Chapter 24: Soft but strong Holy Son  

Pei Xia worriedly shook his body: “Lord Lucifer, what happened to you!!!”

Oh no, something is not going to happen to the Holy Son!

Pei Xia was in a turbulent mood, he looked up to the side and saw that the people around him were looking over with surprise and inquisitive eyes. He suddenly remembered that Lucifer’s veil had been burned off and there was a risk of being recognized!

The frail Lord Saint Son was leaning in Pei Xia’s arms with his eyes closed and motionless, Pei Xia raised his hand to put it under his nose and felt the breath before he breathed a sigh of relief.

Very good, breathing steadily, it seems that he will not die easily!

So he put a force on his hands, simply hugged Lucifer horizontally, and positioned Lucifer to bury his face in his arms, to block the eyes of outsiders.

‘He can’t let others discover his true identity, otherwise, it would be too miserable to be killed by the believers without being killed by the forbidden technique.’

Lucifer, who had tried to deceive him many times, closed his eyes. He never expected that this goal would be achieved in front of thousands of people.

“Hey, are you guys all right!” Several luxuriously dressed guards stood out from the crowd, shouting at them.

Pei Xia frowned and said, “How could it be okay, who are you? Are you the guards in the city? I want to complain that the magician over there uses magic that can harm civilians!”

“We are not the guards of the city.” The other party proudly shook the symbol on his armor, “We are the personal guards of the Grand Prince of Sumi Agada!”

Pei Xia raised an eyebrow, isn’t this a coincidence?

The other party continued, “Don’t worry, we’ve sent someone to inform the magic association and the escort, hey, are any people here seriously injured? Our prince is kind-hearted and willing to help heal for free!”

Pei Xia pondered for a moment, thinking about Lucifer who was now unconscious, but in the original storyline, he was not injured nor unconscious. He should have gotten acquainted with the Grand Prince, If he takes Lucifer back directly, wouldn’t he miss another plot?

So Pei Xia stretched his arms and walked over there with Lucifer in his arms.

The crowd gave way, pointing. Above the ring, the fire magician knelt on the ground and panted like a dead dog, while the light magician opposite him, whose face was originally full of arrogance and disdain, became barely proud but apprehensive after knowing a noble prince was watching the match.

Harry, the great prince of Sumi Agada stepped forward. He had the same golden hair as Lucifer, but his short hair was lighter in color. Under the bright sunlight, it was easy to mistake it for silver.

Harry magnanimously ordered his accompanying magical guards to come and heal Lucifer’s wounds. Pei Xia, holding Lucifer, reluctantly bowed to Harry to perform a hasty ritual.

“Thank you very much for your kindness.”

The magic guard, also a light magician, looked to Pei Xia, “Please put this wounded man down.”

Thinking of the uncovered face of Lucifer, Pei Xia smiled awkwardly and said, “No need, no need, you can treat him.”

The magical guard looked at him oddly, “You are holding him like this, I have no way to check his injury this way.”

Pei Xia hurriedly said, “There are no traumatic injuries on Lord Lucy’s body, just lost his strength.”

“No wonder.” The magic guard said gruffly, “I noticed it before when this Your Excellency stepped forward and used light magic to resist the fire forbidden spell, the light magic His Excellency used was very powerful. I didn’t expect him to lose strength in the end, but it’s admirable!”

Pei Xia nodded approvingly, “That’s right, Lord Lucy is such a good man who sacrifices himself for others!”

Although his eyes are not very good, he did not see him(Lucifer) dodge, but does not prevent him from having a kind heart of gold!1

So, Lucifer was held by Pei Xia and received treatment from another magician.

The magic guard cast light magic, mouth continuously chanting words, he reached out his hand to Lucifer’s wrist, Pei Xia subconsciously open his hand.

Magic guard: “What are you doing?”

Pei Xia: “…… sorry, conditioned reflex.”

The magic guard looked at him strangely, then caught Lucifer’s hand and started using light magic to heal him. After the treatment, he couldn’t help frowning, “Huh, strange, this gentleman’s magic within is very full ……”

Pei Xia surprised, subconsciously shook lucifer in his hand: “ah?”

The magic guard suddenly let out a cry of surprise, “Ah, no! Now it’s empty again!”

Pei Xia, “Is it full or empty?”

Magic guard, “Before it was full, now it is empty again, do you believe it?”

Pei Xia could not help but start to worry about the quality of Prince Harry Harry’s side guards.

But no matter what, the magic guard had begun to heal Lucifer, his arms has begun to sore, Pei Xia simply sat cross-legged on the ground, and let Lucifer lie on his lap with his face facing him for cover.

He quietly looked at Lucifer’s face, slowly turning red under the treatment of the magical guards.

He was quite relieved.

At this time, Prince Harry was handing over the long-arrived Magic Association and the city guards. With him rushing in front, things were much easier.

The fire magician had to be taken away for punishment, but the light magician was spared.

Harry looked at the other side unhappily and said, “To provoke the other side with words to provoke during the battle, is this the light magician’s style? You should be ashamed of your identity!”

In this world, the status of a magician was very high, so even in the face of Prince Harry, the light magician did not directly give in, “If you are inferior to others, you should honestly admit defeat!”

“That’s too much!” At this time, the magic guard who had finished healing Lucifer also couldn’t help but stand up in anger and said, “Since you say so, let me compete with you!”

Across the room, the light magician sneered and said, “Come on!”

So a new battle was scheduled, and the light magician sat cross-legged in place and began to rest and meditate, waiting until the boundary enchantment was mended to begin the match.

Then …… it didn’t take long for Prince Harry’s magical escort to lose.

He walked back with his head hanging, his face full of shame, “I am extremely sorry, Your Highness, I was not able to achieve victory for you.”

Harry patted his shoulder and said indignantly, “It’s not your fault, you did your best! It’s just that this kind of light magician, should not be let arrogant? It’s too much!”

“I’m sure someone can defeat him!” Harry looked to the crowd around, “Stand out, the one who can defeat him, I will reward you with a thousand gold coins!”

Pei Xia’s fingers moved slightly, “……” ‘ I am so excited.’

But, although Prince Harry offered a heavy reward, no one came forward, because the light magician in the ring was already a very powerful magician in the city of Abrulla, and most of the people watching the fun don’t know magic. How could anyone dare to take the risk for a thousand gold coins?

Prince Harry kept repeating “a thousand gold coins”, and Pei Xia clenched his fist silently.

But he is not a magician and has no way to play. At this moment, the young man lying on Pei Xia’s lap moved, and Pei Xia immediately lowered his head and looked at him in surprise, “Lord Lucy, you are awake?”

“Mm.” Lucifer squinted his eyes and said softly, “I’ve heard what happened.”

“Sorry, it’s too noisy here, I should take you to a quiet place to rest.”

“No, Pei Xia.” Lucifer held his hand and smiled very gratefully, “Prince Harry is right, someone should stand up.”

Pesha looked at him in shock, unable to speak for a moment.

Lucifer then with a holy father-like light shining soft smile slowly propped the body up.

Pei Xia was still shocked, “How do you know the name of His Highness the Prince?!”

With a snap, Lucifer fell back onto his lap.

“Are you all right, Lord Saint Son!” Pei Xia immediately put the doubts he had just had behind him and hurriedly held him up.

“It’s okay.” Lucifer pulled the corner of his mouth, too lazy to pretend to be a white lotus anymore, he casually replied, “vaguely heard when unconscious.”

Pei Xia breathed a sigh of relief: “So that’s it.”

He almost thought that when he did not know the story plot changed drastically, resulting in Lucifer and Harry meeting in advance.

Lucifer lowered his eyes, “Well, it’s time for this farce to end.”

With that, he stood up abruptly, his white robe flickered like the wings of a dove, and his tall and straight figure attracted everyone’s attention. eyes, but in the next second, a thin coat was put on the hood.

A man with his head wrapped in brown cloth and wearing a white robe appeared.

Pei Xia sneered and covered up Lucifer’s head tightly, reminding in a low voice, “Lord Lucy, you have to be careful!”

Lucifer slowly raised his arm, trembling, and pressed it to Pei Xia’s hand, his voice meaningful, “No need Pei Xia, I think His Highness the Prince of Justice is here, will not stand by and watch the unrest appear.”

Pei Xia still hesitated, “Do you really want to take this risk?”

Prince Harry looked in surprise at the white-robed man whose head was wrapped in a brown jacket, “You are the wounded man just now? Who the hell are you?”

Lucifer smiled slightly as he squeezed Pei Xia’s hand: “Let go, Pei Xia.”

Pei Xia sighed lightly, and then, removed the coat from Lucifer’s head.

When the jacket completely left Lord Saint Son’s noble head, the wind brought up blew his sun-like radiant and beautiful blonde hair, Lucifer’s face, once again exposed in front of the world!

After a moment of silence, the crowd boiled over!

Pei Xia headache to protect his side against the believers who want to lean over to worship, “Quiet, do not crowd!”

He shouted several times at the top of his lungs, and finally, it was Lucifer who raised his hand and calmed everyone down, and only then did Greenleaf Square regain its calm.

Or rather, calmer than before when Lucifer did not show up, because at this time everyone was looking at him, trying to listen to his voice.

Harry looked at the blonde beauty in front of him in shock and couldn’t help but ask, “You are the legendary Lord Saint Son of the Light God Cult?!”

Lucifer nodded and responded meekly, “Yes.”

Harry looked at him dumbfounded, his mouth opened unconsciously, a string of praise appeared like clouds, “You are the most beautiful, the most sacred, the most in line with the word light I have ever seen!”

Lucifer said to him, rather helplessly, “You are too kind.”

Then, intentionally or unintentionally he glanced at Pei Xia, Pei Xia immediately self-reflected:  ‘It’s a failure, Pei Xia, even an outsider can’t match the skill of flattering. Look, sure enough. now Lord Holy Son has an opinion on you!’

Pei Xia immediately decided to cultivate his flattering skills after returning home.

T/N :  So sorry for the late update. It was so sudden to be caught up in urgent works.

I didn’t know what this sentence meant, so I wrote the probable meaning. The raw version is( 虽然眼神不太好使,没看见他躲开,但不妨碍他有一颗金子般善良的心!).