CH 16

Name:Withdrawal Author:
Qiao Luo didn’t want to do his homework, but he felt that not doing his homework was a very disobedient act.

He hesitantly rolled the hem of his shirt twice, rubbing off the droplets of water on his hand onto his shirt. Then, he heard the doorbell ring.

Old Man Fu took the opportunity to visit Qiao Luo. It was clearly him who had called Fu Zhi Zhou over, yet he still acted ignorant, “Yo, you came back but didn’t bother going home?”

Fu Zhi Zhou was basically bared and naked in front of his grandfather. His sly little intentions had all been kicked away by Old Man Fu. His head throbbed as he looked at this visibly aged and unafraid-of-causing-ruckus little grandpa, saying, “Was about to go. Aren’t you here now anyways?”

Old Man Fu knew about Fu Zhi Zhou’s considerations and didn’t overdo it. He concernedly pulled Qiao Luo to ask about him.

Qiao Luo didn’t want to do homework. Thank goodness Old Man Fu came at the right time. He obediently sat on the sofa, accepting Old Man Fu’s concern and care.

With every 2 sentences spoken, Qiao Luo would secretly glance at Fu Zhi Zhou who was sitting on the one-seater sofa. At the 3rd round of peek, he saw Fu Zhi Zhou poking on his phone, as if replying to someone’s message.

Qiao Luo instantly thought of that Senior. The indescribable wave of suffocating sadness washed over him again. From the top to the bottom, it wrapped him up thickly. The anguish of writing his work and this was pale in comparison.

Qiao Luo gathered his guts and courageously said with great bravado, “I am going to do my homework. Zhou Zhou gege, don’t you need to do your work? You can borrow my house’s computer.”

Old Man Fu gave a “yo~” and praised Qiao Luo, “Our Luo Luo is actually taking the initiative to do homework?”

With this one move, he teased two people; the “yo~” made Fu Zhi Zhou’s face feel hot, and the “initiative” made Qiao Luo embarrassed.

Since young, QIao Luo would stick onto Fu Zhi Zhou and play at Fu’s house. But it was really just playing. Even if he sprawled on the table and counted his fingers getting bored, as long as there wasn’t anyone supervising him, he would definitely not take out his homework.

The aged-old debt was taken out. Qiao Luo said embarrassedly, “I always do my homework on my own accord.”

Old Man Fu patted Qiao Luo’s small head, eyed Fu Zhi Zhou and said while somewhat hinting at him, “Zhi Zhou will help Qiao Luo with his work, Xiao Qiao couple are also going out for some business. So today, this old man will personally cook a special dish for our Luo Luo to feel better!”

Mother Qiao was delighted, “We don’t have much to do today and planned to keep Luo Luo company at home. I’ll help Uncle Fu. Our two families haven’t eaten a meal together for a while now.”

Fu Zhi Zhou suspected that the silliness caused by the fright still hadn’t subsided. The repercussions were very serious—— He actually wanted to do work.

He looked at Qiao Luo with worry. He watched as Qiao Luo took out his English homework, his Mathematics homework, his General (Language) Paper, and his English vocabulary book in succession. In the end, he couldn’t hold back and asked, “Which subject are you doing first?”

Qiao Luo inhaled a deep breath, as if sincerely asking for a way out. He then took out his phone and searched for a random dice generator. The number it gave was ‘5’, General Paper. The General Paper had 3 sections, taking up 3 spots1.

He got out a fountain pen and in one breath, he wrote an answer under all the simple questions: To answer.

Fu Zhi Zhou snorted and snickered, “Do Mathematics. You can ask me if you need.”

Qiao Luo acted as if he was granted a holy salvation. He threw his General Paper aside and changed it to his Mathematics work. However, he still did the same, writing an answer under the header of all the longer questions: To solve.

Fu Zhi Zhou was dying of laughter. He laughed so much that the corner of his lips were constantly trembling. He didn’t bother with Qiao Luo any further and went to the side to turn on his computer. Using the computer, he sent a message to Senior, asking her to open a remote access for him.

He left the WeChat interface at the top right hand corner for ease of communication with the research students.

The study quietened down. Qiao Luo swept through the draft paper used for his Maths question while Fu Zhi Zhou knocked against the keys as he coded.

However, it was only quiet for no less than half an hour before Qiao Luo brought his paper over, saying, “I don’t know how to do it.”

Fu Zhi Zhou then paused and looked at the question. He took out a paper for writing down his calculations, explaining to him, “Look for the arithmetic progression then use the formula. Memorize this.”

Qiao Luo repeated after him absent-mindedly as he kept glancing at the WeChat interface out of his peripheral vision.

In fact, Qiao Luo’s chat room had been pinned to the top in Fu Zhi Zhou’s WeChat. Yet, because this was the first time Fu Zhi Zhou logged into WeChat on this computer, the chat history only showed the contacts of those who he had recently contacted. The most recent one was that Senior who helped Fu Zhi Zhou to open a remote access as she sent over a password.

Senior’s profile picture was a selfie; large beachy waves, light makeup, some slightly exaggerated earrings and a sweet and beautiful natural smile that showed her personality.

Actually, this picture definitely couldn’t have been seen so clearly. But Qiao Luo was just able to discern the details. Senior looked very gorgeous.

Fu Zhi Zhou repeated once more. He explained the important points thoroughly and asked Qiao Luo after, “Understand?”

Qiao Luo gazed at Senior’s picture as he fell into a daze, ignoring Fu Zhi Zhou.

Fu Zhi Zhou looked up at him and followed his line of sight. Qiao Luo was looking at his computer screen but he didn’t know what fascinated him this much. Qiao Luo definitely couldn’t be suddenly interested in the strings of codes.

Hence, Fu Zhi Zhou inquired, “What are you looking at?”

Qiao Luo, “Senior.”

After saying so, he immediately came back to his senses, turned his head to look at Fu Zhi Zhou in a panic, “No, I……”

Fu Zhi Zhou’s face was as black as the bottom of a burnt pot. He was visibly unhappy and he interrupted Qiao Luo, asking, “Is she pretty?”

Qiao Luo felt especially aggrieved. So what? Couldn’t he just take a look? Why did he have to get angry just from this? It’s just this small, this tiny, this miniscule photo, what’s the big deal? He could also take a selfie and let him show Senior!

But he only dared to say it silently. From his mouth came the words of flattery against his true thoughts, “Pretty. Senior looks very pretty.”

Then continued in his heart: Just not as good looking as I am.

Fu Zhi Zhou fumed till his head throbbed. Not long ago, his lips were raised into a laugh, but now, it was trembling from anger. He then connected the memory of the day before when Qiao Luo had confessed that a female classmate had written him a love letter.

This little bastard was really in the flowering season. Once he locked his eyes onto a pretty lady, he moved not a single muscle, moved not a single glance away. How commendable!

Fu Zhi Zhou reached out to close the WeChat interface and rolled the paper up. He knocked it against Qiao Luo’s forehead with neither heavy nor light strength, “Stop looking. Even though she’s pretty, she’s older than you by a large margin. I’ll explain it to you again. If you still don’t get it, just wait to get a beating from me.”

Qiao Luo took back his paper, “Look for the arithmetic progression and use the formula N+1 then subtract the two. I can do it.”

He silently nagged all the way to his seat and finished the question in one go. Then, he was unwilling to look at Maths questions anymore. He changed back to the dice-chosen fated subject, General Paper. He rapidly circled an answer for all the questions blindly then mumbled, “You don’t care about me. My thigh still hurts but you still bear to beat me…”