his coffee, turned around elegantly, and just as he took a few steps, he turned back and said, “He is mine.”

The meaning behind his words was clear. Allen was reminding Yang Chengzhe not to interfere with the matter between him and Su Bin.

Yang Chengzhe understood. He smiled and said in his heart, “Su Bin, take care of yourself~~”

In Yang Chengzhe’s mind, the intellectually superior old roommate had decisively defeated the silly and cute new roommate—victory for the old roommate!

Su Bin had been trembling with fear all day yesterday, feeling exhausted, so he decided to sleep in today. When he woke up, it was already past 10 o’clock. He tried calling Chen Xiaotian but couldn’t reach her, thinking that she might have gone to class, so he let it be. Fortunately, he had confided in Yang Chengzhe about everything he wanted to say last night, so Su Bin didn’t feel as burdened now.

As he descended the stairs, he saw Yang Chengzhe sitting on the living room sofa, eating breakfast and reading a book. Su Bin greeted him cheerfully, “Good morning!”

Yang Chengzhe smiled and asked, “Why did you sleep in so late today?”

“I don’t have classes in the morning!” Su Bin leaned over and saw Yang Chengzhe eating cereal for breakfast. He asked, “Is this what you eat in the morning?”

“I’ve been eating it for years, got used to it, saves time… Do you want some?” Yang Chengzhe politely offered.

“Sure!” Su Bin agreed.

Yang Chengzhe made a bowl of cereal for Su Bin too and handed it to him. Then he suddenly said, “By the way, I tested Allen about the post.”

“Wow, that was fast! How did you ask, and how did Allen react?” Dr. Yang is indeed efficient!

Yang Chengzhe didn’t tell Su Bin the details, only the conclusion. “Seems like he’s not aware of it.”

Su Bin felt relieved. That’s what he expected. How could Allen, the Chinese language idiot, know about what happened on the cliff…

At this moment, Su Bin had no idea that when Yang Chengzhe said he would “test it out” for him, it actually meant throwing him under the bus. If he knew, he would definitely have a face full of cereal.

“But as for the ‘vampire’ question, I can’t draw any conclusions for you. You should observe and see for yourself…” Yang Chengzhe couldn’t help but smile. “If you feel something is off, you can always come to me for advice.”

Su Bin was touched. With Yang Chengzhe supporting him, he didn’t find Allen intimidating at all!

Besides, it was daytime now, and Su Bin was the kind of person who became easily scared at night. So every morning, Su Bin would despise himself from the previous night.

After finishing his classes in the afternoon, Su Bin reluctantly took his dog for a walk.

As soon as he saw Alexander, Su Bin felt annoyed. He would no longer be deceived by this dumb dog’s aloof appearance…

On the contrary, Alexander seemed excited when he saw Su Bin. “(╰A╯) Michael! You’re here! We still have five kilometers to run today! Let’s go!”

Su Bin: “…”

In the evening, exhausted, Su Bin returned home, took a shower, and collapsed on the bed for a while before downloading the lecture materials for today’s classes to review. After reviewing, he checked his email and was pleasantly surprised to find a response to the job application he had sent earlier to work at the stadium picking up trash!

Mr. Bin Su,

It is an honor to receive your resume. Among hundreds of applicants, we have selected you as one of our part-time employees because your name left a deep impression on us! (Su Bin: …)

Please reply to XXX to confirm your intention to work part-time. We look forward to meeting you this weekend.

—Kate, Trafford Stadium Logistics Department

Life is truly… unpredictable!

After reading the email, Su Bin felt for the first time that having a name like “Trash Bin” was actually quite nice. It’s like having a cheat code when applying for a “picking up trash” job, naturally possessing a cleaning aura…

Although he was accepted, his name was mercilessly mocked at the same time. But overall, it was a good thing, and Su Bin felt both pain and joy.

However, is it appropriate for such a famous stadium’s official logistics department to express such a “casual” hiring attitude in an email? It’s no different from hiring someone based on their looks!

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