Chapter 21: Lick clean and witty Pei Xia

Facing Lucifer whose clothes were soiled, Pei Xia felt uneasy and guilty. He always felt that Lucifer had suffered a lot of grievances by his side.

This dinner certainly could not continue, fortunately, Lucifer does not eat a lot. He elegantly wiped his mouth with a napkin, he still looked noble as a god despite the wine stains on his clothes, “I am full, thank the God of Light.”      

“Lord Holy Son, I’ll take you to rest!”

After that, Andren and others took Lucifer and Pei Xia to a comfortable and luxurious guest room, in order not to expose Lucifer’s “eat and live together” lie, Pei Xia had to once again go to Lucifer’s room to sleep on the floor.      

This skilled process of doing things looked really heartbreaking.      

Andren warm-heartedly planned to arrange for the nun to come and serve Lucifer to bathe and change clothes but was refused. Lucifer pointed to Pei Xia and said, “It’s okay, he will help me.    

Anderon disliked Pei Xia a little and tried to continue to persuade, but had to leave in shame after Lucifer said a few words.     

Because in Lucifer’s mouth, even being served by a nun is also an expression of indulging oneself in dishonouring the gods.      

Pei Xia listened silently on the sidelines, always feeling that Lucifer was a little pretentious. When he was in the Church of God, he never saw Lucifer so self-reliant.

Of course, Lucifer’s dirty clothes are not very good for others to wash, and Pei Xia is also ready to do the laundry.

However, after everyone left and the door was closed, Lucifer sat on the crimson velvet chair with his right leg on his left, his elbows against the armrests of the chair, his hands crossed, and looked at Pei Xia with a smile.

Pei Xia bowed in front of him tremblingly: “Master Holy Son, please dress…”

Lucifer interrupted him with a smile, and said, “Lick it clean.”

Pei Xia, “…?”

Lucifer’s expression didn’t change in the slightest, with a smile on his mouth he said, “I mean, wash me clean.”

Pei Xia suddenly realized, and he breathed a sigh of relief, inwardly scorning how he made such an exaggerated appearance, Pei Xia, Pei Xia, you are so evil!    

Lucifer was such a gentle and good man! “Yes Lord Saint Son, please give it to this subordinate!” 

Pei Xia said embarrassed, “I will wash it clean for you!”      

Pei Xia prepared the hot bath water for Lucifer, adding a few drops of essential oil provided by the church, then after serving Lucifer into the water, Pei Xia carried the dirty clothes to the compartment and started rubbing the clothes.

He was like a conscientious little slave serving the master diligently.

Before the clothes were washed, Lucifer shouted, “Pei Xia!”

“Come on!” Pei Xia washed his hands full of foam and rushed over.

Lucifer soaked in the hot water, and his skin turned pale pink. Although this was not the first time Pei Xia saw Lucifer taking a bath, he still felt that the other party’s appearance was radiant and beautiful.

He couldn’t help but take a step back to appease his little heart, “Sir, what is your order?”

“Can you rub my back?” Lucifer blinked at him with big innocent eyes.

“Of course!” It’s quite normal for good buddies to rub their backs. Pei Xia suppressed his beating heart, took a deep breath, knelt behind Lucifer, put his hands behind him, closed his eyes, and started rubbing.

Lucifer, “Left, right, down… ah yes, I don’t know why I always feel a lingering smell of alcohol in front of me.”

Pei Xia opened his eyes with a guilty conscience, “Sir, Holy Son, you What do you mean?”

Lucifer turned around, facing Pei Xia, he looked at him with a very sad look, “This smell makes me uncomfortable, Pei Xia, can you help me solve it?”

Pei Xia nodded, “Of course!”

However, even the essential oil bath can’t suppress this smell? Pei Xia’s eyes lit up, thinking of the laundry soap that was very useful when washing clothes.

“Please wait a moment!”

Lucifer, who was waiting for the opponent to rub his chest, watched Pei Xia run to get a piece of laundry soap, and gave it to himself with sparkling eyes, “Sir, you can definitely get rid of it with this.”

Lucifer tried to struggle, “I think, maybe it doesn’t have to be like this…”     

Pei Xia, “There’s no way, although it’s a bit wasteful, for the sake of the Holy Son, this is the only way!”

Xia poured a whole bar of soap into the tub, and in an instant, the whole room was filled with the rich fragrance of roses. 1Here, the translation said a whole bottle of essential oil was poured out but that would not make sense with the previous context of a soap bar, so I modified it a little bit. If it is wrong feel free to write in the comment section.

Lucifer, “…”

Pei Xia looked at him indulgently, “How about the Son of God, do you still smell alcohol?”

Lucifer looked at him and said slowly, “Next time, no need to be so wasteful.”

Pei Xia, “It’s the right thing to do for the sake of Lord Saint Son!” 


After bathing, Pei Xia helped Lucifer put on his pyjamas with his legs tucked with a straight face, then opened the window and stood by the window to calm down.

Mom! I almost choked to death by the smell in the house.

Lucifer sat by the bed and seemed to be in a good mood after taking a bath. He took the initiative to ask about Miss Tess’s situation, and Pei Xia told Lucifer about the order he issued.

Lucifer looked at him and nodded with a smile, “Good.”

“Sir, do you think I should follow Anderon tonight?” Pei Xia asked for instructions.

In fact, in this branch church, Lucifer was very safe. After all, it wasn’t like Andren could kidnap him in an underground brothel.

“We’ve just arrived,  Andren will definitely be very vigilant. I think he won’t go to that kind of place in the next two days.” Lucifer said. “So, we have to stall for some time so that Andren will surely be unable to resist revealing himself.”

“Lord Saint Son is so wise!” Pei Xia clapped in unison, “Then I won’t follow him tonight?

“Good.” Lucifer raised his finger to the ground and flicked a small cloud of holy light, making the cold bed on the floor warm and fluffy, “So get some rest for tonight.”

Pei Xia nodded and turned off the light, got into the bed and covered his head with the quilt.

What he didn’t see was that Lucifer was standing by the window in the night, instead of him.


Three days were enough for Lucifer to charm the priests here, each of them treating him as a guide to the faith and were on extremely good terms.     

But perhaps the bright image of Lucifer was so deeply rooted that none of the men here showed any intention of inviting him to have a good time.     

Pei Xia followed Andren during the night, and the other man was so discreet that he did not go to the underground brothel. 

Inside the room, Lucifer and Pei Xia discussed the matter face to face. 

Pei Xia, “My lord son, did you see how many priests are involved in this matter?”

Not all the priests in this sub-church were bad people, and if they were all bad people, it would be easier to deal with them.    

Lucifer nodded gently, “About a few.” 

Pei Xia was surprised because he did not suspect anyone other than the known two, “You are really great, I could not see it at all! How did you determine them?”

“Dirty soul.”  

Pei Xia was unsure and cooperated with an expression of dawning realization. 

Lucifer added, “But I can’t be sure that this is the full list.”      

“I think, if we can penetrate inside the enemy group, we can capture them all without missing a single one.” Pei Xia thoughtfully suggested after seriously considering, “Lord Saint Son, would you mind defiling your image for the trust of the enemy?”  

Lucifer looked at him with interest and asked, “Of course, I don’t mind, but how do you want me to do it?”     

Pei Xia said, “Perhaps you should act a little more vulgar and lustful, such as flirting with women in word and deed?”      

Lucifera couldn’t help but fold his hands and show a worried look, “Pei Xia, shouldn’t innocent women be frightened by this?”      

“You are right, then the object of the molestation ……” Pescia scratched her head, thinking that the only woman who knew the truth and was strong enough to be around at the moment was Tess, “Let Miss Tess play the part?” 

Lucifer frowned, saying disapprovingly, “Pei Xia, how can you let Miss Tess again suffer from psychological damage?” 

Pei Xia was ashamed, “You are right, I am not careful enough. It’s just that in that case, this method won’t work.”  

Lucifer leisurely said, “Since it is an act, there is no need to be bound to gender, Pei Xia, I think you should be able to understand.”      

Pei Xia was enlightened and said happily, “Of course, for paladins, justice is the most important!”      

Lucifer looked at Pei Xia, his eyes full of smiles and hints, “Then, it is up to you-”      

Pei Xia, “Let me inform Buck!”  

Lucifer, “?”