Chapter 315, seal the tube first

Li Mei was also woken up and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"There is some situation in the hospital, I'll take a look, you can sleep a little longer." Bai Yu said lightly.

They are all medical workers, and Li Mei is used to emergencies, so she just nodded her head from side to side and went back to sleep.

In the hospital, Xiao Li hung up the phone, went to Yue Wenwen and the others, asked them to take precautions, and asked the nurse to transfer the two children to a ward first.

Yang Wangcheng asked suspiciously, "Why do you want to transfer them together?"

Xiao Li said indifferently: "In order to facilitate management, the two of them have the same illness, but one is more severe and the other is milder.

In addition, according to the children who were later admitted to the hospital, more than half of the students in their class had a cold, so they had to be careful. "

Yang Wangcheng frowned, "You are suspicious..."

"Be careful!" Xiao Li glanced at him.

Yang Wangcheng closed his mouth immediately.

Bai Yu arrived at the hospital in a short time. He lives not far away. There are not many cars on the road at the moment, and he will arrive quickly without traffic jams.

Bai Yu immediately asked Xiao Li to give him the medical records of the two children. Looking at the medical records, Bai Yu frowned and said, "I will test the two children first, and be careful.

I will report the situation to the school leaders, and they will communicate with the school to check the specific situation of this class. "

Xiao Li nodded, "Okay, I'll test these two patients first."

Bai Yu went to the office with the patient's medical records. When Yue Wenwen saw that Bai Yu had left, he immediately wailed to the sky, "Oh, you are! I knew it wouldn't be a good night, but I didn't expect it to be so bad. what!"

Yang Wangcheng touched his nose coolly, and followed Xiao Li to sample.

Bai Yu made a phone call, and the senior management of the hospital didn't sleep, and immediately contacted the school.

When the school got the feedback from the hospital, it immediately called Fang Yuanlei's head teacher to find out the situation. When she found out that more than half of the students in her class were indeed sick, the headmaster was a little lost.

After some deliberation, the school decided to arrange for other students not to return to school today, and only notify Fang Yuanlei of their class to come to school.

This decision directly caused all the class teachers in their school to be woken up by phone. After an urgent discussion, the parent notification group of each class sent out today's holiday message.

Each teacher is terrified, but he has to inform every student in place!

In the hospital, the sky is already bright, and the shift will be handed over in a while, but Xiao Li knows that she will not be able to go home from get off work normally today.

At least she can't go back until all the students in that class are tested.

took out his mobile phone, Xiao Li called Qin Xiao and explained the situation.

Qin Xiao didn't say anything, just hung up the phone and rushed to the hospital.

When    arrived at the hospital, Qin Xiao was not in a hurry to get out of the car, but was waiting for news.

In the hospital, the atmosphere in the respiratory department was a bit heavy, because after finding out Fang Yuanlei for a class, teachers from other classes also reported that some students in their class had cold symptoms.

Now this season is not the season of frequent colds, and even if the incidence is high, there will not be so many patients with colds in one school.

Although no patient has been found to have pneumonia in the past, but respiratory disease, who knows if there will be a new virus? No one can say for sure!

Of course, they don't want a new infectious disease, but they also have to be prepared for the worst.

After learning about the situation in other classes, the school immediately made adjustments, first tested Fang Yuanlei and his class, and then arranged the other classes, one class at a time. Come to school for testing.

The parents of the students were a little muttered when they were told to take the test. After all, they still remember what happened a few years ago!

Although I was a little nervous, most of the people also cooperated with the school's arrangement and went to the school on time for the test.

A small number of parents who don’t listen to the arrangement, they can’t come at home, and the school can’t do anything about it.

Anyway, what we want is big data. If one or two are not available, the impact will not be great.

If there is a situation, please notify those who do not cooperate to go to quarantine together!

After a little while, the test reports came out one by one, and the test results of these children were all right.

But there is one thing, although these people have no problem with the test, their symptoms are all similar.

For the sake of safety, after the school and the hospital communicated with the parents, all the students with symptoms were admitted to the hospital.

The hospital immediately emptied the two-story ward and changed it to a temporary isolation ward, where all these students were treated in centralized isolation.

Fang Yuanlei, who had been admitted to the hospital, and his classmate Li Xiaofeng were all transferred together.

Fang Yuanlei and his mother cooperated quite well when the two of them were transferred, but Li Xiaofeng's mother did not cooperate.

I don't know where she heard the news, saying that they were going to be transferred to isolation, so they refused to go and were discharged from the hospital!

The nurse had nothing to do with her, Yue Wenwen ran to find Xiao Li, and Xiao Li came over wearing a protective suit, "Mother Xiaofeng, I tell you! It's not up to you to be discharged from the hospital now, and you won't cooperate with the medical staff anymore. Arrangements, we have the right to hand you over to law enforcement."

Xiao Li's words naturally scare her, they didn't really treat the patient's family like this, but Li Xiaofeng's mother is the kind of bully and fear of hardship, she can't cooperate if she is not tough.

As soon as Xiao Li finished speaking, she didn't dare to make trouble anymore, and obediently cooperated with the nurse to transfer to the ward.

transferred to the ward, the ward on this side has been completely sterilized, and the school has also done sterilization.

After going back and forth like this, the news leaked, and there were all kinds of guesses on the Internet for a while!

The parents of other students in Siheli Elementary School, in particular, were frightened when they knew that their school had taken hundreds of students to the hospital for isolation.

The person in charge of the school had to stand up to answer the questions of all parties and be interviewed by the media.

During the interview, the principal was telling the truth, but he couldn’t bear the rhythm of many self-media accounts. The principal only said that some students had a viral cold. In order to prevent the infection on campus, they gathered together for treatment.

As for the school's sanitization work, that is the school that will sanitize every weekend, not just because of this incident.

The principal said it clearly enough, but after going to the Internet, the reports have changed to everything, say there is pneumonia of unknown cause, and there has been a large-scale spread on campus.

Really spread the rumors and broke the leg.

After the police quickly attacked and caught the two most powerful rumors, the Internet became quieter.

(end of this chapter)