Chapter 26.1: Pei Xia tormented by the beautiful Holy Son

In the next two days, Lucifer and Pei Xia adhered to the principle of going out for a walk when they were free, sleeping late when they were not free, eating well, and using pricey foods, successfully creating a surface of cordial and pious, but actually vain and love the idea of pleasure.

Pei Xia even proposed that they should let Buck disguise himself as a girl again before coming to them, but Lucifer politely refused.

Finally, in their tireless efforts, Andren and others changed their minds to relax their vigilance and began to take action.

Deep in the night, Pei Xia secretly followed and found Andren cloaked in a black robe, he did not go directly to the underground brothel but went to a senior official in the city.

Sure enough, this kind of dirty business cannot be done without the support of local officials.

By the evening of the next day, Pei Xia was accompanying Lucifer in the restaurant eating exquisite high-definition cuisine when Bishop Andren walked over with an old smiling face that turned into a chrysanthemum.

He directly ignored Pei Xia and gave a polite salute to Lucifer, “Lord Holy Son, since you came to the Abrulla City branch church, you have worked hard day and you lead the way for the believers by spreading the light, you really worked too hard!”

Pei Xia, “……” This man really can talk nonsense with open eyes!

Pei Xia was a little unhappy because he personally saw that Lucifer was going to blow a wave to compete for a favor, and he despised Andren, this old vegetable’s frowning face that could kill flies but still not resist.

Che!, If Bishop Andren had the conditions of Prince Harry, maybe Pei Xia would feel a little bit of a crisis, but Pei Xia knew that Lucifer didn’t like Andren, so he quickly calmed down and continued to stand guard honestly pretending to be transparent.

“You are also working hard.” Lucifer responded very calmly, “Lord Bishop Andren, do you have something else to say?”

Andren smiled warmly and brightly, then stretched out his hand to cup Lucifer’s hand.

The corners of Pei Xia’s eyes twitched and just as he was about to rush up and slap away this lecherous old man when he saw Lucifer wordlessly cast a calm look at himself.

Lucifer calmly looked at the old bishop in front of him holding his hand and was giving an exaggerated eulogy, then he said his true purpose: “It’s like this, I want to ask you to relax.”

Lucifer then smiled meaningfully, “The God of Light is above, and frankly, I’m always relaxed here.”

“That is the greatest compliment you can give us!” Andren said happily, “So, in gratitude for your being here to illuminate our hearts and minds, I have prepared a special feast for you! I think that you will surely enjoy it.”

“I wonder what kind of feast it is, can you reveal a little?”

Andren then insinuated, “As you know, there are many lost girls in this world who need your guidance, so a sumptuous feast has been specially prepared, and I hope you will come to teach them.”

Lucifer slowly nodded, “So, I see, please rest assured that I will be there.”

“Even if it is in the evening?”


Andren then patted his hand and laughed, “Please don’t worry, I guarantee that they will prepare with utmost care.”

“Since you say so, I will wait and see.”

The two men looked at each other and smiled, tacitly reaching a friendly agreement, then Andren reluctantly let go of Lucifer’s hand and took a half step back and bowed, “Please wait for a while, I will come to pick you up in an hour.”

After Andren left, Pei Xia looked serious and grabbed Lucifer’s hand.

Lucifera looked at him sideways, as if he was a bit puzzled, “What’s wrong?”

Pei Xia wiped his hands with a handkerchief dampened with water, and said sadly, “You must be careful, some people can’t be messed up. Their touch is dirty!”

“Are you talking about His Eminence Bishop Andren?”

Pei Xia quickly looked around, seeing that there was no one, he lowered his voice and explained, “A man like this who likes to whore around prostitutes… can transmit many diseases that are contagious and harmful.”

In his last life, after learning about the chaos in the gay circle, he silently stayed away from it staying single all his life because he cherished his life.

Lucifer looked at him thoughtfully, “Pei Xia, you know so much.”

Pei Xia froze and coughed lightly, “we men, will privately talk about some private topics, you have a noble identity and high character, so no one dares to disturb you with such vulgar topics.”

Lucifer nodded and did not say anything else, suddenly his hand blossomed with holy light, along with Pei Xia together with the light enveloped in.

He smiled, “This way it’s okay.”

Pei Xia then remembered that this was an unscientific world, he was embarrassed letting go of Lucifer’s hand, scratching his head, and smiling.


An hour later, Andren set up the carriage to pick up Lucifer.

Only Pei Xia accompanied Lucifer, originally Pei Xia wanted to call two more people to come, Lucifer said that if there were too many people, the other party would become suspicious.

Of course, Pei Xia did not forget to instruct the other knights to do what they should do

When getting into the carriage, Andren looked at Pei Xia who was following Lucifer with a displeased face: “Knight, you should be outside!”

Pei Xia insisted: “I am the personal knight of Lord Saint Son, I should be accompanying Saint Son!”

The corner of Andren’s mouth twitched, “Isn’t outside the carriage close enough, my God of Light, you should believe in Lord Sage’s strength, not to mention that I am also here, I will definitely protect Lord Sage, please don’t worry!”

Pei Xia whispered: “It’s because of you that I’m not at ease.”

Andren: “What???”

Pei Xia looked solemn, sat close to Lucifer, and said, “Lord Saint Son once suffered an attack by the person closest to him, therefore, I must guard him at all times!”

Andren looked suspicious, “Really?”

Pei Xia nodded and wisely constructed a color-filled picture: “At that time, I was guarding the door for the holy son outside, who knew that the girl deceived the holy son’s mind and actually sneak attacked him since then I would never let down my guard in any aspect!”

Lucius Phil, “…… is it?”

Peixia: “Ahem, yes that’s right.”

Andren: “So it is.”

The carriage traveled quietly through the out-of-the-way streets, the gentle bumps making the people in the city sway with it. Lucifer and Pei Xia sat opposite Andren.

Suddenly, the wheels hit some obstacle, and the carriage went up and down, and Anderun leaned forward, about to be pressed into Lucifer’s arms.

Pei Xia’s expression changed, and it was too late for him to speak. He jumped up abruptly, and blocked Lucifer in front of him in a flash of lightning!


Old Bishop Andren slammed into Pei Xia, and Pei Xia was unsteady and fell backward with a thud.

Then, he sat on Lucifer’s lap.

In front is the bishop, behind is the Holy Son, he was just a small paladin, what can he do?

Pei Xia did not dare to look back at Lucifer’s expression, he trembled and raised his hand to help the black-faced Andren.

Andren grabbed his hand hard and gritted his teeth: “I really have to thank you, Sir Knight.”

“You’re welcome, and you should.”

Two people secretly competing for a deadly handshake, trying to kill each other in pain, and finally, the old man could not stand it first, said with a sullen face, “How much longer do you plan to sit on the lap of Lord Sons?!”

Feeling the butt… The loyal paladin, who felt his buttocks burning, laughed dryly and said, “Is this not to help the Lord Bishop up.”

The two tacitly let go of each other’s hands, and finally, Lucifer spoke.

“Friendship and mutual aid is the tradition of the Church of the Light, and I am happy to see Pei Xia helping His Grace the Bishop in this way.”

Andren had to say reluctantly, “Yes, you are right, Lord Holy Son.”

Pei Xia silently moved his ass away from Lucifer’s thighs, which were a pair of elastic and flexible thighs, which felt good to the touch, but unfortunately, he didn’t dare to sit too much, for fear of crushing the weak Holy Son.

Pei Xia quietly peeked sideways at Lucifer’s expression, Lucifer was calmly looking out the window, as if he did not feel anything. Pei Xia breathed a sigh of relief, it’s great that he(Lucifer) did not get crushed.

Finally, after walking a long road, the carriage came to its destination, Pei Xia looked out of the window and found that this was a very quiet and peaceful civilian area.

Their destination was a large house full of greenery, which belonged to the people rich enough to live in without aristocratic status. The iron gate was wide open, the carriage drove in, and Pei Xia and the three got off one by one.

There was a large three-story villa in the center of the courtyard, all the way in, the quiet night suddenly turned into a boisterous night.

Gorgeously dressed gentlemen holding glasses of wine and talking loudly, beside them, almost all were embracing one or two orc girls.

With such blatant collusion with each other, it was no wonder that this underground brothel dedicated to the orc race could exist in the city for many years.

“Lord Saint Son!”

When Lucifel walked in, most of the people looked at him, including many who had long known that Lucifel was coming.

They stared closely at Lucifer, wanting to know what Lucifer’s attitude was towards this.

Lucifer looked calm as if he had already expected it, which made the people who wanted to pull him into the gang reassured.

They came up to chat with Lucifer with exaggerated smiles. Lucifer’s expression was indifferent, and it was rare that he did not smile at them. He said to Andren, “It’s too noisy.”

Andren suddenly realized, “Yes, yes, well gentlemen, the Lord of the Son is coming over for the first time, you do not want to scare him!”

The gentlemen then burst into a ball of hilarious laughter, and Pei Xia stiffened his face and did his best to make his face look less ugly.

Andren smiled and invited Lucifer to walk upstairs, Pei Xia followed behind them, raised his hand and pinched the jeweled button on his collar, and then quietly swept it to the whole hall of people who showed their faces in 360 degrees into the eyes.

Andren led Lucifer into a luxurious suite, which had been set up in advance with sumptuous food and wine, and then another priest walked in with a few girls.

“Lord Saint Son, now that we are all acquaintances, there is no need to let go hahaha”, Andren sat on the sofa and laughed very well.

The other priest was named Druna, the very person who had bumped into Lucifer’s private rendezvous with Miss Buck that day.

He proudly ordered the girls behind him to stand in a row and joked, “Please take a look, these ladies will not disappoint you, Lord Saint Son.”

Lucifer sat across from Andren, with Peixia standing behind him, and together they looked at the orc girls in front of them, some with ears and some with tails, they had different beauties, but the same numbness in their eyes.

Lucifer folded his hands together, and his face showed an icy smile, “Is this the feast that your Excellency arranged to entertain me?”

Andren sensed that Lucifer was not happy, and he was a little surprised, “What, are you not satisfied with them, Lord Saint Son?”

“No.” Lucifer paused and said, “Very well, I just don’t like being with so many people.”

Andren laughed at once, apparently, he thought that Lucifer was shy, a public figure with a halo and reputation, it is normal to be unable to wipe his face.

Then Andren, Druna enthusiastically let the girls serve Lucifer, they themselves also hugged two of them.

A few girls boldly sat next to Lucifer, but did not know whether to “enthusiastically” serve this slightly aloof and distinguished man as usual.

They heard the name “Son of God”, if they had not been caught here, they might have worshipped Lucifer like the people outside, but now, they look at Lucifer’s eyes only with fear, hatred, and despair.

Fear of the harm he might bring, abhorrence of the man’s compulsion, despair at the fact that even the sons of the Church of the Light are in cahoots with Andren – will they still have hope of being saved?

Lucifer did not take the initiative to take advantage of the girls and even showed a little indifference in the face of their flattery. The orc girls who had been reprimanded for a long time also did not stick to him, keeping a little distance and only served him wine.

Andren and Druna did not suspect, after all, Lucifer has always shown a good face, paying attention to the image of identity.