Chapter 20: The Obnoxious Lord Bishop

How does it feel to be surrounded by five knights who are taller and stronger than you, fully armed?

Tess could hardly breathe.

She stiffened and was escorted into the knight’s quarters behind the church.

The paladins dispersed, Pei Xia sat in front of her and said seriously: “Miss Tess, please be careful not to show your face in the next few days. You must not be discovered by the people here so as not to surprise the snake.”

Tess nodded, “I understand.”

When Tess was being transported to the underground brothel, she had her eyes closed the whole time she was travelling in the carriage before arriving at the underground brothel. So she was unable to determine where it was located.

In order to wipe out this group of hateful criminals, a proper and careful investigation was required.

“Tom,” Persia ordered, “Go and find a nun’s outfit that can cover her head and face. We need to have Miss Tess pretend to be Lord Saints’ maid of honour so that no one will be suspicious.”

“Yes Captain, I’m on my way!” Tom nodded earnestly.

“Jack, you and Beta are more resourceful, when Beta returns later, you work with him to find a way to get on good terms with the local paladins, and I’ll leave the task of gathering information to you!”

“Don’t worry Captain, I promise to get the job done!”

Pei Xia looked at Buck and Mallory again, “Buck, Mallory, you two are responsible for Miss Tess’s safety, one of you must stay with Miss Tess at all times, do you understand?”


After instructing them, Peixia breathed a sigh of relief and stood up, ready to go to Lucifer, as Lucifer’s personal knight, it was only right that he should always be by his side.

But as Lucifer had not said what to do with Tess, Pei Xia had to go on his own.

“Are you leaving?” Tess sat on the edge of the bed, her hands resting on her knees a little restlessly.

“Yes, but don’t worry, Buck and the others are very good gentlemen and will never hurt you,” Pei Xia patiently comforted her.

There was no way for Lucifer to be jealous as he couldn’t see anyway.

Tess bit her lower lip, her eyes slowly becoming determined as she nodded and said, “I’ll take care of myself, you be careful too.”

“Yes, I will.”

After leaving the place, Pei Xia went to look for Lucifer, and on the way ran into the last remaining paladin, who was in charge of the horses and therefore came over later.

“Lanta, come here.”

“Captain, what is it?”

Pei Xia came up to his ear and said, “You have been given an important task, investigate who are the people who buy horse feed in large quantities in the city, exclude the normal military, noble families and merchant caravans etc and record anything unusual.”

“Understood Captain, I’m on my way!”

“Right, it would be good if we could investigate where these abnormal feeds go.”

“I’ll do my best!” Lanta patted his chest.

Pesha patted him on the shoulder in relief, “Go for it!”

Tess had identified two clergymen so far, a bishop of a branch church and a regular priest whose names Tess had heard when she was in the underground brothel.

Tess also said that those who went there were rich and powerful people, those ordinary people could not get in, and how could these people, who had no shortage of money and power, come out for pleasure?

They must have gone there comfortably in their carriages. For a night’s journey, the number of fodders consumed by dozens of horses gathered together will be a lot, so the scope of the investigation can be greatly reduced if they start investigating with this information.


By the time Pei Xia arrived at Lucifer’s side, Lucifer had already checked on the daily affairs of the branch church. In any case, knowing in advance that the Holy Son would be coming over, they would certainly present the church beautifully.

Even after it was late, in the evening, Bishop Andren kept a close eye on Lucifer and invited him to share a meal with the priests.

His Holiness was becoming more and more beautiful. Andren remembered that the last time he had seen him was five years ago when he was not as attractive as he was now.

He was so holy and pure, yet he had such mesmerising magic about him that Andren, a lousy old man who liked to play with women, couldn’t help but feel his heart rippling staring at his face.

Lucifer gave a not-so-subtle, cold look of disgust, and Pei Xia, who had just arrived, swiftly came in front of him.

“Of course, it just so happens that our Lord Saint Son has had a long day of travel and wishes to rest as soon as possible after dinner.”

“That is natural.” Andren’s smile was amiable, “I am Bishop Andren, your Excellency must be a knight of Lord Son’s, please don’t worry, we will take care of Lord Son, you can go and eat your dinner without worry.”

With that, he yelled and called a guard over to prepare to take Pei Xia to the knight’s dining room for dinner.

“There is no need, I am the knight of Lord Saint Son’s personal guard.” Pei Xia said seriously, “I will always be at the side of the Holy Son, please don’t be so polite, I will just eat with everyone.”

Andren’s smile nearly failed to hold, who’s being polite with you, you obtrusive stinking knight!

He was about to say a few more words when Lucifer spoke up, “When I was in the main church, Pei Xia ate and slept with me, this is my personal knight.”

Pei Xia: “…… Uh, yes!” Male lord, male lord, you’re exaggerating a bit with that.

He didn’t think that Lucifer would be so afraid of Andren. But also a person as disgusting as Andren would be hated by anyone who saw him.

It’s a pity that they were afraid that if they exposed them immediately, there would be fish that would slip through the net.

When they arrived at the dining room, there was a guard at the entrance, the rest were either priests or nuns who sat at the table.

Andren pulled out the chair for Lucifer enthusiastically: “Saint—”

With a squeak, Pei Xia sat down and helped open another chair beside him.

Lucifer smiled and sat down beside him. Andren’s face became a little embarrassed, but he had good patience and didn’t say anything, only his eyes went to the chair on the other side of Lucifer ready to walk over and sit down.

Just then, Pei Xia grabbed Andren’s shirt and yanked it down with a quick eye, and with a thud, the Bishop was forced to sit in the chair next to Pei Xia.

Andren smiled hard and didn’t have the heart to get up again.

He tried to lean forward or back to get past Pei Xia and communicate with Lucifer, but the obtrusive paladin always managed to get in his way just right.

Andren was a little annoyed.

He was the boss in this branch of the church, and the old man, who was used to being praised by the crowd, couldn’t bear the resistance and contempt of others, so he stood up with a smile, and poured two glasses of holy wine.

“Lord Saint Son, as a gesture of welcome to you, I come to toast you! Please do accept my heart!”

“In that case, I’ll be obliged.”

Lucifer rose without haste and was about to take the wine from Andren’s hand when Pei Xia rose.

He stood up and made an exaggerated squeak. He crashed into Anderon and fell to the ground,  “‘m sorry, I thought Lord Bishop gave me the other glass of wine.”

Andren, “That’s mine!”

Pei Xia laughed sarcastically and scratched his head, pulled him up and turned around to meet Lucifer who had been splashed with the holy wine.

Pei Xia, “…… I didn’t mean to do that.”

Lucifer, “…… I believe you.”

And so the dinner ended with Pei Xia’s enthusiastic messed up troubles.