The person who was always gentle and harmless suddenly took on a different demeanor, making Pei Xia involuntarily nervous. In this oppressive atmosphere, his heart quietly accelerated.

Pei Xia walked in front of Lucifer and subconsciously handed his hand to him. He had just uttered the syllables of a name when Lucifer grabbed his hand and pulled him into his embrace.

With a swift pull, he turned half a circle and ended up with his back against Lucifer’s chest.

At that moment, Pei Xia felt as if he had been washed from the outside by a chilling aura. His body tensed, and instinctively, without any resistance, he obediently let Lucifer embrace him from behind.

“What do you want me to know?” Pei Xia asked weakly.

At this moment, the black-haired youth was completely enveloped by the man in a pristine white robe. He was held in his arms, surrounded by a faint and refreshing floral fragrance, imprisoned by the icy cold, and his soft and beautiful golden hair turned into gentle strands hanging in front of Pei Xia.

Lucifer’s pale pink lips were close to his ear as he extended his hand to caress Pei Xia’s throat like stroking a cat. He whispered, “Pei Xia, do you like Nord?”

Pei Xia’s body tensed. He didn’t understand why Lucifer would ask such a question, but out of a sense of responsibility as a boyfriend, he had to make it clear. “What are you talking about? I just appreciate people with excellent qualities, absolutely no other meaning.”

“Is that so?” Lucifer seemed to nod slightly. His slender chin rested on Pei Xia’s shoulder, and the cold breath made Pei Xia shiver involuntarily.

As if an electric shock, tiny currents surged through his body.

Before Pei Xia could recover from this soft and confusing state, Lucifer asked again, “Do you want to save them?”

“Yes!” Pei Xia answered without hesitation.

“In whatever way?”

“Yes.” Pei Xia hesitated in answering this question, vaguely sensing that Lucifer had a deeper meaning, but he couldn’t guess what Lucifer truly meant.

Next, Pei Xia saw a gentle radiance, like countless threads, flowing into the puppets. Twisted black shadows were forced out, and an evil aura instantly shrouded the entire ice cave.

Lucifer pecked a kiss on his earlobe.

Pei Xia subconsciously grabbed the arm that Lucifer had wrapped around him: “Great, they’re safe!”

“And then?”

Then, Pei Xia felt a cold, oppressive, and distorted aura. It was just a brief moment, and Pei Xia even thought it might be his imagination. After that, Lucifer extended his tongue and lightly licked the side of his neck. The cool sensation made Pei Xia shudder.

“In public, this is not very appropriate,” Pei Xia protested in a mosquito-like voice.

“So what?”

Pei Xia heard Lucifer’s voice, tinged with a mocking and disdainful tone, whispering in his ear. It seemed like there was nothing for him to care about.

Something is off, Lucifer is not right. Pei Xia felt uneasy and extremely fearful of Lucifer’s strange behavior at this moment.

He had a premonition that something he didn’t want to face might happen next.

However, he didn’t dwell on this thought because he was surprised to see the little demons forced out of the puppets suddenly fighting each other.

The slime-like demon, cowering behind the puppets, had already changed from its hanging position to a crawling one. It arched its back high, lowering its head into the dust as if it had seen a deity it could never resist.

The small demons fought and devoured each other, transforming into larger demons. The wolf emperor, who had crawled up from the ground, watched all of this with rapid breaths, a bewildered and fearful expression on his face.

He pounced on the ice coffin, holding his forever-sleeping wife, and shouted desperately at the slime-like demon: “Eldora! Eldora, why has it become like this? You promised me that you would resurrect Iliana, you promised me!”

The slime-like demon Eldora shivered and rushed over, starting to beat up Nogia, trying to make him shut up.

As his father was being beaten, Nod and Norsen also disregarded who caused this situation and quickly joined the attack on the big demon.

“Do you like it?” Lucifer embraced Pei Xia and asked him with a smile. “They will be saved, the demons will die. Do you like this ending, Pei Xia?”

Pei Xia nodded, his eyes filled with suspicion.

Even though he was a bit slow to react, he knew that Lucifer was extremely off right now.

“That’s good; this is the gift I’m giving you.”

“What gift?” Pei Xia looked at the chaos in front of him, vaguely guessing what was happening. “Did you orchestrate the demons fighting each other?”

“Exactly.” Lucifer rubbed his jet-black hair, very affectionate, paying no attention to whether his current appearance seemed righteous and pure enough.

Pei Xia exclaimed, “Wow, I didn’t expect your charm to even subdue demons!”

Lucifer: “…”

Pei Xia muttered quietly, “Seeing my rivals increase again, it’s really hard to guard against.”

Lucifer moved the hand that was caressing his throat upward, gripping his cheek. He squeezed the tender flesh, silencing the incessant mouth.

Pei Xia turned his head, looking very innocent at Lucifer, not understanding why he was treated this way.

Lucifer smiled at him. “It’s not for that reason.”

“What is it, then?” Pei Xia struggled to produce a few words.

Lucifer’s smile had a hint of cruelty as he intended to make the young man in his arms face the most terrifying fact: “Obedience. Obedience of the lower to the higher, the weak to the strong. Even if it costs their lives, they must obey. Pei Xia, they obey me. Do you understand?”

Pei Xia shuddered, his head almost turned into a mush by Lucifer’s actions. “You control them? Is it with the power of Light Magic?”

“No,” Lucifer released the hand that pinched his cheek. “It’s because they fear me.”

“I see.” Finally, Pei Xia, who had been slow to understand, had subconsciously grasped a truth he didn’t want to face. Trembling and smiling, he tried to find an excuse to escape.

“Your strength is very powerful. Even without using magic, they fear you. It’s because of the power of light, right?” The young man with black hair had pleading eyes, seeking an answer from the man who held him captive.

However, Lucifer disappointed him.

He used his icy fingertips to caress the dry and tender lips of the young man, turning those faint lips into a vivid shade of red.

He focused intently on the lips of the person in his arms but spoke in a seemingly casual tone: “No, Pei Xia. Although they fear the power of light, creatures in the darkness understand the terror of darkness even more.”

After saying this, he chuckled and then whispered lightly in Pei Xia’s ear: “Pei Xia, didn’t you say that you would love me no matter what? If that’s the case, there’s no harm even if I am a demon, right?”

“A demon?”

Pei Xia couldn’t react for a moment and said dully, “Well, that’s pretty cool.”

Lucifer: “Oh.”

Pei Xia: “!!!”

A demon! It’s the demon of this world! The kind of demon that can devour souls, seduce minds, and revel in blood, evil, and terror! He is that kind of demon, not the kind that gets casually beaten up in online games or is written in fanfiction as a cute demon!

Trembling, Pei Xia urgently asked, “Fei Fei, are you joking with me? This is not funny at all, don’t tease me!”

Lucifer looked at him with pity, not saying a word. He gently lifted his chin and gave this weak and pitiful sacrifice a light kiss, and the dark tendrils flowed into Pei Xia’s mouth with this kiss.

Cold, silent, evil.

The trembling Pei Xia froze in place, like a lifeless corpse.

It was true, what Lucifer said, it was all true.

Despair and confusion permeated Pei Xia’s heart.

Why is it like this? Pei Xia couldn’t understand why everything suddenly turned into this. His perfect lover, referred to as the favored child of the God of Light, was clearly warm, kind, and just.

Why did he turn into a demon concealed in the light?

Where did things go wrong?

The scene of Pei Xia’s soul perishing with the demon when he first arrived in this world flashed before his eyes again. The panic and terror he felt when the horrifying creature lurked by his bedside surfaced once more.

He hadn’t forgotten why he came to Lucifer’s side.

But now, the most fearsome existence for him was, surprisingly, his lover who had always protected him!

How ridiculous, how absurd.

Pei Xia forcefully bit the tip of his tongue, the stinging pain jolting his stiffened brain back into action. He asked in an ethereal voice, “Are you truly Lucifer? Was it like this from the beginning, or did something go wrong later?”

Lucifer was in a good mood. He patiently explained to the ignorant lamb, “The Lucifer you’re referring to was the original owner of this body. Unfortunately, a long time ago, this body became my possession.”

Actually, this wasn’t entirely accurate, but explaining it in detail might be too much for Pei Xia to handle at the moment.

Pei Xia shivered.

It wasn’t the real Lucifer; it was a demon, an intruding demon!

“Do you also want my body?” Pei Xia weakly asked.

Lucifer kissed the corner of his lips and smiled, saying, “More than your body, I want your soul.”

It’s over, Pei Xia thought in despair. He never expected that even this extremely pure vessel of Pei Xia Christian couldn’t satisfy the appetite of this demon boss. Even his own soul was at risk!

No, absolutely not!

He didn’t know why this demon played with him using love, and he didn’t understand why he suddenly exposed everything. However, despite the difficulty of erasing his affection for the demon, his desire for survival still didn’t let him give up hope.

Pei Xia, weak, helpless, and pitiful, pleaded, “Can you please delay devouring my soul?”

Lucifer was pleased by his cute and obedient appearance. He looked at him tenderly and said, “Okay.”

Teasing Pei Xia was quite interesting. Occasionally scaring him and experiencing some rare amusement was also quite enjoyable.

So Lucifer raised a suggestive smile and said, “On second thought, you’ve called me the wrong name quite a few times today. I should punish you properly.”

Pei Xia replied, “In what world would I think about such things at a time like this, demon? Properly a demon!”

Pei Xia’s gaze conflicted, wanting to run away now but feeling reluctant, mainly because he didn’t dare.

Soon, the number of demons inside the ice cavern drastically decreased. Notably, only Eldora and a newly formed demon remained. Lucifer casually waved his hand, turning the solid ice beneath into a throne-like structure.

He happily sat on the throne of ice, and Pei Xia was reluctantly forced to sit on his lap as he watched the fierce battle between the two large demons.

Feeling a bit uncomfortable, Pei Xia tried to slide down from his lap when he heard Lucifer’s teasing voice, “What? Don’t like it now that you know my identity? Does all the love you claimed to feel for me turn out to be a lie?”

Pei Xia stammered, “No, no, not at all!”

Idiot! The person he loved was clearly false, yet he dared to ask such questions. However, Pei Xia didn’t dare to anger him right now. Besides, his mind was in chaos, and he didn’t know what his feelings for Lucifer truly were.

“You’ll continue to love me, won’t you?” Lucifer held him tightly around the waist, not allowing him to move away.

Pei Xia endured humiliation and said, “Yes, Your Grace.”

This devil hadn’t had enough of playing the game of pretending to be the Holy Son.

Hearing Pei Xia’s response, Lucifer smiled contentedly.

Originally powerful and terrifying, the large demon that inspired fear and despair was now just a source of amusement in front of Lucifer. The two large demons roared as they engaged in fierce combat, their momentum overwhelming.

Nord and Norsen, with their knocked out dad, had now stood in a corner, equally astonished at the intense battle between the two large demons.

They were unaware of Lucifer’s true identity, thinking it was just a demon internal conflict.

Meanwhile, Pei Xia sat on Lucifer’s lap, growing more desperate as he realized that even the residual effects of these high-level demons’ battles made his skin ache, rendering him powerless.

So, what kind of being was Lucifer, stronger than these large demons?

Unable to contain his fear, Pei Xia couldn’t help but speculate on Lucifer’s true identity. The more he guessed, the more frightened he became, and his body couldn’t stop trembling.

Lucifer sensed his fear and knowingly asked, “Pei Xia, what’s wrong?”

Pei Xia hesitated, reluctant to tell the truth. After pondering for a while, he decided on a strategy: endure under the demon’s command, gain his trust, and then find a chance to escape. So, he said, “I’m just worried about you!”

“Oh?” Lucifer raised an eyebrow.

Pei Xia continued nervously, “I’m concerned about your… um, your buttocks. Sitting on the ice must be quite cold!”

Lucifer: “…”

Pei Xia sneakily glanced at him, saying, “Your thoughtfulness and care deeply touch me. Your warmth feels like a gentle breeze, but, you know, if the ice melts, your pants will get wet.”

Would Lucifer, having water stains on his butt, be embarrassed and fly into a rage?

Pei Xia decided to eliminate this possibility first.

Lucifer fell silent for a moment and gently pinched Pei Xia’s buttocks, saying, “It won’t melt.”

Pei Xia’s eyes turned red, and he didn’t say anything more. In his mind, he cursed, ‘Demon, truly a demon. Once the identity is exposed, not even pretending anymore. That pinch just now was incredibly painful!’

No, he must escape; otherwise, he would definitely be devoured, leaving nothing behind but bone fragments!

But it wasn’t possible right now. At least until the resurrection incident was resolved, he couldn’t irresponsibly run away. He couldn’t take the truth with him, allowing this infuriating yet beautiful demon to continue beguiling the world.