Chapter 314, Colds are contagious

Xiao Li nodded, "Yes, because this family member is the kind of person who is afraid of being trapped by the hospital, the more we say that her son should be hospitalized, the more she thinks that this is our hospital wanting to kill her.

I really let her out of the hospital, but she felt at ease.

On the other hand, she wanted to find a scapegoat for herself, she couldn't afford to be the one who killed the child.

For such a person, you have to provoke her and force her out of the way, and she will be obedient. "

"Aren't you afraid that she will be discharged from the hospital? The child is very ill now." Yang Wangcheng said.

"Don't be afraid, just because the child is seriously ill, his mother won't really be discharged from the hospital.

As long as the child's oxygen mask was taken off and the infusion stopped, the child's appearance, as long as it was a normal person, would not take him out of the hospital, not to mention that that person was his mother. "

Yue Wenwen nodded straight while listening, "Sister, what you said makes sense!"

"Doctor Xiao, there is a patient in the emergency room." the nurse on duty called.

Xiao Li turned his head to Yue Wenwen and said, "Go down and pick up the patient! Yang Wangcheng will go together."

"it is good."

Yue Wenwen took Yang Wangcheng down the elevator, "Ah... I knew it would be like this tonight, I really never stopped!"

Yang Wangcheng looked over, "Is the night shift so busy? Why do I feel busier than the day shift."

Yue Wenwen shook his head, "No, I really want to say it, in fact, the night shift is not busy during the day shift, and even the patients admitted tonight are not as many patients as the day shift.

It’s just that there are few doctors on duty in the night shift. We not only have to take care of the patients we are responsible for, but also the patients in charge of other groups, so we are relatively busy.

And there! Tonight is a relatively busy day, not so busy on weekdays, do you know why? "

Yang Wangcheng shook his head.

Yue Wenwen glanced at him, "Because of you!"

Just as the elevator reached the first floor, Yue Wenwen walked out of the elevator with his feet raised. Yang Wangcheng followed, "What do you mean by that sentence just now? What do you mean because of me?"

"Because tonight is your first day on the night shift, the newcomers will always run into a little bit of urine, which is very annoying. When I was on the night shift on the first day, it was the same toss."

The two went to the emergency department while they were talking. After picking up the patient, they went back to the department.

In the end, when he returned to the department, he didn't see Xiao Li, and there was no one at the nurse station.

Yue Wenwen and Yang Wangcheng looked at each other, what's the situation?

It wasn't until he heard a voice from the ward in front of him that Yue Wenwen said, "Take the patient to the ward first! I'll take a look."

After saying that, he walked directly to the front ward. In the ward, Xiao Li was asking the nurse to give medicine, and the boy's mother was standing on the side crying.

Yue Wenwen came over, Xiao Li just nodded when she saw her, and when everything was dealt with here, he took Yue Wenwen out of the ward.

"Sister, what's the situation with the child?" Yue Wenwen asked.

Xiao Li said lightly, "Myocarditis caused by pneumonia in children."

"It's a big deal."

"Well, I have given him medicine just now. Please observe him more at night. What is the condition of the newly admitted patient?"

Yue Wenwen said: "The patient is eleven years old this year. He developed a low-grade fever in the afternoon. The family took him to see the doctor, but the medicine did not improve. He developed a high fever in the middle of the night, and his family sent him to the hospital.

The emergency department initially judged that it was a viral cold, so it was sent to us. "

Xiao Li nodded, and went directly to the ward to check the situation. Entering the ward, Xiao Li took the medical records and looked at the results of the blood routine. He picked up the stethoscope and listened, "Let's take another film and take a look at the lungs. Are there any infections?"

Xiao Li said that he took the form handed over by Yue Wenwen, filled it out, and asked the nurse to take the patient to check.

After the results were checked, Nurse Liu and Xiao Li said one thing, "Dr. Xiao, the two children admitted tonight are from the same school or the same class."

Xiao Li looked up at her, "How did you know?"

"When I just came back from the inspection, the mother of the two children greeted me when I passed by bed number 4."

Xiao Li's eyes moved slightly. This person's cold can be big or small. Some viral colds are also contagious. Places like schools are the most likely to infect each other.

After all, few children are sick and will consciously wear masks to school. Like the parent of the child who came in earlier, it is not like the person who will protect the child from infecting his classmates.

"Nurse Liu, when you go in to change the dressing, ask the family members of Fang Yuanlei who came in later. Which school do they belong to? If Fang Yuanlei's condition is okay, ask him if there are any others in the class. Your classmate has a cold?"

Nurse Liu nodded, "Okay, I'll ask later."

After a while, Nurse Liu came to the office to look for Xiao Li, "Dr. Xiao, I asked, they are from Siheli Primary School, Fang Yuanlei said that more than half of their classmates had a cold recently, and he was at the same table and in the front and back rows. All of them have a cold, and I have often heard them coughing in the past two days.

You said, a lot of people in this class have caught a cold, could it be something else? "

Nurse Liu was someone who participated in the anti-epidemic fight with Xiao Li back then, so she was more sensitive to this. Otherwise, she would not have immediately told Xiao Li nervously when she heard that two children with the same symptoms came from the same school.

Xiao Li shook his head, "Don't scare yourself first, the class is crowded with people, and sometimes even a small cold will catch the classmates in this class."

Xiao Li said and checked the time, it was already four in the morning, "So, I'll call the director to explain the situation and see what he has to say? You go to work first. Take precautions!"

Nurse Liu made an OK gesture and went out. As soon as she went out, Xiao Li immediately called Bai Yu.

Bai Yu, who was sleeping, got up to answer the phone as soon as she heard the ringing of the phone. After being a doctor for so many years, she was used to answering calls in the middle of the night.

"Hey, Xiaoli, what's the matter?"

Xiao Li said lightly: "Bai Yu, I have a situation to let you know. It's up to you to decide what to do?"

Xiao Li told Bai Yu the situation of the two minor patients, Bai Yu listened and asked directly, "Are their illnesses the same as those of the patients back then?"

"At present, the patient's symptoms are still the same as those of a viral cold. One of the patients has a severe disease course, and has turned into pneumonia and caused myocarditis. I took pictures of both of them. One is fine, and the other has inflammation in the lungs. .

But the film that came out was different from that of the year.

I just heard from one of them that most of the people in their class have caught a cold. I think it is unlikely that the disease was caused by that year. It is more likely to be a viral cold, but ordinary viral colds are also contagious. We can't ignore it! "

"Well, I'll go back to the hospital right now, and I'll decide when I get to see the two children!" Bai Yu got up and got dressed.

(end of this chapter)