Qin Guanglin sat outside the Taiyi palace with a bitter face. He opened his clothes and took a look. Sure enough, the last twist turned him red.

Teacher he is so cruel

"Don't you go in and burn incense?" Why don't you have the heart to knead it for him.

"No, I dare not." Qin Guanglin rubbed back in shock and waved his hands in resistance.

Why not helpless, "do not pinch you, is to help you rub."

"Why are you so strong..."

"Not much can cure you?" Why don't you put your hand in the hem of his clothes and rub it slowly, "try harder next time, if you don't believe it."

Qin Guanglin, who dares to try again, snorts and enjoys the sweet jujube after the stick. It really doesn't hurt to be rubbed by this soft little hand, and it's much more comfortable.

"I'll do it once. I'll do it when I see the temple." He enjoyed it for a while before he said.

"It's different. That's marriage. This is peace." Why don't you explain, "it's always good to say goodbye."

"It's no use. I don't believe that." Qin Guanglin shook his head. "If you like, just go to see me. I might as well sit and have a rest."

Just look around. If she worships the temple like this, is she tired to death?

"You just read so much in Cuihua palace."

"The first one, whether it's useful or not, I've experienced burning incense. One time is enough." Qin Guanglin just came here with the idea of not burning white and not burning white.

"It won't take much to say goodbye again." She continued to persuade.

"This is a bad habit. We can't..."

Half said, why not cover his mouth, "at the door, don't talk nonsense."

"Originally, praying to God and worshiping Buddha are similar to those actions of releasing life." Qin Guanglin didn't like superstition. He tried to help his girlfriend establish correct socialist core values, break feudal superstition and believe in science.

He took Ho Ho's hand, put it on his waist, forced her to continue rubbing, and said: "you see, whether it's praying for Buddha or burning incense, the core of these behaviors is to accumulate good karma and get good results.

Isn't this a different way of "hoping to pay back"? I gave incense and good heart, those unknown existence will return me good fruit

"What's wrong?" Why don't you just talk nonsense.

"It's a big mistake. Some people burn incense to worship Buddha in order to get rich, some to improve their grades, and some to get promoted Isn't it stupid that these people don't think about their own efforts and waste their time doing this mysterious thing? " Qin Guanglin pointed to the Taiyi palace behind him. "It's better to spend the time of burning incense studying the market, reciting words, and working hard than asking for the illusory God?"

"Then why do so many people believe it?" Why don't you follow his words and think about how to make him change his mind and go in for a visit.

"Er..." Qin Guanglin got stuck for a moment, looked back at the hall and said slowly, "maybe it's because It's tiring to work hard, but it's easy to worship Buddha. "

"It's really hard to work hard." Why don't you nod your head and ask after a moment's silence: "but if you have tried?"

"What?" Qin Guanglin didn't understand her for a moment.

"When you have done what you should do and what you should work hard, then you can pray to the gods and pray to the ethereal gods." Why don't you think about organizing words while slowly opening your mouth: "there's a saying that it's up to people to make things happen. If a person has finished what he should do and wants to go further, he can only choose this. Even if he can only increase the possibility of success, he can't let it go. He must be perfect, don't you think?"

Qin Guanglin was stunned. He never thought about this.

"As long as it is possible to add a glimmer of hope, you can't let it go, can you?"

"It seems that..." Qin Guanglin pondered again, stood up and pulled him to the hall. "Anyway, it's all right to try."

Trying to pull her girlfriend out of superstition, she pulled her in.

The fairy who can calculate is so terrible.

Why don't you let him lead him to the main hall of Taiyi palace, stand by and wait for others to worship, and take out the opened incense from his backpack by the way.

Soon it was their turn to light the incense candle together, put it in the censer, step back together, kneel on the futon and pray silently.

After praying, the two figures put down their hands to support the ground and kowtow to the statue.

Qin Guanglin straightened up and took a look at the next one. Suddenly he felt strange.

Well, it's kind of like a chapel?

Why don't you know what he was thinking? After standing up, he went to the side door of the hall and waved, "come and draw a lot."

"You smoke first." Qin Guanglin has seen this on TV, but he hasn't touched it in reality.

Bang, bang, Bang

Why don't you shake the container, and the bamboo stick hits the wall of the container neatly, making a slightly dull sound. After seven or eight strokes, a sign comes out.Qin Guanglin pinched it up and looked at it. The inscription on it was very small. He carefully recognized it and read it aloud: "the waves are steady, the waves are flat, the hooks are good. Why worry about two or three heads The light of the toad is bright, the clouds are clear, and they shine through heaven and earth. "

"It's like a sign." He was happy to hand it to me, so why not look at it.

"Well, that sounds good." Why not also some happy, then came to take a closer look, "it's your turn."

Whoa, whoa, whoa

The frequency of Qin Guanglin's shaking is faster, and his voice is much more disorderly than why not. He just shakes a few times and falls out a bamboo stick.

"What is it?" He came to see it with interest.

"One month's lack, one mirror's fall, no group Well, I haven't finished yet. " When Qin Guanglin saw half of it, he was thrown back the signature, "why doesn't it look so good?"

"Smoke again. You just shook it too fast." Why don't you give him the sign again.


Qin Guanglin dissatisfied, and no way to just find that back, took the sign shake twice, suddenly stopped, handed back to why not, "you take it."

"What for?"

"By your hand, if you can shake it for the first time, you can shake it for the second time." Qin Guanglin holds her hand with a smile. She holds the bucket in her hand and shakes it like this.


When the signature fell out, Qin Guanglin quickly picked it up to prevent it from throwing it back, and turned to see for himself.

"What is it?" Why don't you pull him by the shoulder.

"Sure enough, I have to borrow your fortune." Qin Guanglin handed her the signature, "it looks very good."

Why don't you take a closer look, eyebrows and eyes slowly spread out, pursed his mouth and said with a smile: "or teacher he is powerful?"

"Yes, it is. Do you want someone to cancel it? " Qin Guanglin turned his head and looked around to see if there were any Taoists here.

He didn't see the person he was looking for, so he turned back and asked, "don't you know what to do? Will it work out? "

"I will. It has nothing to do with it

"What a pity."

"A good sign doesn't need to be solved." Why don't you throw the signature back into the container and "wait for good things to come."