Chapter 26.2: Pei Xia tormented by the beautiful Holy Son

After chatting for a while, Andren stood up and said,

“It’s getting late, we won’t disturb you to rest, Lord Son. I believe you will spend a wonderful night with these confused girls.”

Pei Xia stood behind him, watching silently, preparing to wait for Andren and Druna to leave.

Andren suddenly looked at him: “Knight, I also prepared a place for you to rest, please come with me.”

Pei Xia was stunned, and subconsciously said, “No, I want to protect the Holy Son.”

Andren looked at him strangely: “Are you sure you want to guard here?”

Pei Xia coughed awkwardly, “That’s right! It’s my duty!”

Lucifer also stood up and looked at him with a smile. Andren: “Have you forgotten? Pei Xia has always been by my side since I was attacked by someone close to me. Don’t worry, I will work with Pei Xia to teach these poor girls the teachings to dispel confusion. .”

Andren couldn’t hide his shock. He never expected that this dignified and dignified Son of God could play better than him.

Pei Xia silently held his forehead, acquiesced to the words of Lucifer, no way, who called this argument was him who first proposed it?

So then, Andren and Druna gave the room to Lucifer, Pei Xia, and the three orc girls, before leaving, he said meaningfully, “I hope that one day I can work with Lord Saint Son to teach the confused girls.”

“I believe your wish will come true soon,” Lucifer said softly.

After Andron Druna had completely left, Pei Xia looked at Lucifer and the three girls who were sitting on the sofa a little uneasy: “Sir, will we proceed as planned next?”

Lucifer nodded, “Wait a little later, it’s still too early.”

It is not yet late at night, there were many people active, and it is not convenient for two people to start.

Three orc girls were exchanging ‘You look at me and I look at you’, and then tentatively leaned towards Pei Xia and Lucifer. After staying here for a long time, they also guessed that these two handsome and serious men wanted to play. big.

Oh, man.

Pei Xia hurriedly said to the girl who was trying to get close to her arms, “Please don’t have to do this, just sit down first.”

Lucifer’s side was also the same, he also did not accept their coquetry.

A rabbit-eared girl cautiously asked, “When are you guys planning to start?”

Lucifer made the three of them sit in a row on the sofa, then looked at them tenderly and lovingly: “Poor children, please don’t worry, Pei Xia and I didn’t come here to hurt you.”

The orc girls: “…… Then what did you come over for?”

Lucifer said in a warm voice: “Didn’t I already say that.”

The orc girls: “?”

Lucifer touched his side, and he felt empty, but it doesn’t matter, this doesn’t hinder his image, because he still has Pei Xia!

Lucifer smiled slightly, “Pei Xia.”

Pei Xia, “Yes!”

The handsome black-haired young man stood behind the beautiful Holy Son, with his hands behind his back, he cleared his throat and began to recite,

“Ah, Light, you are the beginning of everything. At the beginning of the growth of all things, the God of Light descended on the earth, and he taught the ignorant people…”

The devout believers of the Prairie Goddess Orcs: “…”

You damn well came to the brothel really to preach!


Pei Xia recited the “Light Bible” in one breath, he was not finished smashing his mouth, the three orc girls across the dull gaze as if the soul has flown.

And now, the night was already dark, all kinds of sounds have gone down, Lucifer suddenly stood up, and the orc girls woke up with a jolt.

The handsome black-haired young man stood behind the beautiful saintly son, with his hands behind his shoulders

“Ah, Light, You are the beginning of everything. At the beginning of all growth, the God of Light came to the earth and taught the foolish people ……”

The devotees of the goddess of the prairie, the orcs: “……”

You damn well came to the brothel really to preach!


Pei Xia recited the “Light Bible” in one breath, he was not finished smashing his mouth, the three orc girls across the dull gaze as if the soul has flown.

And now, the night is already late, and all kinds of sounds have gone down, Lucius Phil suddenly stood up, and the orc girls woke up with a jolt.

They looked fearfully at the two men in front of them, not knowing what they were going to do.

“It’s time to sleep, God will bless you with good dreams.”

Sure enough, was it finally time to do that kind of thing? The orc girls stood up with their heads hanging, and under the command of Lucifer went into the bedroom, which had a rather luxurious and soft bed.

The girls bit their lips and began to undress.

“Wait!” Pei Xia hurriedly stopped them, “No need for this, you guys just sleep.”

The orc girls: “…… wearing clothes?”

“Mm-hmm!” After all, Pei Xia and Lucifer two big men are still here.

The orc girls understood, then climbed into bed and assumed an inviting pose: “Two lords, please command.”

Pei Xia: “Command?”

The girls nodded their heads.

Pei Xia: “You guys can go to sleep, just sleep.”

The orc girls glared at him so badly that Pei Xia’s mind was full of confusion, and then the next moment, they hugged each other and started kissing, kissing, stroking, and touching each other.

Pei Xia: “…Stop!!!”

There was a chuckle behind him, Lucifer passed him, walked to the bed and sat down, and said softly, “Please lie down side by side, then close your eyes and relax. ”

The orc girls had no objection, they just thought it was really strange for these two to ask, and then lay down as instructed.

The gentle light then blossomed in the hands of Lucifer, enveloping the restless girls, gradually, their slightly furrowed brows flattened, their nervous hands relaxed, they showed a peaceful smile and sunk into a long, long time not brought sound sweet dreams.

In the dream, was an endless green sea, which was a symbol of freedom of the prairie, and a hometown that they long for and cannot go back to.

After a few moments, Lucifer closed his hand and nodded to Pei Xia, “It’s okay, they will not wake up before dawn.”

After that, Lucifer raised his hand to take off the cumbersome white robe, revealing the sharp short sleeves inside.

The two men looked at each other, gently walked out of the room, closed the door behind them, and then nimbly weaved through the dim corridors.

The two men first found a random waiter and forced him to tell them where Andren’s room was, then they knocked the waiter out and hid him.

At the moment, Andren was still in the first-floor living room, laughing and joking with the others, and did not notice what was happening upstairs.

The door of this room was locked, and guards were watching outside. Pei Xia and Lucifer hid behind the corner and looked over there, and Pei Xia whispered, “Lord Saint Son, what should we do next?”

Lucifer thought about it and reached out and pointed to a room beside him, “We can go through the window.”

“Got it!”

But the door of the room in front of them was locked from the inside, how to open it? You can’t forcefully kick it open, it will attract attention.

Pei Xia thought about it, drew a dagger, directly to the door handle that piece to cut into a quadrilateral, and slowly push open the door, Pei Xia and Lucifer flashed in, and then closed the door, as long it was not looked carefully, you could not find this door was opened from outside ……

“Who is it ah? Did I not say to not disturb me?!”

From the inner bedroom came a man’s impatient voice as well as the faint sound of sobbing.

Pei Xia thought about it and said to Lucifer, “I’ll go.”

After all, Lucifer was straight, and he is a pure 0. Although the girl inside doesn’t know, it is better than being seen by Lucifer.

Pei Xia directly screwed open the door, dropping his eyes to avoid looking where he shouldn’t, lying on the side of the bed a middle-aged man with a mustache looked at him in dismay, “Who are you, how come I haven’t seen you before!”

Pei Xia kept silent, rushed up to knock him out, and looked at the girl on the bed. The girl pulled the quilt and wrapped herself in fear, “You, you are…”

Pei Xia smiled at her, and then under the girl’s shocked eyes knocked her out as well.

After taking care of that, Pei Xia and Lucifer then flipped out of the window and climbed along with the narrow window sill toward Andren’s room.

After successfully entering the room, Pei Xia couldn’t help but glance at Lucifer several times.

“What’s wrong?” Lucifer tilted his head.

Pei Xia whispered, “I just suddenly found out that your physical strength is so good.”


The saint son Lucifer, who was powerful in magic power and excellent in physical strength, suddenly turned pale, he raised his hands trembling slightly, and smiled wryly. : “To be honest, I’ve run out of strength.”

“Then leave it to me.” Pei Xia blamed herself, “If I knew, I wouldn’t let you come here.”

Lucifer suspected that he was despising him, so he coughed softly and said softly but firmly, “No, I can’t be relieved with only your words.”

Pei Xia sighed and helped Lucifer to sit down on the chair, Then he started rummaging through the boxes.

If this group of beasts cannot be caught in one go, then the fish that slip through the net will probably never be punished. Moreover, they will shield each other from their crimes, Pei Xia must seize this opportunity!

Pei Xia rummaged through the drawers and cabinets and found only some letters.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came faintly from outside the door: “Is there anything unusual tonight?”

The guard responded outside the door, “My lord, there is no abnormality and no outsiders are approaching!”

“Very well.” Andren smiled in satisfaction and nodded, then took out the key and prepared to open the room.

Pei Xia’s heart was startled and looked at Lucius Phil, who jerked up and said quickly, “Let’s hide first!”


But, where to hide?

Pei Xia looked left and right, there were really not many places to hide from people.

Click! The sound of the door handle was turned, Pei Xia clenched his teeth and fiercely pulled Lucifer into the closet to hide.

The two big men hid in the same small dark closet and could only stick to each other. Pei Xia pulled the closet door with his hand, only a gap was exposed. He squinted and looked out, trying to take his attention away from Lucifer.

There was no way, it was too close, so close that Lucifer’s body temperature and the breath rushed towards his face without concealment, his nose was filled with the faint fragrance of roses, and his hands were flexible and tight.

Lucifer moved slightly, and the tiny amplitude was magnified countless times by his extremely keen senses in the dark. His hair was messily swept across Pei Xia’s neck, cheeks, and ears.

It was cool and itchy, so itchy that Pei Xia wanted to sneeze.

Pei Xia tried to be patient.

Looking out from the gap in the cabinet door, he saw Andren standing in front of his bookcase, turning a few books. Suddenly, the entire cabinet was opened, revealing the secret room behind him.

Then he went into the secret room and took something out before leaving.

Pei Xia breathed a sigh of relief when he found out that he was leaving, and at this time, Lucifer moved slightly again.

The strands of hair were like small brushes, stimulating Pei Xia’s sensual ears and neck.

Bad, bad, can’t stand it anymore! But Andren hasn’t left the room yet!

Pei Xia opened his mouth and was about to sneeze when suddenly a pair of hands came over to cover his mouth and pinched his nose, and the sneeze was forced back.

Pei Xia: “……”

“Shh.” Lucifera softly shushed, and then playfully blinked in the dark as if they could glow blue eyes.

Pei Xia’s face slowly became red.

It couldn’t be helped, because although Lucifer let go of the hand pinching his nose, it was still over his mouth.

Those hands were slender and perfect, tender and seductive, his slightly cool palm pressed against Pei Xia’s lips, and the person was close to Pei Xia’s body.

It’s really too close!

So close that it was almost possible to hear each other’s heartbeat.

Strange and ambiguous. The ambiguity slowly rose, Pei Xia felt his face hot, his heartbeat slowly accelerated, it was so bad!

He’s just a good-looking gay man, why should a homophobic straight man torture him so much!

However, men are too prone to physical reactions, and when Pei Xia’s thoughts diverged to certain situations he shouldn’t think about, he…hardened.

No, can not blame him!

Pei Xia desperately thought, in the face of such beauty as Lucifer, he was already struggling to hold himself!

Finally, Andren left the room, the door was heavily closed, Pei Xia almost couldn’t wait to push open the cabinet door to let go of Lucifer and rushed out.

Those short minutes were extraordinarily long in Pei Xia’s heart, tormenting him to making him painful and embarrassed.

Pei Xia turned his back on Lucifer and did not dare to look at him, afraid to be found by the other side of his true face, then, the previous efforts will again be in vain.

However, even if he wanted to rest and forget about this, Lucifer refused to let him go easily.

Lucifer stood behind Pei Xia, revealing a playful look that the other party could not see. There was a little aggressiveness in his eyes, but his voice was still soft, pure, and gentle, like a little white flower swaying in the wind:

“Pei Xia Xia, just now I felt like there was something hard and hot against me, is it you?”

Pei Xia’s back froze at once.

Lucifer took a step and slowly walked towards him, stepping on his heart with every step: “Pei Xia, what is it? Tell me.”

Pei Xia silently clenched his fist.

Finally, Lucifer’s hand gently rested on his shoulder.

At that moment, Pei Xia jerked forward a step, then looked serious sideways and slowly drew out the dagger at his waist.

“To tell you the truth Lord Saint Son, what you are asking about is my dagger!”

Lucifer, “?”

“I have a habit of injecting sword qi into my weapon at all times to develop a tacit understanding between the weapon and myself, as you know, I am a fire-based sword qi, so it is inevitably hot.”

Pei Xia sighed softly, brushed a sword flower, and said righteously: “This is, the mystery of kung fu!”

Lucifer: “……”