"It took you so long to build a car - a woman?"

The night was thick, and Shen Zhijie saw it clearly only when he got close. His brow was slightly wrinkled.

"I can't help it. Jie elder brother, how to deal with this little girl? " Asked the tiger.

Shen Zhijie lowered his head and wrapped the blood hole on his palm with a piece of cloth. He glanced at the shivering woman by the wheel. He was silent for a moment: "clean up, don't leave trouble."

Deliberately low voice is very good to listen to, the tone is clean and slightly heavy, but it also has a faint coolness.

"Well, look at that!" The tiger answered and took a long iron stick to the woman.

It was a twisted steel bar with thumb thickness. He Yan picked it up from the construction site and put it in the toolbox in front of the front passenger seat. She used it for self-defense. When she put it, how could she think that it would fall into the hands of criminals and become a lethal weapon to kill her.

Live, no matter what!

He Yan's body is shaking like chaff, but there is a voice in her heart. Her parents are still there. They are gentle and kind all their lives. They can't accept her tragic death in the wild. Moreover, she has liang yuanze, who is waiting for her to meet in the past.

She really shouldn't drive along the country road alone. She shouldn't think it's safe to drive. She shouldn't have stepped on the brake when she saw someone lying on the road? She should have stepped on the gas pedal and pressed it directly!

But now is not the time to regret, she is on the verge of death.

"Please, don't kill me. I'll give you all the car and money! I will never report to the police. Please don't kill me She cried timidly. She knelt down to the man with a cold look sitting on the road. She begged: "brother, please don't kill me. For the sake of saving them when I stopped the car just now, can you let me go? I won't talk nonsense. I didn't see anything tonight. I didn't meet anything. Really, really! "

This is a fairly smart woman. Shen Zhijie can't help but look up at her. Her face is full of tears. Her facial features are upright and delicate, but she is slightly deformed because of fear. Her eyes are full of tears, shining with the light of desire. However, this does not make him forget his situation.

He was indifferent to the woman's cry, and lowered his head to bandage the wound on his hand, which was hurt when he jumped down from high altitude when he just escaped. His palm pressed on a stubble stone by the roadside and was almost cut in half.

The woman kept kowtowing and crying at his feet. His eyebrows became more and more tight, and he felt more and more irritable. In addition, it was inconvenient to tie one hand. She had to extend her hand to the skinny monkey beside her and asked the tiger in a cold voice, "what are you waiting for?"

The tiger came and picked her up like a chicken and dragged her to the grass on the road.

He Yan struggled hard, but she did not dare to scream. In the wilderness where she did not find the village before and the shop behind, no one would come. She could only tell her to die faster. Therefore, she just begged and cried.

"Tiger, wait a minute!" However, the skinny monkey who bandaged the palm of his hand to Shen Zhijie first softened. He called out the tiger and asked Shen Zhijie carefully: "brother Jie, keep this woman first. What can we do with her like this?"

Shen Zhijie's sword eyebrows wrinkled slightly and pursed his lips, but the tiger couldn't help sneering at his brother: "are you a boy? Are you excited?"

The skinny monkey laughed and asked the tiger, "what if it moved? I haven't touched a woman for more than a month. Don't you want to? "

By the bright moonlight, the tiger looked down at the woman in his hand, but he couldn't help being moved.

Both of them wavered and looked at Shen Zhijie.

Shen Zhijie's cold and ruthless sight swept from He Yan, who had been scared to be silly. His words were cold and merciless. "We are running for our lives. We want to play women and so on. You can play as you like."

He Yan shrunk uncontrollably. She tried her best not to faint and turned her beseeching eyes to the skinny monkey like man to fight for the only chance to survive. "Little brother, as long as you don't kill me, I'm willing to do anything. There are still parents in my family. They are just my daughter."

The skinny monkey is really moved, but also hard scalp, smilingly to ask Shen Zhijie: "Jie elder brother, now play also can't delay how much time."

Shen Zhijie has not yet said, but the tiger can not help laughing and scolding: "look at your achievements!"

Although scolding like this, but also did not continue to drag He Yan to the distance, and the thin monkey with the eyes longingly watching Shen Zhijie.

The only two of them were with him this time. Shen Zhijie raised his eyes and swept them. He grabbed a grass path from the side of the road and put it into his mouth. His angular face showed an expression of indifference for the first time. Finally, he shook his head and said, "this is not the time. When it's safe, I'll find ten for each of you! "

"But now -" the thin monkey was unwilling to fight for it again. Suddenly, he felt his sleeve pulled by the tiger, and he shut his mouth.

"OK, let's listen to brother Jie." The tiger replied with a smile, indicating that the skinny monkey would take the man away.

The thin monkey went straight to He Yan, picked up the man and left. The tiger looked at Shen Zhijie with a smile: "I'm going to give the skinny monkey a handle. Would you like to go to the car and have a rest? ""No. The environment in the car is too closed to detect abnormalities at the first time. " Shen Zhijie walked to the side of the road, leaning against a tree and closed his eyes

"Yes The tiger agreed and chased the thin monkey in the direction of leaving.

He Yan was carried by the skinny monkey all the way without resistance, obediently with the strength of the thin monkey, only kept begging him: "brother, don't kill me, I beg you don't kill me, I really won't say anything."

"Don't kill you, I won't kill you, as long as you're obedient!" The thin monkey's mouth to deal with, a look behind, the tiger has not caught up. The expression on his face was more and more unable to cover up. He glanced around and pulled her into the grass in a hurry.

He Yan quickly understood that the skinny monkey was trying to carry their heads on their backs. It could be an escape. He Yan's face moved.

"In the car, let's go in the car." He Yan's voice is as delicate as the sound of mosquitoes.

Then the tiger came to see him and couldn't help laughing. His face was even more obscene.

The skinny monkey is afraid to disturb Shen Zhijie. He Yan is not sure for a moment. He Yan explains: "the back seat of the car is more comfortable. It doesn't hurt people."

At this time, she was pulled into the back seat of the car, and she was pulled into the middle of the car.

Through the window of the SUV, is it OK to play a joke with the small tiger in the car window

The thin monkey cursed vaguely, "get out of here."

"Grass!" The tiger couldn't help cursing. He got up and left the car and walked two steps ahead. Then he went back to warn the people in the car: "monkey, take your mother's ease!"

"This woman is of excellent figure." The voice of the skinny monkey was full of surprise and pride. His voice was a little excited and cried, "I just made money today!"

The tiger was stunned for a moment, spat on the ground, and looked at Shen Zhijie, who was not far away from him. He said, "hurry up, don't let elder brother Jie wait for a hurry!"

The skinny monkey was busy inside and didn't pay any attention to him.

In the car, he Yan bit her lips and endured. She took a deep breath and put one arm around the man's neck, pressing his neck down without any trace. Her other hand secretly touched the bag behind the co driver's chair.

There was a knife, a very small but sharp fruit knife. Last time, Liang yuanze took her to a spring outing. On the way back, she was lazy and sleeping in the back seat. After waking up, she used that knife to cut fruit for him. At that time, she would sit in the back seat, cut the apple into small pieces with a knife, and then feed it into Liang yuanze's mouth. He would suddenly hold her finger in his mouth and would not let go of it in her scream.

She has to live. He Yan tells herself again and again that her father, mother and yuanze are still waiting for her. She can't die here, in such a humiliating and unbearable rape and murder.

He Yan finally felt the sharp weapon, and the murderer was still pressing on her. However, she had never been so calm as at the moment. Her hand slipped over his back and tried to confirm the position of her heart. However, she was not sure. She was afraid that it was too short to pierce his heart and kill him with one blow.

He Yan knew that he did not have time to hesitate. She hooked on the back of his head and raised her head to block his mouth. The man didn't know what she was trying to do and even surprised her reaction.

At that moment, he Yan's knife in his hand stabbed into his back neck without hesitation.

It is also a place to be killed by a knife. The man's thin body is stiff in an instant. He looks up and widens his eyes as if he wants to see the woman under his weight. Unfortunately, he did not have another chance. He Yan's legs tightly held his lower limbs, and pressed his hands on the back of his head. With the other hand, he held the handle of the knife, and stroked down as hard as he could, in all possible fatal places.

This sharp weapon is so important that she brought it back from abroad.

She had to reach out to cover, eyes were almost covered by blood, the body of talent finally stopped struggling, warm body only a faint twitch. He Yan did not dare to let go at will, she secretly glanced out of the car, the fierce tall man stood not far away from the car, and the other "Jie Ge" was still on the side of the road.

The car didn't turn off. She didn't turn off the car when she got off to check. She had to crawl quickly to the front, lock the door, and drive away without disturbing them.

It's the only chance she'll survive.

He Yan took a deep breath and gently pushed away the thin man on her body.

Shen Zhijie is keeping his eyes closed and thinking about what to do next. They have escaped more than 1000 kilometers. Nanzhao city is not far away, but the future is still uncertain. When they come back, they must get to Nanzhao as soon as possible.

It was more and more quiet around him. He was a little lost in his mind, and his nervous system was a little slack. Even he didn't make a sound at the first time. The lights, which were extinguished for fear of being noticed, flashed on suddenly. He looked up in amazement and rushed to the road. He saw the white SUV rushing towards him like crazy.The strong light made him lose sight for a short time, but he could see clearly the driver just now. It was the woman who just cried and begged. Now she was with half of her face's blood, and the other half was as white as a ghost. Only those eyes were as dark as that, without the cover of tears, full of crazy hatred and burning eyes.

"Jie Ge --" tiger exclaimed, without hesitation, he pushed him to one side who had no time to respond. Without thinking, Shen Zhijie's body instinctively rolled to the side of the road, and the wheel rubbed his shoulder, but the tiger was hit by the front of the car, and it fell down more than ten meters away, making a dull sound.

Without stopping, the car ran over the tiger's legs and left.

He Yan clutching the steering wheel with both hands, only to slam on the gas pedal. The car raced along the country road until it ran into the bright streets of the city, which suddenly stopped. Her whole body is shaking uncontrollably. Her hands are shaking. She can't hold her cell phone, let alone press Liang yuanze's number.

"Ah -" she let out a low, low roar like a wild animal, opened her mouth and bit her wrist, until the pain stopped shaking. Then she could press Liang yuanze's phone and said in tears, "report to the police, yuanze, report, I have an accident."

She drove to his city alone late at night. Originally, she just wanted to give him a surprise.

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