Liang yuanze came very fast, faster than the police. He took he Yan out of the car, wrapped it in his suit and coat, and carefully carried it to his car. He Yan has been shivering. Liang yuanze can only hold her tightly and put his lips on her ear to comfort her: "it's OK, Yanyan, it's OK. With me, the police will be there soon. When they come, I'll take you to the hospital."

The police car arrived soon with flashing lights. Then they took the body of the skinny man out of He Yan's car and carried it away in a body bag. A policewoman came to see he Yan's situation and tried to further inquire about the case. Liang yuanze suppressed his anger and said with restraint: "my girlfriend has been seriously injured. She needs to go to the hospital for treatment."

That policewoman is very reasonable, immediately sent someone to send He Yan to the hospital, and allowed Liang yuanze to accompany her. He Yan gradually calmed down, but her voice was hoarse. She told Liang yuanze nervously, "don't let my parents know, don't let them know."

Liang yuanze's eyes were more red than he Yan. He tightly grasped her hand and said to her, "don't worry. They won't know. Yan Yan, don't be afraid. I'm here."

It seems that he Yan's soul and energy have been exhausted in the life and death struggle just now, leaving only one body, obediently obeying their arrangements, going for physical examination, injury examination, treatment, and even going to accept female police's inquiry. She only in the face of Liang yuanze, eyes slightly will be slightly lively, murmured to him: "yuanze, did I have a nightmare?"

Liang yuanze hugged her tightly and firmly told her: "it's just a nightmare. It will pass soon."

He never cheated her, and things turned better every day. Every time he came to see her, he brought good news. On the 15th day, he came back and told her, "the man named Jie Ge who escaped was caught. They were all from the dark forces. Two of them were full of adultery and plunder. You can't do too much. You're OK, Yanyan, you It will be all right. "

She was stunned at first, and then she burst into tears. The invisible fear pressed in her heart finally found an outlet to vent. "I'm afraid, yuanze, I'm really afraid. I'm afraid that person will come back to revenge. If you don't see the look in his eyes at that time, he will kill me."

Liang yuanze still hugged her and told her in a slow but firm voice: "no, he can't come out to hurt you, he won't come out, the lawyer said he would never come out. Don't be afraid, Yan Yan. I'll be with you all the time. When it's over, we'll get married. We'll have a big house, have two children, and have a dog and a cat. We'll keep the house going! "

He Yan's eyes fell on the empty place, staring in a daze, showing the scene he described to her.

"Don't be afraid, Yan Yan. Time will erase everything. Slowly, I always forget that nightmare." Liang yuanze said softly.

Four years later, Nanzhao city.

Nanzhao city is surrounded by mountains and rivers. It has been a famous scenic spot since ancient times. He Yan's parents didn't intend to leave their hometown when they were old, but they really like the environment here. In addition, he Yan planned to marry her fiance soon, so he sold the house of her hometown and moved to Nanzhao with her daughter.

The house is bought in the opposite side of He Yan's current residential area. Across a narrow road, she can't even take ten minutes to walk. Even Liang yuanze can't help teasing her: "this mother's home is near, running is convenient, but I'm afraid you're impatient to be controlled by your parents, and you'll complain to me in a few days."

He Yan squinted at him, curled up in the sofa, flipped through the magazine in her hand, and deliberately stretched her voice into coquetry: "husband, the salary of other people this month has run out, and the beauty card has no money to do."

Liang yuanze laughs helplessly: "wife adult, pay card for husband is in your hand, do you still need to spend money from me?"

"You have to say hello." She cocked her mouth and laughed, then straightened her legs and kicked Liang yuanze with her toes: "ah? Yuanze, when shall we go to the hospital for a physical examination? I'm going to have babies as soon as we get married. People said that the man should also check it, both sides in good condition, the baby will be strong! "

They have been together for so many years, and it's time to have a baby when they get married.

"Do I have any physical problems?" Liang yuanze grabbed her restless foot and rubbed it lightly and lightly. However, he leaned over and said vaguely, "don't you know?"

They had lived together two years ago. Naturally, they were very close.

He Yan chuckled and gently kicked him, "go aside. If you don't go to the hospital, I won't go either!"

Liang yuanze has always been obedient to her. She followed her to the hospital for examination within two days. Both of them were in good condition. The doctor only prescribed some vitamin tablets for He Yan to take during pregnancy. It was nearly noon when the two people came out of the hospital and had a simple lunch outside. Liang yuanze drove directly to the company, but he Yan walked around the shopping center first, and then drove back to the school park.

She worked in a small school Park, which had just been upgraded to an advanced school park. She worked hard to set up several school districts, but there were not so many office buildings for a moment. So she crammed the lecturers of several colleges into one building. As usual, he Yan parked her car in the shade behind the office building. When she got off, a black SUV happened to come in from the outside and parked close to her car.This car is very strange. It doesn't seem to be the lecture of the school master. He Yan can't help slowing down and looking at it more.

When the door was opened, a man with sunglasses stepped out of the car. Dressed in a shirt and jeans, he Yan was tall and slender. He Yan looked very thin. However, he Yan was a person who used to go to the gym. She knew that her figure was typical. She was wearing thin clothes and taking off meat. Although the man looked thin, he was likely to have strong muscles under his clothes.

However, she was not interested in it. She loved Liang yuanze so much that she almost turned a blind eye to men other than him. Most of them were vague in her eyes, so they didn't care about beauty or ugliness.

The man was holding the door to look at her. He asked, "Miss, is the office of the foreign language college in this building?"

His voice is very distinctive, deep and pleasant, but also has an indescribable cool. In summer, it should have been very comfortable to hear, but he Yan's ear shocked her. That short and long-term nightmare, which has been pressed into the memory of her, is like a flash of reappearance.

Under the moonlight, the man's sharp blade like vision swept over her face. He said, "clean up, don't leave trouble behind."

That voice, she will never forget in her whole life.

He Yan as if to see a fierce ghost, "help" two words stuck in the throat can not shout out, can only stare at the man in front of him in fear, panic to step back. In panic, the heel of high-heeled shoes stepped into the gap between the floor tiles, her body lost balance, and the whole person fell heavily on the ground.

The man reached out and took off his sunglasses. He came to her and asked, "are you OK, miss?"

She kept moving back and yelled in horror, "don't come here, don't come here. There are a lot of people here. They will come at once!"

The man had to stop, smile helplessly, and explain to her: "Miss, I don't know why you have such a reaction, but I have no malicious intention. If I made you feel scared, then I'm sorry, I will leave now."

He said, step by step slowly back, and then kindly leaned down, asked her: "it doesn't matter if you are alone? Do you want me to call someone else? "

He Yan did not speak, but shrunk her body and looked at him in a frightened and alert way.

“OK! OK! I'll leave right away The man gently comforted her, raised his wrist to look at his watch, and then pointed to his car, adding: "Miss, I will be back in about half an hour to drive."

He said nothing more and strode away.

The sun is shining in the sky, but he Yan's whole body seems to have just come out of the ice cave, shivering with cold. She was still sitting on the ground, her skirt was covered with dust, and her skinned palm hurt faintly. But he Yan didn't care. She shook her hands and took out her mobile phone from her purse and dialed Liang yuanze's phone.

"Here he is! He has found it She was like a frightened bird, only to repeat a sentence.

"Who?" Asked Liang yuanze.

She replied flustered, "it's him. I see him! He came back to me

Time seems to be back to a long time ago, she cried countless times to wake up from the dream, panic told him "they" found. Liang yuanze was a little silent, and then he comforted her in a soft voice: "Yan Yan, it's OK. They are all dead. The three people are dead. Don't be afraid. Tell me where you are now?"

I don't know whether her fiance's calm voice calmed her down, or whether the strong summer sun finally drove her away from the cold a little bit. He Yan slowly calmed down and replied, "I'm in the School Park, just behind the office building."

"Is there anyone around?" Liang yuanze asked again.

She looked around, and there were people passing by the intersection in the distance. Some students saw her and hesitated to come here.

"There are students coming." She replied.

Liang yuanze gave a gentle laugh and joked with her: "wipe your face quickly, and be careful that the students will laugh at you. It's such a hot day. Are you a little heatstroke? Are you wrong

This reason is really persuasive. He Yan gave a low "um" voice. Before hanging up the phone, the boy who came to check out the phone already asked her: "Mr. He, are you ok?"

He Yan knows this boy. He is a student of the foreign language department and a cadre of the student union. He often comes to the office area to help. "It's OK. I'm fine." She said goodbye to Liang yuanze in a hurry. After hanging up the phone, she explained to the boy: "I just walked carelessly and sprained my foot."

She smiles awkwardly and tries to get up on her own.

The boy rushed to help her and asked, "can I still walk? You don't have to go to the hospital to have a look. "

He Yan's heel is not high, but she doesn't twist badly. She stands there and moves her ankle. She tries to step on the ground. Although it hurts a little, it doesn't hurt much. She waved her hand, declined the boy's help and walked slowly into the office building. As soon as she entered the office, a colleague called her: "Mr. He said that you are here at the right time. Parents of students are looking for you."

She looked up and saw the man standing against the window with his pocket in front of him. He turned his head and looked at the door. Her eyes fell on her. Her first reaction was to seize the door and escape. However, her body seemed to be fixed on its prey by natural enemies and could not move.But he nodded to her and said politely and politely, "Hello, Mr. He."

Colleagues did not pay attention to He Yan's anomaly, and gave her a brief introduction: "this is the elder brother of a classmate in your class. Come to handle the drop out procedures for his sister."

He Yan doesn't speak and stares at the man.

two voices as like as two peas in the brain, a voice shouting wildly, "it's him, the killer. They have the same voice and have the same face."

Another rational voice told her: "He Yan, please calm down, that murderer has been executed, this is what yuanze has confirmed. It is impossible for a man to come back from the dead. This is another man, a man who has nothing to do with him. He is just like the murderer. "

The man chuckled, a little helpless, "master he, I am not a tiger, do not eat people. I'm Yu Jia's cousin. My name is Fu Shenxing. Look, this is my ID card. " He said, actually took out the ID card from the wallet, went to He Yan in front of, wanted to pass the ID card to her to see.

He Yan subconsciously shrunk back. He saw that he stopped on the way, leaned over and put the ID card on the table between them, and then reached out to her, "you can check it."

Colleagues looked confused, puzzled at He Yan and asked, "what's wrong with him?"

He Yan didn't answer. She picked up the ID card on the table. She looked at the man warily and looked down at the ID card carefully. Her name was Fu Shenxing, male, 28 years old. The address was written in Nanzhao. The man in the photo was very young, just like he was in his early twenties. He had regular short hair, handsome face and gentle temperament.

She carefully looked at the back, which was marked with the date of the issue of the ID card, and calculated that it happened to be taken when he was 20 years old.

Such a gentle young man does not really look like a murderer from the dark forces.

He Yan breathed a sigh of relief, stabilized her mood for a while, returned her ID card and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Mr. Fu, it's my fault. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding."

Fu Shenxing gave a faint smile and did not ask what the misunderstanding was. He said simply and clearly: "master he, Yu Jia had been on sick leave because of her health. Her family discussed that she should drop out of school and go abroad for recuperation. Her home is out of town, so it's inconvenient for her parents to come over and entrust me to handle the drop out procedures for her , the fastest update of the webnovel!