Chapter 23: To protect Pei Xia’s Holy Son

A performance that was not particularly good, but in which each actor did his best, came to an end.

Andren, as old a fox as he is to have stood in the branch church for many years, had the composure not to believe in Lucifer’s performance immediately.

And now, five days after Lucifer and the others had stayed at the Chapel, the business of the Chapel had been inspected and Lucifer had conducted two prayer services, attracting for himself more fans of the city of Abrulla.

Now, unless Tess’s presence was directly singled out, there was little reason for them to stay any longer.

Pei Xia thought hard and hammered his palm, “No, Lord Holy Son, the underground brothel is not open these days and it is difficult to even investigate from the horse feed side, we have to find a way to stay a few more days.”

Lucifer stood next to him and looked out into the sunny, tree-lined courtyard and smiled slightly, “Why to think of anything, as long as we continue to rest here we will be able to convey the message we want to send to Andren.”

It took a few moments for Pei Xia to realise that by saying nothing and stalling here slowly, he would be able to make Andren and the others think that the Holy Son was a man who was outwardly great and upright but was actually greedy for pleasure and afraid of suffering.

In this way, the drama of the Holy Son’s private meeting with his lover, which Andren’s confidant had bumped into earlier, would also make more sense.

Pei Xia looked at Lucifer with admiration and said, “Lord Holy Son, your wisdom is as dazzling as the God of Light, it makes us admire you!”

Lucifer looked sideways, his eyes taking on a slightly helpless look, “Pei Xia, there is no need for such praise, you are doing well too.”

Pei Xia bowed to him and took up his service to his superior again, “Wouldn’t it be boring for His Holiness to stay in the courtyard all the time? Why don’t we take a stroll around the city of Abrulla? I heard that magical exchanges are popular here in the Green Leaf Square, perhaps you would like to go and view them?”

Pei Xia did not propose this to Lucifer for no reason, because he suddenly remembered that in the original novel, Lucifer had also been to the Green Leaf Square, although the exact plot had been forgotten, Pei Xia remembered that there Lucifer met the Great Prince of the Kingdom of Sumi Agada.

Afterwards, Lucifer was invited by the prince to go to Sumi Agada to preach, where he met his third confidante – Her Royal Highness the Princess!

Pei Xia, who had already unintentionally broken the red thread between Lucifer and Tess, was not very brave to continue breaking the third one.

“Of course, I’m interested in that too.” Lucifer readily agreed.

After that Pei Xia ran off to deliver the order to the restless paladins to remain calm, and when several of them wondered why Pei Xia explained it to them.

It dawned on Buck and the others, “So that’s what happened!”

And they praised in unison: “As expected of Lord Saint Son! As expected of the captain selected personally by the Lord Saint Son!”

Even Pei Xia felt embarrassed when he heard such sincere praise.


The Green Leaf Square was very close to the Church of the God of Light, so Lucifer refused Pei Xia’s offer to drive the carriage. He took off his ‘Holy Priests costume’ embroidered with roses and the God of Light’s emblem, wore only a simple white robe and a gauzy cocked hat, and then walked with Pei Xia on foot.

Naturally, Pei Xia also took off his knightly attire and did his best to make the two looks low key.

Looking at the crowded Greenleaf Square, Pei Xia was vaguely worried, “Lord Saint Son, you really shouldn’t be so capricious, with only me accompanying you, in case you are recognised! Sure enough, let’s call Tom and the others to join us.”

Lucifer held up a finger in front of Pei Xia’s mouth, he was in quite a good mood, the people around him had gone to watch the passionate competition of wizards in the Greenleaf Square, and no one noticed him, and naturally, it was not crowded.

“Hush, Pei Xia, if you don’t want me to be recognised, don’t call me that.”

Pei Xia immediately admitted his mistake, “Sorry, how shall I address you then?”

Lucifer’s beautiful features and azure eyes were hazy under the veil, but his voice told Pei Xia that he was in a good mood, “Just call me Lucy.”

Lucy, that name was a little too close, but if you called him by his full name, it would be easy to be recognised.

Peixia had to nod, “Yes Lord Lucy!”

He then saw the white veil under the brim of Lucifer’s hat swing and the sound of soft laughter came from within, and Pei Xia was a little embarrassed, wondering what he had said wrong again.

“Lord Lucy, is it bad to call …… that?” Pei Xia asked hesitantly.

Lucifer shook his head, “It doesn’t matter. It’s okay just like that.”

“Lucy-sama.” Pei Xia immediately regained her confidence, “I’ll go get Tom and the others to come over!”

“No!” Lucifer said, “Pei Xia, you are worrying too much about me, believe me, I am not as fragile as you think.”

Pei Xia thought for a moment and said, “…… But weren’t you the one who lost your strength after using light magic before?”

The soft and low-profile Lord Saint Son paused in his steps, eventually saying nothing and simply skimming over to continue.

There were times when a superior could be terrifyingly capricious, and Pei Xia helplessly followed Lucifer forward.

The young man in front of him was walking briskly and happily, the hem of his broad white coat lifting in the wind.

Finally the two of them reached the edge of Greenleaf Square and found a spot with a good view through the bustling crowd.

The middle of the square had been made to look like a ring, with a boundary around the edge to stop the spectators, and at the moment, a light wizard and a fire wizard were fiercely fighting on the ring.

Their battle was coming to an end, and it was clear that the Light Wizard was the superior one, his opponent was wounded and exhausted, and he was afraid that it would not be long before he lost.

With a sarcastic look on his face, the Light Wizard pulled away and said, “What incompetence, no wonder Anna abandoned you.”

This sentence angered the fire magician like adding fuel to the fire. The fire magician roared and suddenly broke out. A splendid flame emerged from his heart, and then condensed on the staff in his hand.

“You are courting death!”

He roared as he delivered a desperate strike, a fiery purple ball of fire blasted out and a gasp of shock went up from those around him, “Oh my god, he’s using a forbidden spell!”

The Light Wizard was horrified and ran away as the fireball struck the boundary uncontrollably and broke it!

“Run!” The crowd scattered in disarray and fled in all directions.

Pei Xia’s complexion changed as the fireball that broke the boundary was coming toward him!

He dodged to the side agilely and then saw a man in white suddenly open his arms to stop him in front.

Pei Xia watched in shock as Lucifer blossomed as a holy father to block the purple fireball, only to end up with the force of the fireball.

He was exhausted and his veil was burning as the fireball was getting smaller and smaller.

Fortunately, the ball of fire went out after the veil fully burned, but unfortunately, Lucifer lost his strength again.

Pei Xia took a big leap forward and reached out to catch him, the hat snapped to the ground and Lucifer leaned into his arms with a pale, relieved smile, “That’s great Pei Xia, you’re alright really ……”

Pei Xia looked at him and choked out, “Why bother Lord Lucy, I’ve dodged it!”

Lucifer, “…… really.”

Pei Xia was puzzled, “Really what?”

Lucifer closed his eyes with an expressionless face.