Under the surveillance of Lucifer, two large demons fought desperately. In the end, Eldora, who lived longer, prevailed. He evolved into a pitch-black entity, almost having a tangible form as a new demon. Then, he deeply bowed to Lucifer.

It’s over. Pei Xia nervously grabbed Lucifer’s arm.

If it were before, Pei Xia knew without hesitation that Lucifer would purify this demon into ashes. However, now, after learning his true identity, Pei Xia became uncertain.

Pei Xia had no idea what he really wanted, what he desired, and which side he stood on.

Fortunately, Lucifer seemed to enjoy playing the role of the holy son and had no intention of revealing his true self in front of others.

A gentle light illuminated the entire ice cave, and the sacred power seemed to disperse everything. Eldora screamed and turned into smoke, merging with the darkness in a hidden corner.

If Lucifer hadn’t whispered a sentence in Pei Xia’s ear with a smile, Pei Xia would almost have been deceived by this grand scene of light triumphing over darkness, thinking that Lucifer was still the holy son he wholeheartedly followed.

“Pei Xia, he witnessed our honesty and mutual trust. Let him stay and become a memento of our love.”

Pei Xia: “…”

However, at this moment, besides Pei Xia, there was no one else to bear this hidden and frightening truth together with him.

Nord and Norsen walked over, bowing deeply to Lucifer, the holy son of the Bright Church, expressing gratitude. The sincere wolf prince didn’t hesitate to praise Lucifer like an angel. The young wolf second prince also showed a submissive expression, expressing his submission to Lucifer.

Pei Xia was finally released. He slid down from Lucifer’s legs and coldly observed Lucifer, who wore a dignified and hypocritical smile, interacting with others.

Later, Nord and Norsen restrained the unconscious Nogia, went outside, and called many guards to assist in rescuing the innocent girls trapped in the ice cave.

The girls had their hands tied behind their backs, and their mouths were gagged with cloth. Norsen rushed to Ribe first, carefully removing the cloth from her mouth and holding her with a guilty expression.

“Ribe, I’m sorry, it’s all my fault!”

Ribe, who had experienced being kidnapped before, was calm: “This is your father’s fault, Second Prince. Can you let me go now?”

Norsen: “No, I don’t want to let you go anymore!”

Ribe was very puzzled. First, she expressed thanks to Pei Xia and Lucifer through Norsen’s shoulder, then asked Norsen: “Why? I don’t have any relationship with you.”

Norsen was very frustrated: “Because I like you, you know!”

“Of course, but I’ve already rejected you.” Back in the spring of last year, before Ribe was taken away, she had already rejected Norsen.

Norsen ran his hand through his hair, painfully saying: “But I still like you, Ribe. What can I do for you to give me a chance?”

Ribe thought for a moment: “I prefer gentle opposite sexes, like Prince Nord, Lord Pei Xia, and the holy son.”

Norsen: “…”

The time the girls were abducted varied, but fortunately, because their lives were to be taken away in the final moments, none of them suffered irreversible harm.

They would be taken out to receive compensation and assistance from the kingdom. Lucifer, Pei Xia, and others didn’t need to worry about these matters.

Pei Xia sat stiffly next to Lucifer. They were arranged a carriage and would soon arrive at the previous courtyard.

Because the Emperor of the Wolves was involved, the palace was chaotic. Nord had to ask them to go back and rest for now, saying that after things calmed down, they would formally express gratitude to the Church of Light.

Pei Xia silently complained in his heart, thinking, ‘Bro, do you know that the object of your gratitude is actually a demon? If Lucifer hadn’t voluntarily revealed his identity, I would still be in the dark like everyone else.’

Pei Xia looked at the starry sky outside the car window, and Lucifer was looking at him.

“Why are you suddenly so indifferent?” Lucifer asked.

The hand that Pei Xia had on his leg suddenly tightened on his pants. Nervously, he replied, “N-nothing, I just need some fresh air.”


A hand gently covered Pei Xia’s hand, and he involuntarily took a cold breath, unsure of how to react.

In the past, he would have shyly smiled and then held Lucifer’s hand in return. But now, he felt really uncomfortable, and even his movements became stiff.

He forced a smile at Lucifer, a smile that seemed a bit strained.

Lucifer blinked gently. His eyes, without a trace of gloom, were clearly the purest sapphires in the world. However, the owner of those eyes was a demon skilled in deception.

“Pei Xia, you said you love me.”

Pei Xia: Yes, I deeply love you. Why repeat this point? Is the game of love so amusing?

Pei Xia looked at Lucifer with a hint of bitterness.

After reaching the small courtyard, Pei Xia couldn’t wait to get off the carriage. He took a few deep breaths, stabilized his mindset, and tried to behave as he did before. He even went out of his way to please Lucifer, fearing to anger him.

However, looking at his colleagues who were still unaware of everything, Pei Xia couldn’t help but fall into deep worry. They knew nothing, and relying solely on words, he couldn’t prove Lucifer’s true identity.

I need to figure out a solution!

In the evening, Pei Xia stood at the door of his room, feeling extremely conflicted.

Yes, he had planned to first please and gain trust before making a run for it. But even if Pei Xia lacked morals and was ruthless, facing the fact that his intimate lover had suddenly become a terrifying liar, he couldn’t continue to be heartless and intimate with him.

This is really too difficult for a poor knight who has been deeply scarred by demons!

Pei Xia stood at the door, tangled to the point of having knots in his hair. Suddenly, the door was pushed open from the inside, and Lucifer, wearing a thin robe, stood in front of him, gently asking, “Why not come in?”

Pei Xia looked up at him.

In the thick night, warm orange light spilled from the room, shining on Lucifer’s pristine robe, portraying him in a cozy manner.

At this moment, Lucifer seemed like a gentle wife welcoming her incapable husband home. No matter how dejected the husband was from an unsuccessful day, the wife remained considerate and tender.

Pei Xia choked back a sob, tears welling up in his eyes.

Summer had reached its tail end, and the daytime heat had cooled into a night breeze. Pei Xia felt cold in his body and even colder in his heart.

Lucifer reached out and wiped under his eyes, smiling, “What’s wrong, bullied by someone?”

Pei Xia: Who else could it be? Isn’t it you?!

But he couldn’t say that. His legs were trembling quietly, and he said, “It’s just for a moment; I still haven’t fully come to terms with your identity.”

Lucifer’s smile deepened a bit. He gently pulled Pei Xia into the brightly lit room, and Pei Xia let out a pitiful whimper. At this moment, this warm house seemed no less than a dangerous place in his eyes.

The door slammed shut, and Pei Xia lay on the bed, hands neatly placed by his side, his mind in chaos, not knowing if he should say anything.

To his surprise, Lucifer didn’t do anything. He blew out the lamp and covered Pei Xia with a blanket. In the darkness, his voice was calm and inclusive: “Pei Xia, I once lied to you, but now I choose to confess.”

A slightly cool hand reached out, and Lucifer embraced Pei Xia.

Lucifer whispered in his ear, “I know this is difficult for you to accept, but I will patiently wait for you to be mine, forever mine. Pei Xia, remember this.”

After saying that, he gently kissed the young man in his arms. However, the person being embraced continued to tremble, as if very afraid.

Is it so frightening?

Lucifer’s mood was somewhat complicated because he had never regretted anything. For him, there was no such thing as “should have known earlier.” He always did things the way he wanted, including being straightforward with Pei Xia without giving him time to adjust.

But now, he vaguely felt some regret. Perhaps he should have chosen a more subtle way to tell Pei Xia.

Lucifer gently coaxed, “Afraid?”

Pei Xia, his voice trembling, replied, “No, not really.”

“Then why are you trembling?”

Pei Xia: “Need to use the bathroom.”

Lucifer: “…”

Pei Xia explained cautiously, “I was a bit nervous just now, and I drank a lot of water.”

Lucifer vented his frustration by biting his earlobe: “Go quickly!”

Pei Xia: “Ah!”

In the following three days, Lucifer continued to flawlessly play the role of the holy son of the Church of Light, and Pei Xia continued to deceive and flatter him.

Perhaps impressed by Pei Xia’s outstanding acting, Lucifer treated him well, and he didn’t insist on doing anything intimate at night. With a hint of indulgence, Lucifer didn’t mind when Pei Xia found excuses to go out, and the punishments he mentioned before were never brought up.

This made Pei Xia’s mind more agile. Perhaps escaping wasn’t particularly difficult, but before that, he wanted to try fighting back.

Killing the current Lucifer was a dangerous move, and doing nothing left Pei Xia uneasy. In any case, Pei Xia couldn’t bring himself to escape alone while coldly watching the fate of Buck and the others.

Lucifer, whether he was pretending or genuinely had some feelings for himself, provided Pei Xia with an opportunity to fight back.

At first, Pei Xia planned to seek external assistance.

Pei Xia believed that the only force capable of dealing with Lucifer was the light. Lucifer was undoubtedly draped in the guise of light, but in reality, he was dark and sinister. As long as he could find a powerful light mage, it would surely be possible to tear through his disguise and expose his true nature!

With that, Buck and the others could distance themselves from him, ensuring their safety.

As for the rest, Pei Xia believed that the Light Church, with its millennia-long heritage, could withstand a demon.

Beist was the capital of the orc kingdom, and it was full of talents. Even if orcs weren’t particularly skilled in magic, there were still treasure mages present.

Pei Xia asked Prince Nord for help to introduce him to a secluded old light mage who had been living there for years. Prince Nord didn’t know what Pei Xia was planning, but because of their previous friendship, he agreed to help.

The old light mage was named Shaz. When Pei Xia met him, he told Shaz that Lucifer was possessed by a demon.

Shaz chuckled, “I’ve heard about the Light Church’s holy son coming here to teach and preach, but your joke is too absurd. I can’t believe it.”

“This is where I find it most difficult. Do you have a way to discern a demon?” Pei Xia sighed.

“Of course! When I was young, I dealt with numerous demons. If a demon appears before me, I can absolutely recognize it at a glance!”

“That’s amazing!” Pei Xia was pleasantly surprised. “Then, can you take a look at him with me?”

“Alright, I’ll trust you.”

Pei Xia, accompanied by Shaz, hid in a corner to secretly observe Lucifer. After watching, Shaz’s expression became complicated, and he deeply looked at Pei Xia, saying, “Is he a demon? I understand.”

Pei Xia was overjoyed. “Great! Now that you also know his true identity, can you subdue him?”

Shaz nodded solemnly. “Sir Knight, perhaps you should check yourself.”

Pei Xia: “???”

Shaz: “Even I have heard of the great reputation of the Holy Son. He is undoubtedly the purest person in the world, the only one capable of approaching the core of light. How could such a person be a demon? Compared to Lord Lucifer, in fact, you seem to carry a faint demonic aura.”

Pei Xia: “…”

Shaz, rubbing his chin in puzzlement, said, “Strange, this aura definitely comes from an incredibly powerful demon, long-lasting and profound as if it were a mark. But, why haven’t you been devoured? I understand, it must be this demon that has beguiled you, making you conspire against the Holy Son!”

Pei Xia: “So, do you believe that this incredibly powerful demon is Lucifer?”

Shaz raised his staff: “Accept the purification of light, you deluded one led astray by the demon!”

Pei Xia immediately gave up and turned away, leaving Shaz alone behind him, extremely puzzled, “Strange, why is this aura so deeply entrenched, and it can’t be purified!”

With no other choice, Pei Xia had to fight alone. He came up with a plan that wasn’t really a plan because, apart from this, he didn’t know how else to deal with Lucifer.

Later, on the day of the plan to expose the demon’s true identity, Pei Xia called the other paladins and earnestly instructed them, “Later, everyone needs to discreetly guard near the Holy Son’s room.”

The crowd was in an uproar, talking all at once, “Is there some danger, Captain?”

Pei Xia thought for a moment but decided not to reveal Lucifer’s true identity to them now. After all, if the operation failed, Buck and the others would continue to believe in Lucifer. However, those who had been informed might bear the brunt of their anger.

It was better to continue in ignorance, playing the role-playing game with Lucifer; it was safer that way.

Pei Xia said, “Yes, there is some danger, but it’s not from external forces; it’s from within. Later, I will be with the Holy Son cough cough. Listen carefully; once there’s anything strange inside the room, be prepared immediately. If the danger is too great, don’t hesitate to run away after confirming. But no matter when, don’t forget your identity as holy knights and your mission!”

Tom’s expression changed, greatly surprised, “Captain, it wouldn’t be some special preference between you and the Holy Son, right? There’s no need to be so serious; we’ll cooperate!”

Buck silently raised his hand, encircling his chest, “I’m a heterosexual man with a fiancée.”

Pei Xia: “It’s not what you think!”

Pei Xia emphasized, “No eavesdropping on hobbies like listening through the walls, absolutely not! Take this seriously. I am going to lure a demon together with the Holy Son. It may or may not appear, and it might even possess the Holy Son. Act according to the situation, but absolutely no interference. Not even the Holy Son should be informed to avoid embarrassment in case of failure, understood?”


Anyway, Buck and the others would find out what was going on later.

As night fell, Pei Xia clenched his fists, took a deep breath, and calmed his nervous heart.

Then he approached Lucifer, his face blushing, and said, “Fei Fei, I’ve been thinking for a long time. Maybe we should overcome this obstacle together.”

Lucifer looked down at him, his gaze like water, “Hmm?”

Pei Xia continued reciting his lines, “You said you liked me, and I like you too. So, um, so we should continue looking forward.”

Lucifer smiled, “Agreed.”

“But!” Pei Xia hurriedly added, “You lied to me before, and I’m still angry about it!”

Lucifer held his hand and brought it to his lips, giving it a kiss, “It’s my mistake. How do you want to be compensated?”

Pei Xia’s eyes lit up. He didn’t expect him to be so cooperative. He then pulled him towards the room while saying, “You said it, I want that kind of compensation, the one…”

As he spoke, he sneakily glanced at Lucifer, “Can it be anything?”

Lucifer nodded with tenderness, “Of course.”

“Then I want something exciting, like bondage play!” Pei Xia courageously said.

Lucifer, not quite understanding the term, but getting the gist of bondage, looked at Pei Xia meaningfully and then fetched some rope to prepare for tying him up.

Pei Xia hastily said, “No, I’ll tie you up!”

Lucifer gave a long, meaningful “Oh,” raised an eyebrow with a slightly teasing smile, and obediently sat on the bed.

“Okay, I’ll follow your lead.”

As Peixia straddled his lap, Lucifer suddenly leaned in and lightly bit his lip, saying, “My most loyal knight, remember to be gentle.”

Then he leaned back, resting his upper body against the headboard, hands raised in front of him, clearly ready to be bound. Despite this, he exuded an air of complete control, as if everything was at his fingertips.

Lucifer handed the rope to Pei Xia, being very cooperative, “Go ahead, Pei Xia.”

He wanted to see just how daring Pei Xia could be. That’s when Pei Xia surprised him by discarding the rope, bending down, and pulling out a length of iron chain from under the bed.

Pei Xia grinned, “Since we’re going for excitement, let’s go all the way!”

Author’s note:

Oh my, goodness, Gugu Yan is so thoughtful and kind. When the little angels said they wanted to see bondage, Gugu Yan wrote about bondage. Gugu Yan is truly a considerate and good Gugu, deserving of praise and nutrients!

Gugu spreads its wings: Come on, I can handle even more!