Worried about disturbing the people inside, Pei Xia dared not shout loudly. He lowered his voice and sadly called out, “Your Grace,”.

Lucifer closed his eyes, his long eyelashes resembling fragile butterfly wings, gently trembling with his breath.

“Your Grace, Lucifer, Fei Fei!” Pei Xia anxiously called, supporting Lucifer’s upper body.

The Holy Son, now successfully nestled in Pei Xia’s embrace, seemed as if he had already passed away. Terrified, Pei Xia frantically felt his body, trying to determine if there was still a pulse and breath.

Lucifer grabbed Pei Xia’s hand, finally opening his eyes. Expressionless, he said, “Pei Xia.”


“Say you love me.”

“Ah?! At a time like this?” Pei Xia’s voice became smaller and smaller. His face turned red, his gaze shifting as he glanced at the two wolf princes who approached with concern, then looked at the puppets scattered on the ground.

This could be considered quite public. Why was Lucifer so bold?

“Hurry up and say it”. Lucifer’s hand tightened slightly, grabbing Pei Xia’s wrist and not letting go. His eyes, devoid of expression, faintly revealed a hint of sadness, evoking pity.

Pei Xia could only whisper, “I love you, Your Grace.”

The two wolf princes blushed and silently stepped back.

Explosive, too explosive! Even if it was evident that Lucifer and the knight beside him were unusually intimate, no one expected their relationship to be like this, and for them to boldly confess in such a place. Ah, is this the Light God’s teachings?

Lucifer’s tense body slightly relaxed, the haze in his eyes fading away. Like soft, melting ice, he weakly said, “Say it again.”

“I love you.” Pei Xia looked into his beautiful eyes and repeated the words.

Finally, Lucifer took a deep breath and, with Pei Xia’s support, stood up.

Pei Xia bent down to pat the dust off his robe. Lucifer shook his head, indicating that there was no need. Lucifer himself tidied up the wrinkles in his clothes, very composed, as if the earlier incident had not affected him in the slightest.

Lucifer turned halfway, lifted his leg, elegantly stepped over the scattered puppets, and continued forward.

Nord and Norsen quickly realized and hurriedly stepped forward to clear the way.

However, Pei Xia was still somewhat worried. He stayed close behind Lucifer, attempting to reach out and massage any potentially sore areas.

Lucifer seemed to have eyes on the back of his head, not turning around but directly reaching back to grab Pei Xia’s wrist, stopping his movements.

“Did you get hurt just now? Does it hurt?” Pei Xia asked softly, leaning close to his ear.

Lucifer paused his steps, turned around, and a slight surprise appeared on his delicate face. “Just now? Nothing happened just now.” He then smiled.

Pei Xia: “…”

After passing through another corridor, the four finally arrived at a partially open stone door. Faint blue light emanated from the narrow gap, and a cold white mist spread from inside.

“This is it,” Lucifer reminded.

Nord, with a concerned expression, calculated in his mind, “There weren’t many puppets in the corridor just now. There might be more inside. Now that we’ve confirmed the location, why don’t we go back and call for reinforcements?”

Lucifer shook his head, saying, “It’s too late. I can feel it. If we wait any longer… everything will be too late.”

Norsen tightly gripped his sword, impulsive, “Father and Ribe are still inside. Brother, we can’t wait any longer!”

Pei Xia, confident in Lucifer’s protagonist aura, stated, “We have allies nearby; Tom and the others are not far. If there’s any commotion here, they’ll rush in to help.”

After all, it was someone else’s palace, and according to protocol, Tom and the others stayed outside, waiting. The only one allowed to accompany Lucifer inside was Pei Xia, the personal guard knight.

Nord sighed lightly, “Alright.”

The four approached the gap in the stone door and peered inside. To their surprise, they found a massive underground kingdom, magically controlled and covered in solid ice, resembling a large ice cave!

At the center of the ice cave was a circular altar constructed from black stones. Around the altar, numerous people knelt, all of them were the orc girls who had gone missing!

The gagged girls were held by puppets, knives at their throats as if their lives could end at any moment.

Above the altar, a large, translucent white rectangular object was placed, with something indistinct at its center.

Next to this large white translucent object, a middle-aged man wearing a black cloak sat on his knees. He had sharp wolf ears and a long tail – the Beastman Emperor of the orc kingdom, Nogia!

Seeing this shocking scene, Norsen almost blurted out words from his throat, but luckily, his keen eyesight caught sight of Ribe in the crowd, prompting him to stifle his own voice.

Pei Xia looked at the ground of the ice cave. Although covered in a layer of ice, the ground was made of black iron, and magical patterns were still visible on its grooves.

The entire ice cave was essentially a large magical altar.

Above the ice cave, moonlight stones were embedded, emitting a faint cold light. A mysterious black shadow dangled from above, constantly twisting and writhing like a large blob of slime. It circled around Nogia, whispering demonic temptations.

Nogia lowered his head, kissed the ice coffin, and then raised his hand. The controlled puppets lifted their knives, ready to pierce the girls’ necks.

At this moment, a bright light broke through the cold barrier and surged into the ice cave, unstoppable. The light skyrocketed, causing the dark shadows to tremble incessantly.

Puppets fell one after another.

The dangling demon shivered, screaming, “Who is it?”

“Father, what’s happening to you?”


Nord and Norsen, accompanied by the light of justice, rushed into the ice cave. Lucifer and Pei Xia followed closely, descending the stone steps.

The Wolf Emperor stood beside the ice coffin on the altar, his eyes crimson and fierce. “Nord, Norsen! Who allowed you to enter? Who allowed you to destroy all this?”

“Father, aren’t you under control?!” Nord stared at him in astonishment. “What’s going on? Mother!”

As they approached, he finally saw who was in the ice coffin.

It was the body of his mother. “Father, what are you doing?”

Nogia’s harsh expression softened when he saw the body in the ice coffin. “Nord, do you miss her? Don’t worry, soon, Iliana will be back.”

In that moment, Nord understood everything. In deep grief, he said, “Mother has passed away. Her soul is in heaven. Father, please don’t let the demon’s temptation defile her body!”

“Silence!” Nogia coldly looked at his two sons. “No one can stop me, no one!”

The dangling demon let out a sharp scream, and the puppets lying on the ground staggered back to their feet.

Nord and Norsen reluctantly started to fight against them, too preoccupied to argue with Nogia. In fact, Nogia personally joined the battle, engaging in combat with Nord.

Lucifer and Pei Xia arrived below the ice cave. Pei Xia, surprised by the support of a major demon and the reanimation of the puppets, couldn’t help but worry as he looked at Lucifer. “Your Grace, what should we do? Can we find a way to signal above?”

“No need.” Lucifer confidently winked at him. “I am more capable than you think.”

Is this the true strength of the male lead? Pei Xia felt somewhat excited, kicking away a puppet that approached while waiting for Lucifer to unleash his ultimate move.

However, at that moment, Nord tumbled towards them.

Pei Xia, quick-witted, caught him in one swift motion.

Lucifer couldn’t help but glance sideways.

Why is this person so accurate in catching people?

Pei Xia didn’t notice Lucifer looking at him. When he lowered his head to check on Nord, he realized Nord was spitting blood. “Prince Nord!”

Nord trembled, standing straight, and looked forward. “Father, wake up! These girls are your subjects. As the Emperor, can you justify it to the kingdom’s people?”

Nogia stared at him darkly, his voice hoarse. “Nothing is more important than Iliana.”

An emperor with a love-struck mind, Pei Xia couldn’t help but say, “Compared to you, Prince Nord seems more suitable to be emperor—just, brave, kind, rational. You should abdicate and let him take over!”

Nogia’s sanity was already muddled. He raised a heavy sword and swung it towards Pei Xia. Pei Xia pushed Nord away, confronting the Wolf Emperor head-on.

As they battled, Pei Xia turned back. “Your Grace, the demon is about to harm them!”

The hanging demon, unable to quickly drive away these four intruders, manipulated a large number of puppets to prepare to slaughter the sacrificial girls. Then, with increased strength, dealing with them would be easy!

The hanging demon let out an arrogant and piercing laughter. However, as it laughed, its laughter ceased abruptly.

A terrifying aura, shaking even demons, emanated from the purest of individuals. At that moment, it seemed to have glimpsed a formidable presence standing at the pinnacle of the demon realm. No, impossible! He was clearly a mage of light magic; how could he have a dark aura?!

At the same time, Pei Xia also felt this aura. Seizing the opportunity, he agilely struck Nogia’s acupuncture points, forcing him to fall to the ground. Pei Xia then stepped back a few paces, looking back with concern.

He thought it was the hanging demon erupting, but it seemed not.

The person he was concerned about, with golden hair shining, clad in a white robe as pure as snow, possessed an exquisite and perfect face. Radiating purity as if born with the light, the person smiled with a frozen elegance, like an angel born from simultaneous light.

But as he smiled, he didn’t seem particularly happy.

“Fei Fei?”

For some reason, Pei Xia felt a sense of panic.

Lucifer was looking at him. He had been looking at him all along. In his ice-blue eyes, there was an invisible storm brewing. “Pei Xia.”

“Fei Fei.”

Lucifer spoke softly, “I’ve thought about it. Perhaps I should have let you know some things earlier.”

An invisible pressure forced the surrounding puppets to kneel, and the hanging demon closed its mouth, attempting to hide among the puppets. The intense melee came to an unexpected halt. Nord and Norsen looked at Lucifer with both astonishment and fear, afraid to speak or approach.

Their animal instincts told them that the current Lucifer was more dangerous than the major demon!

Like a man born from the radiant light, carrying a dangerous aura, Lucifer became the terrifying focal point. He extended a hand and said, “Come, Pei Xia.”