Good things only need to wait for them to happen. Only bad things need to be dealt with. Qin Guanglin pondered it for a while. It's really the same reason.

Why don't you go out through the side door together? Qin Dafu holds an umbrella over her head and conscientiously performs his duty as the umbrella guard in front of the imperial court. Yes, he has been promoted again.

"Go to another district." Why don't you take a tour guide map and study it for a moment and make suggestions.

"Well, look at the waterfall?"

"Well, yes." She identified the direction, walked forward two steps, and then turned back to hold him, "does it hurt?"

"It won't hurt after you knead it." Qin Guanglin took her little hand and gave it a kiss. "It's called rejuvenation."

Pinching is very painful, and rubbing is very comfortable. It's really a wonderful hand.

"Do you think I'm fierce?" Why not look at him and ask, "are you afraid?"

"It's a good thing to be tough. Only in the future can we manage the students." Qin Guanglin said perfunctorily.

A person who can climb his bed in the middle of the night, where can he be fierce again? It's a little cute just now.

"Hum." Why not be proud of the head shaking, "you are my first student, take good care of you."

"When can I graduate?"

"Well When I don't have to talk, just raise my hand, or give you a look, you will know what to do, even if you graduate. "

Qin Guanglin thought about the picture and felt dissatisfied. "Do you have a dog? What's this

"To support you."

"Wang ~"

"that's good." Why not reach out and touch his head.

"Hey, hey, hey." Qin Guanglin winked at her, "what's the dog's girlfriend?"

If you hurt the enemy by one thousand, you will lose eight hundred. You may not make money, but you will never lose money.

Why don't you squint at him: "do you want to try the magic hand again?"

"No, No

Qin Guanglin looked away, suddenly turned back and stared at her with a strong smile.

"What's wrong with you?" Why not doubt.

"It's like..." Qin Guanglin slightly and she opened a little distance, "I move you know what I'm thinking, I a look you can see through what I want to do."

Why not squint, with a hint of warning, "so?"

"So you graduated."

Qin Guanglin laughs. Even if you have a dog, it's a dog. No, how can a girlfriend be a dog? People who are single are Pooh, Pooh!

"Well, you're smart." Why not give him a white look and turn around to be attracted by the big tree in front of him.

"What a big tree." She exclaimed.

"It's really big." Qin Guanglin is also a little surprised, "I feel so big when I see it on the Internet, but I didn't expect that it would be more powerful here."

The big tree in front of us is not very high, but it is very strong. The trunk does not grow up, but covers a large area horizontally, just like a big umbrella standing there.

"Unfortunately, it's too big to take pictures with it." Why not? It's a pity.

If you want to take a panoramic view, you need to stand far away to take photos. There are only two of them. It's boring to take a single photo, and there's no one to help you.

"Why don't we get someone to do it for us?" Qin Guanglin turned around and saw that there were still many people here.

Why don't you shake your head, "forget it, go and make a wish."

The tree is covered with red knots and wooden cards. It is a real wishing tree. There is a table under the tree, where the staff sell wishing cards and knots.

The wish card has to write the wish and hang it on the tree. The wish knot doesn't need to be tied directly. It can also be regarded as taking care of those groups who don't want others to know their wishes.

"Which do you want?" Qin Guanglin turned to ask her.

"I want cards, so I can see them after many years."

"Then I want cards, too." He took out his wallet, paid, took the sign and went to another table to write his wish.

"What do you write?" Why don't you ask him.

"You can't peek, or it won't work." Qin Guanglin shakes his head seriously, hides his cards and wants to wait for her to write first.


Why not curl your mouth, take a pen to the corner, cover it with your hand and start to write.

Seeing this, Qin Guanglin took a pen to the other corner and finished it two or three times. Then he looked up and laughed.

"You didn't just write two or three words, did you?" Try to guess what he wrote.

"The secret must not be revealed." He came to the tree, looked at it and found a place he liked to hang it up.

"I want to hang next to you." Why not come over with your wish card and say, "which one did you hang?"


Qin Guanglin is good at holding down her wish card to prevent her from secretly lifting it.

"Then don't peek at me." Why don't you hang up your hand and pull him back two steps to prevent this guy from being cheap."I look at others, not you."

Qin Guanglin walked around the tree for half a circle, got rid of the suspicion, and then came close to the past, curious about what other people would like.

"Isn't that good?" Why don't you come here hesitantly.

She is also a little curious, and a lot of people are looking around, should be able to see.

Casually turned a few, are and so and so and so forever and so on, mixed with the body healthy happy, are the most common wishes.

Qin Guanglin raised a very old wish card, turned his head and asked, "do you think their wish has come true?"

"It should be realized..." Why don't you come over and have a look? It says "grow old together with so and so, and nod your head and say:" it must have come true. "

"Hey, I don't know if they'll come back." Qin Guanglin took back his hand and didn't have much interest to see it again.

From time to time, one or two leaves fell from the leafy tree, which happened to fall on the shoulder of why not? He reached out to help her brush it away, took her little hand by the way, and clasped her fingers tightly, "OK, let's go?"

To make a wish is to seek peace of mind. The key lies in everyone's efforts and efforts. It's ridiculous to expect such mysterious things.

"Let's go." Why not nod your head.

She went out a long way and looked back. "I don't know how many people it has witnessed come and go."

"I've seen both of us anyway, and I've left two cards." Qin Guanglin said casually.

"After many years, the brand will rot down, decompose in the soil, and be absorbed by this big tree, and it will always exist." Why don't you laugh.

"Maybe it will fall down and be swept away." Qin big fool will destroy the atmosphere.

“…… That will become nutrition, absorbed by other trees

"The tree in the dump?"

"No matter where the tree is, it's right that it will always exist."