Chapter 22: Drills and practice

Buck, the most gentle and graceful among the knights, was the only one who would not be exposed as a woman.

Before Pei Xia had asked him to take care of Alice, now, Buck was taking care of Miss Tess, and Buck, who was in close contact with the ladies, would be more comfortable playing the role.

Pei Xia took Lucifer’s hand and shook it up and down in excitement, “You’re so clever, Lord Holy Son, Buck will be able to do this job perfectly!”

When Lucifer tried to redeem himself, he heard Pei Xia sigh in a general way, “Luckily, Buck isn’t that tall, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to pretend to be a woman.”

Lucifer then silently stopped talking.

It’s just that Pei Xia, who was 5’8″, probably couldn’t have imagined that he was the candidate that he was initially thinking of.

The next day, Pei Xia quietly found Buck and gave him his orders, they found a woman’s dress, and then put a wig on Buck, Pei Xia stared at Buck’s breasts and legs and said, “No, it’s not quite right.”

Ranta volunteered, “I can go and help buy a girl’s underwear.”

“And a razor.” Pesha rubbed her chin, “To shave your legs!”

“I can’t buy it back until tomorrow.”

“That’s okay, there’s no rush to rehearse today first.”

Then, Pei Xia went back and mysteriously dragged Lucifer to a hidden nook.

Buck, who had a flat chest and hairy legs, showed his teeth to Lucifer as he gave a salute and thumped his fist against his chest, “Don’t worry, Lord Holy Son, this subordinate will complete the task!”

Peixia said enthusiastically, “A kind, gentle and graceful man like Lord Saint Son has never offended a woman. Suddenly acting in front of an old fox like Andren can easily be seen through, Lord Saint son, please come and rehearse it once, so that you can deceive Andren!”

After saying that, Pei Xia could not help but sigh that he was a good and attentive subordinate, patting his superior’s back and making the task go smoother at the same time.

Lucifer stood still, watching Buck in silence as he could not reach out his hand.

Knowing he was shy, Pei Xia advised, “My Lord, Buck is a man, this is just acting, I’m sure you can do it!”

Encouraged by the kind-hearted paladin, the introverted and pure Son lifted his hand with difficulty.

Raising it in mid-air and trembling, Pei Xia couldn’t bear to look at it and stepped forward, grabbing Lucifer’s wrist and sending it forward, “Lord Saint Son, you can’t be shyer than a girl when you’re molesting her!”

Lucifer, “……”

Pei Xia panted as he tugged Lucifer’s hand towards Buck’s chest and pressed it, but after half a day of tugging, he looked back and saw that Lucifer was closing his eyes and frowning slightly, as if in great pain.

Pei Xia’s heart was in doubt, ‘Was Lucifer too civilized and polite, or did Lucifer hate men too much?’

Pei Xia let go of Lucifer’s wrist.

LucifeR immediately opened his eyes and smiled with difficulty, “Sorry, I don’t know what to ……”

“It doesn’t matter! Lord Saint Son, it’s not your fault.”

Pei Xia interrupted Lucifer’s words of apology, could a superior be at fault? Maybe there would be, but there was no point in holding on to it when it was irrelevant.

Pei Xia had a bright idea and happily said to Buck and Lucifer, “Indeed, it is too abrupt to actively molest a girl with the image of Lord Saints. Otherwise this way, Buck, you play a passionate girl who is having an affair with Lord Saints, be more active, and as long as Lord Saint does not show his disgust, those old foxes can surely guess that Saint Son is lustful!”

After hearing this, Buck raised his hand and slapped his thigh, “That’s easy! You’re so witty, Captain.”

There is no shortage of fans of Lord Saint Son? Just learn from them!

“Let’s rehearse it.” With that, Pei Xia looked at Lucifer and Buck with an encouraging gaze.

Buck showed a pretentious smile, he raised his hand and brushed his hair enchantingly.

Lucifer subconsciously took a step back.

Then, he was held up from behind by the warm-hearted paladin.

Pei Xia held him up and encouraged him to not let him run, “Lord Saint Son, this is what you proposed, I’m sure you can do it!”

At this moment, Lucifer hated himself beyond measure for having promised Peixia. It was just that he had always been pure, honest, trustworthy and gentle …… so all he could do was smile strongly.

Eventually, the leggy lady knight leaned into the arms of the holy son lord and smiled wickedly as she drew circles on Lucifer’s chest with her fingers.

At this moment, Lucifer transcended, looking lovingly at Buck with the gaze of a God who loves all beings equally, before gently stepping out and pushing the other man away.

At the same time, Pei Xia’s hand also left Lucifer’s back.

He applauded, “Well done my lord saint, it will be absolutely fine to keep this up tomorrow!”

Lucifer’s smile was misty as he drifted back into the room without a word.


The next day, wigs, dresses, lipstick, clean-shaven calves and bulging chests – together they created a new Buck.

Buck shook his fist confidently, “I will definitely complete this task!”

Peixia patted him on the shoulder, “Good, you must have this kind of confidence!”

Pei Xia then quietly went elsewhere, spotted the route that Andren’s inner circle would take, and arranged for Lucifer and Buck to meet at a hidden section of that route.

“Pei Xia.” The kind lord Saint Son  spoke softly, “How long will it stay like this?”

At the moment, he was standing motionless, with Buck playing the role of the passionate lady holding him in a snuggling position around his neck.

Lucifer’s back was straight and he was staring ahead, where, hidden away, was an eager paladin who was looking over his shoulder.

Without turning back, Pei Xia kept his eyes on the priest on the road, “He’s coming soon, almost there, eh …… he’s stopped.”

Lucifer breathed a sigh of relief and was about to push Buck away first when he heard Pei Xia say, “Ah, he’s just picking his feet and coming this way again!”

Lucifer dropped his hand.

Pie Xia: “Huh, he’s stopped again, looks like he’s bumped into someone he knows.”

Lucifer raised his hand slightly.

Peixia, “Phew – just a quick hello and he’s coming over again!”

Lucifer, “……”

Finally, the priest came over, and Lucifer gently pushed Buck away from his body, who covered his face shyly and stomped away, and at that moment, looking at the priest’s thoughtful look of surprise, Lucifer just felt the blue sky, the blue water and white clouds, the flowers were so beautiful, the grass was so lovely.

It was all over, at last.

“Good afternoon Father.” Pei Xia pretended to be embarrassed and gave a hasty salute to the priest, then followed Lucifer back.

As he passed the priest, Lucifer whispered these words to him.

“I will remember your tardiness today, and may the God of Light still bless you.”