CH 15

Name:Withdrawal Author:
Fu Zhi Zhou was muddled and confused as he blindly mulled over it. He only managed to fall asleep late into the night. The next day, he was jolted awake from Qiao Luo’s scream of surprise.

Qiao Luo was like a whale, flipping over and over in his embrace as he sat up. He even kicked Fu Zhi Zhou’s leg as he panicked anxiously, “Shit shit shit, I’m late!!”

Fu Zhi Zhou was bewildered from sleep and hadn’t managed to understand what was going on. He unconsciously scooped the person back into his arms. Once he hugged Qiao Luo’s slender and firm waist, he then realised that his actions just now were not appropriate in a time like this. Thus, he could only sit up too, “Not late. I requested a leave of absence for you. Lie down for a little longer.”

He only made it more conspicuous by covering it up as he reached over to get the medicine on the headboard which he hadn’t had the time to keep yesterday, and handed it to Qiao Luo, “Put the medicine on yourself. I’m going to wash up.”

Qiao Luo was attentively and gently coaxed by his Zhou Zhou gege for the entire night. He had a peaceful and secure sleep and was now as lively as a tiger, as alive as a dragon. Just as Fu Zhi Zhou was getting up, he pounced onto Fu Zhi Zhou’s back.

The previous night, he was scared silly. Now that he had come back to himself, he savoured the lingering taste. He was practically as excited as a bunch of monkeys seeing a banana, “Did you promise to fetch me home from now on yesterday!”

Looks like the little rascal was fine now.

Fu Zhi Zhou closed his eyes and patted Qiao Luo’s back with his other hand, “Come down.”

Qiao Luo refused to relent. He rubbed his head against Fu Zhi Zhou’s back, “Never! You hugged me on your own accord yesterday so how come you don’t allow it today!”

Fu Zhi Zhou was having a headache. Could a back carry be the same? He was able to give him a princess-carry, but a back carry meant that he had to support Qiao Luo by his butt! For the entire night, he dizzily dreamt of dreams that had Qiao Luo in it. How could he dare to touch Qiao Luo this bright and early in the morning!

He calmed himself down, “Your leg doesn’t hurt anymore since you can recklessly wildly jump about? Either you wash up together with me or you lie down properly.”

Qiao Luo released him and knelt on the bed. His little feet didn’t have socks on. The heels of his foot stuck onto the root of his thigh as he said pitifully, “Getting bullied by the hooligans is pretty good too, it can make you feel distressed for me.”

What was this twisted and horrible logic? His life was almost shortened by half from the fight. Just when could this little guy stop making him worry so much!

Fu Zhi Zhou glared at him, “Shut up. When have I not cared for you?”

Then he added on angrily in his heart: I’m about to dig out my heart for you!

Qiao Luo shut his mouth and flipped around, crawling towards the top of the bed. He said in a cutesy and shy voice, “I’m hungry.”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “…… Hold on.”

Father and Mother Qiao couldn’t sleep much last night. Before sleeping, they sneakily went to eavesdrop outside of Qiao Luo’s room a couple of times. On one hand, they felt that they had bothered Fu Zhi Zhou too much. On the other, they were comforted by the fortune of having an older brother with only a small age gap as their neighbour. The next day, they had woken up before 5am. They had nearly gone to open Qiao Luo’s room door to peer in, but they had also wanted Qiao Luo to rest a little more. Thus, they didn’t disturb them.

Really pity all parents’ hearts.

Their little family doll had already woken up for more than half an hour yet he had never thought of his own dad and mom.

The previous day, Qiao Luo had refused to let go of Fu Zhi Zhou for even a minute. Fu Zhi Zhou had no time to take a shower, so he could only clean up in the morning.

One bath took 10 minutes. He still remembered that Qiao Luo had mentioned he was hungry. Fu Zhi Zhou went down with his damp hair. Mother and Father Qiao were waiting anxiously downstairs with wide eyes.

In that instant, Fu Zhi Zhou had a déjà vu moment– He took a shower early in the morning, Qiao Luo bonelessly refused to get out of bed and two pairs of anxiously awaiting parents downstairs– Why was it like the scene of the day after the wedding night, and it was even those kind of gaze which carried the hope of passing on traditions within the night?!

This thought made Fu Zhi Zhou feel as if there was a violent vibration of a tsunami in the pit of his stomach. His steps faltered and he nearly tumbled down the stairs. Very unnaturally, he didn’t dare to look at Mother and Father Qiao and even specially forced a bright and happy voice, as he blurted out as truthfully as possible, “Uncle, Aunty, Luo Luo is fine. He’s even acting lazy, unwilling to get out of bed. I’m bringing breakfast to him.”

F*ck, wasn’t this even more like a scene where he married into the bride’s family, spoiling the wife!!

Fu Zhi Zhou had had many dreams and many thoughts the night before. Early in the morning, he couldn’t readjust his mindset so he could only keep quiet as he turned around to get breakfast.

Father and Mother Qiao didn’t know that Fu Zhi Zhou was feeling extremely guilty in his heart as they said, “You can eat, we’ll call him down for food.”

Just as Fu Zhi Zhou wanted to say “no need”, Qiao Luo and his little slippers made a “pa da pa da” noise as they made their appearance. He first looked at his parents and said honestly, “Dad, Mom, I’m fine.”

Mother Qiao flew over as she checked her son from head to toe over and over again. She found that her son did indeed look radiant and glowing and thus felt reassured. She pushed her son who was a head taller than her into the dining room, “Quickly have your breakfast. This 17 years old little guy, you still act cute whenever you see your gege. How could you still let others serve you breakfast in your room?”

After eating, Qiao Luo took the initiative to wash the dishes. He quietly said to Fu Zhi Zhou who was helping him at the side, “Aren’t I good? I’m the one always washing the dishes in our house.”

Fu Zhi Zhou dazed off again. He felt that the scene now was very much like a couple who were in charge of labour to show filial piety to the In-Laws— basically he was a gone cause.

Qiao Luo rubbed his wet hand on Fu Zhi Zhou’s neck, “Why are you ignoring me!”

Fu Zhi Zhou collected back his astray thoughts and said unnaturally, “You still need my help just to wash dishes, how are you ‘good’?”

Qiao Luo was about to retort but the phone in Fu Zhi Zhou’s pants rang.

Fu Zhi Zhou looked at it and answered after wiping his hands, “Senior1?”

It was his senior from the Education and Research Department asking him why he wasn’t there.

He used a very gentlemanly and warm laughing tone to speak with the other, “I’m not going today. Something caught up at home so I need to request for a leave.”

The senior asked caringly, “Need any help?”

Fu Zhi Zhou said, “No need, it’s not a very big matter. The child at home is sick.”

The senior inquired, “Your younger sister or brother?” 

Fu Zhi Zhou said the same thing when he was still an undergraduate. His roommate gave him a “bro-con” hat, yet he wasn’t as willing now and said vaguely, “The neighbour’s child—- I can do work from the computer at home. I will need to trouble Senior to open the remote access.”

Senior joked around, “Now that’s pretty troublesome, you will have to treat me to a meal once you’re back.”

Fu Zhi Zhou agreed, “No problem, I’ll treat Senior to a big meal!”

He hung up the call only to see Qiao Luo holding a plate while staring at him. His mouth was unconsciously widened, revealing a little white teeth. The plate was still washing under the running tap, spraying some water onto Qiao Luo’s body.

Fu Zhi Zhou turned off the tap, asking, “Why are you in a daze?”

Qiao Luo felt that he was pretty miserable. Whenever Fu Zhi Zhou talked to him, it was always very strict, just like now. But when he talked to his classmates, it was always very warm, just like when talking to this Senior.

He still wanted to treat someone.

And do things together.

And meet up everyday.

Qiao Luo felt his entire being submerged in depression, yet he didn’t know the reason behind it. It was as if this poison violently struck and brought chaos to his mental state, as if a thunderous stormy cloud suddenly engulfed the spring sunny sky.

He suddenly realised that since young, Fu Zhi Zhou always had many other friends. From the Zhao Zi brother and Pang Zi brother that he knew, to the unfamiliar Senior. Yet, he only had one Zhou Zhou gege, forever chasing behind the other’s butt.

He stared at Fu Zhi Zhou with wide eyes and his face had drops of water sprayed from the plate previously. He said pitifully and aggrievedly, “I think that I’m pretty good.”

Fu Zhi Zhou had a “Qiao Luo emotions detector” installed and was able to detect any mood changes in 0.1 seconds. He didn’t know why this little rascal could go from excited enough to unmask the upper layer of peace, to suddenly being unhappy. He could only help him wash the remaining two milk glasses clean and then pinched his little face, “Right, you are the best—- Go up and do your work.”

Fu Zhi Zhou was muddled and confused as he blindly mulled over it. He only managed to fall asleep late into the night. The next day, he was jolted awake from Qiao Luo’s scream of surprise.

Qiao Luo was like a whale, flipping over and over in his embrace as he sat up. He even kicked Fu Zhi Zhou’s leg as he panicked anxiously, “Shit shit shit, I’m late!!”

Fu Zhi Zhou was bewildered from sleep and hadn’t managed to understand what was going on. He unconsciously scooped the person back into his arms. Once he hugged Qiao Luo’s slender and firm waist, he then realised that his actions just now were not appropriate in a time like this. Thus, he could only sit up too, “Not late. I requested a leave of absence for you. Lie down for a little longer.”

He only made it more conspicuous by covering it up as he reached over to get the medicine on the headboard which he hadn’t had the time to keep yesterday, and handed it to Qiao Luo, “Put the medicine on yourself. I’m going to wash up.”

Qiao Luo was attentively and gently coaxed by his Zhou Zhou gege for the entire night. He had a peaceful and secure sleep and was now as lively as a tiger, as alive as a dragon. Just as Fu Zhi Zhou was getting up, he pounced onto Fu Zhi Zhou’s back.

The previous night, he was scared silly. Now that he had come back to himself, he savoured the lingering taste. He was practically as excited as a bunch of monkeys seeing a banana, “Did you promise to fetch me home from now on yesterday!”

Looks like the little rascal was fine now.

Fu Zhi Zhou closed his eyes and patted Qiao Luo’s back with his other hand, “Come down.”

Qiao Luo refused to relent. He rubbed his head against Fu Zhi Zhou’s back, “Never! You hugged me on your own accord yesterday so how come you don’t allow it today!”

Fu Zhi Zhou was having a headache. Could a back carry be the same? He was able to give him a princess-carry, but a back carry meant that he had to support Qiao Luo by his butt! For the entire night, he dizzily dreamt of dreams that had Qiao Luo in it. How could he dare to touch Qiao Luo this bright and early in the morning!

He calmed himself down, “Your leg doesn’t hurt anymore since you can recklessly wildly jump about? Either you wash up together with me or you lie down properly.”

Qiao Luo released him and knelt on the bed. His little feet didn’t have socks on. The heels of his foot stuck onto the root of his thigh as he said pitifully, “Getting bullied by the hooligans is pretty good too, it can make you feel distressed for me.”

What was this twisted and horrible logic? His life was almost shortened by half from the fight. Just when could this little guy stop making him worry so much!

Fu Zhi Zhou glared at him, “Shut up. When have I not cared for you?”

Then he added on angrily in his heart: I’m about to dig out my heart for you!

Qiao Luo shut his mouth and flipped around, crawling towards the top of the bed. He said in a cutesy and shy voice, “I’m hungry.”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “…… Hold on.”

Father and Mother Qiao couldn’t sleep much last night. Before sleeping, they sneakily went to eavesdrop outside of Qiao Luo’s room a couple of times. On one hand, they felt that they had bothered Fu Zhi Zhou too much. On the other, they were comforted by the fortune of having an older brother with only a small age gap as their neighbour. The next day, they had woken up before 5am. They had nearly gone to open Qiao Luo’s room door to peer in, but they had also wanted Qiao Luo to rest a little more. Thus, they didn’t disturb them.

Really pity all parents’ hearts.

Their little family doll had already woken up for more than half an hour yet he had never thought of his own dad and mom.

The previous day, Qiao Luo had refused to let go of Fu Zhi Zhou for even a minute. Fu Zhi Zhou had no time to take a shower, so he could only clean up in the morning.

One bath took 10 minutes. He still remembered that Qiao Luo had mentioned he was hungry. Fu Zhi Zhou went down with his damp hair. Mother and Father Qiao were waiting anxiously downstairs with wide eyes.

In that instant, Fu Zhi Zhou had a déjà vu moment– He took a shower early in the morning, Qiao Luo bonelessly refused to get out of bed and two pairs of anxiously awaiting parents downstairs– Why was it like the scene of the day after the wedding night, and it was even those kind of gaze which carried the hope of passing on traditions within the night?!

This thought made Fu Zhi Zhou feel as if there was a violent vibration of a tsunami in the pit of his stomach. His steps faltered and he nearly tumbled down the stairs. Very unnaturally, he didn’t dare to look at Mother and Father Qiao and even specially forced a bright and happy voice, as he blurted out as truthfully as possible, “Uncle, Aunty, Luo Luo is fine. He’s even acting lazy, unwilling to get out of bed. I’m bringing breakfast to him.”

F*ck, wasn’t this even more like a scene where he married into the bride’s family, spoiling the wife!!

Fu Zhi Zhou had had many dreams and many thoughts the night before. Early in the morning, he couldn’t readjust his mindset so he could only keep quiet as he turned around to get breakfast.

Father and Mother Qiao didn’t know that Fu Zhi Zhou was feeling extremely guilty in his heart as they said, “You can eat, we’ll call him down for food.”

Just as Fu Zhi Zhou wanted to say “no need”, Qiao Luo and his little slippers made a “pa da pa da” noise as they made their appearance. He first looked at his parents and said honestly, “Dad, Mom, I’m fine.”

Mother Qiao flew over as she checked her son from head to toe over and over again. She found that her son did indeed look radiant and glowing and thus felt reassured. She pushed her son who was a head taller than her into the dining room, “Quickly have your breakfast. This 17 years old little guy, you still act cute whenever you see your gege. How could you still let others serve you breakfast in your room?”

After eating, Qiao Luo took the initiative to wash the dishes. He quietly said to Fu Zhi Zhou who was helping him at the side, “Aren’t I good? I’m the one always washing the dishes in our house.”

Fu Zhi Zhou dazed off again. He felt that the scene now was very much like a couple who were in charge of labour to show filial piety to the In-Laws— basically he was a gone cause.

Qiao Luo rubbed his wet hand on Fu Zhi Zhou’s neck, “Why are you ignoring me!”

Fu Zhi Zhou collected back his astray thoughts and said unnaturally, “You still need my help just to wash dishes, how are you ‘good’?”

Qiao Luo was about to retort but the phone in Fu Zhi Zhou’s pants rang.

Fu Zhi Zhou looked at it and answered after wiping his hands, “Senior1?”

It was his senior from the Education and Research Department asking him why he wasn’t there.

He used a very gentlemanly and warm laughing tone to speak with the other, “I’m not going today. Something caught up at home so I need to request for a leave.”

The senior asked caringly, “Need any help?”

Fu Zhi Zhou said, “No need, it’s not a very big matter. The child at home is sick.”

The senior inquired, “Your younger sister or brother?” 

Fu Zhi Zhou said the same thing when he was still an undergraduate. His roommate gave him a “bro-con” hat, yet he wasn’t as willing now and said vaguely, “The neighbour’s child—- I can do work from the computer at home. I will need to trouble Senior to open the remote access.”

Senior joked around, “Now that’s pretty troublesome, you will have to treat me to a meal once you’re back.”

Fu Zhi Zhou agreed, “No problem, I’ll treat Senior to a big meal!”

He hung up the call only to see Qiao Luo holding a plate while staring at him. His mouth was unconsciously widened, revealing a little white teeth. The plate was still washing under the running tap, spraying some water onto Qiao Luo’s body.

Fu Zhi Zhou turned off the tap, asking, “Why are you in a daze?”

Qiao Luo felt that he was pretty miserable. Whenever Fu Zhi Zhou talked to him, it was always very strict, just like now. But when he talked to his classmates, it was always very warm, just like when talking to this Senior.

He still wanted to treat someone.

And do things together.

And meet up everyday.

Qiao Luo felt his entire being submerged in depression, yet he didn’t know the reason behind it. It was as if this poison violently struck and brought chaos to his mental state, as if a thunderous stormy cloud suddenly engulfed the spring sunny sky.

He suddenly realised that since young, Fu Zhi Zhou always had many other friends. From the Zhao Zi brother and Pang Zi brother that he knew, to the unfamiliar Senior. Yet, he only had one Zhou Zhou gege, forever chasing behind the other’s butt.

He stared at Fu Zhi Zhou with wide eyes and his face had drops of water sprayed from the plate previously. He said pitifully and aggrievedly, “I think that I’m pretty good.”

Fu Zhi Zhou had a “Qiao Luo emotions detector” installed and was able to detect any mood changes in 0.1 seconds. He didn’t know why this little rascal could go from excited enough to unmask the upper layer of peace, to suddenly being unhappy. He could only help him wash the remaining two milk glasses clean and then pinched his little face, “Right, you are the best—- Go up and do your work.”