CH 17

Name:Withdrawal Author:
Qiao Luo threw a tantrum.

Fu Zhi Zhou knew him since Qiao Luo was 3, till now when he was 17. As long as they appeared at the dining table at the same time, Qiao Luo must stick next to him. When Qiao Luo was still a tiny kid, there were even times where Fu Zhi Zhou had to eat with him on his lap. What Qiao Luo liked and disliked was clear to Fu Zhi Zhou. This clarity was even on par with Mother and Father Qiao’s knowledge.

After coming out of the study (and into the dining room), Qiao Luo walked in a beeline and sat right between Old Man Fu and Mother Qiao. This left the grandfather Old Man Fu and the grandson Fu Zhi Zhou to look at each other with two seats serving as a partition.

Old Man Fu froze then smiled with a smile that looked nothing like one as he glanced at his grandson. He served a piece of fish to Qiao Luo—— This sort of actions used to be done by Fu Zhi Zhou.

Qiao Luo ate his food with a head full of melancholy, Fu Zhi Zhou couldn’t stomach anything.

The little rascal was still softly pestering him saying that he wasn’t “dating early” the day before. Now, he was flipping the heavens1.

Fu Zhi Zhou drank his soup soulessly, nearly choking himself. As he wiped his mouth and coughed, he spoke to Old Man Fu, “Grandpa, I’m going back to school tonight. Do you have anything you need help with at home?”

There were two households ready to help at home. If Old Man Fu was unable to complete the task, there was still an auntie and a young man to help out. What kind of things would require Fu Zhi Zhou to make a return trip specially for it?

So the main point in this sentence was: Leaving tonight.

Old Man Fu got the message, “Just go. I don’t have anything that needs you to do it.”

Qiao Luo remained melancholic as he ate. The bowl of rice quickly revealed its bottom. Without Mother Qiao’s help, he went to the kitchen to scoop a second bowl.

The whole table was able to detect that something wasn’t right. Mother Qiao took this chance to ask, “What happened? Did you two fight?”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “I angered him. It’s my fault.”

Old Man Fu solemnly scolded, “So old already yet you still bully Luo Luo, how unreliable!”

Qiao Luo returned and continued to claw at the rice.

Kids would throw tantrums over nothing big. Furthermore, their relationship was usually so iron-clad, so Mother Qiao didn’t bother much with them. She remembered about proper business, “Zhi Zhou is rather busy with his school yet he still stayed here to accompany Luo Luo for an entire day. We thought about it last night and agreed to have Luo Luo’s dad and I to fetch him from school. Zhi Zhou, you don’t need to rush here and there. You’re staying far from here, it will be too tiring.”

Fu Zhi Zhou looked at Qiao Luo who only gave him the view of the top of his head, and said with no changes of emotion, “That’s alright too.”

Qiao Luo slammed his chopsticks down with a resounding “PA!”. His anger was about to swallow the whole table as he awed the other 4 parties. Yet, his hand was aching a little from the tremor. 

He looked straight into Fu Zhi Zhou’s eyes with blazing rage. The longer he looked, the more his lips pouted, defeating the imposing aura just now. He was extremely aggrieved, “You promised me……”

Mother Qiao patted his head, “Your gege’s school is so far. It will be so tiring to fetch you. Be more sensible.”

No one coaxed him. QIao Luo threw his own tantrum and had to calm down by himself.

He looked at Fu Zhi Zhou pitifully, trying to negotiate, “How about fetching me just for a period of time? Or maybe you can choose a day? One time a week should be okay, right?”

Fu Zhi Zhou had no bottom line. His heart melted directly, but he held on. He refused to look at Qiao Luo’s small face which had scrunched up from the injustice, as he discussed with Mother Qiao, “I will be able to fetch him for this period of time. I’m not too busy. How about letting me fetch him before the police catch that group? What if you suddenly run into them? It won’t be appropriate for Uncle to fight them.”

Father Qiao wasn’t a prominent figure in the world of arts, but he was still considered to have fame. If he really did fight with street gangsters, it definitely wouldn’t reflect well.

And thus, it was settled.

Fu Zhi Zhou still went back to school that night. Qiao Luo had just finished throwing a tantrum at the other and didn’t have the face to act cute and pester him to stay. So he could only watch with wide eyes as Fu Zhi Zhou drove the car away with the ugly dinosaur that he had given.

It was easy to go from frugality to extravagance but not in reverse. That night, Qiao Luo pitifully applied cream on himself and wormed into the blanket, unable to fall asleep.

Fu Zhi Zhou hadn’t asked for a leave on the next day, so Qiao Luo had to wake up at 6am for school. But he felt absolutely zero sense of sleepiness. He kept thinking that Fu Zhi Zhou went back to find that pretty Senior.

He wondered worriedly if there was still the wake up service tomorrow. What if he was late (for school)?

He fret over it first, then dazed away and finally became silly. He hugged the pillow which Fu Zhi Zhou had slept on before finally falling asleep.

On the next day, Fu Zhi Zhou had to call the person 3 times before getting him to wake up.

Qiao Luo was wrapped up in the blanket as he hugged the pillow. He mumbled with a muddled head, “I thought that you were going to ignore me.”

It was clearly the little guy who had thrown his own tantrum, yet he gloriously threw the black pot over his head. Fu Zhi Zhou was angry yet amused. He said coldly, “Faster get up. Go wash up.”

Qiao Luo said with grievances, “Oh.”

Fu Zhi Zhou remained quiet for a while before letting himself go, “Does your leg still hurt?”

If only he had held himself back. This question triggered a huge problem. Qiao Luo sold meng as he played truant. He wailed with a sticky tone, feeling wronged, “Even if my leg hurts, you will only feel worry in words. When you say leave, you will just leave, without caring about  me, without coaxing me. My leg might as well hurt to death!”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “…… What are you making trouble for again?”

Qiao Luo quickly took the olive branch that was handed to him, “Coax me then I’ll stop.”

Fu Zhi Zhou’s fingers that held the phone were squeezed white. He wouldn’t be able to hold back if a single word of sweet-talk came out. He could only stiffly change the topic, “Stop acting coquettish. Get out of bed.”

Qiao Luo grunted out a sound of acknowledgement as he said reluctantly, “Okay then, I’m hanging up.”

Fu Zhi Zhou heaved a sigh of relief and said with a warmer tone, “Go on. I’ll pick you up after school.”

Qiao Luo’s dance lesson ended at 8.30pm. Since it was Fu Zhi Zhou’s first time picking him up, he came slightly early. When he passed by the convenient store, he bought a carton of milk.

Training for a whole night, he must be hungry.

He specially bought low-fat content. Qiao Luo had restrictions on his weight. He was afraid that Qiao Luo couldn’t pass the physical test.

He poured the milk into a thermal flask, afraid that if Qiao Luo drank it cold, he would get a tummy ache.

One reason for Qiao Luo becoming this delicate was because of Fu Zhi Zhou’s pamper.

Fu Zhi Zhou sent a message to Qiao Luo when he reached, informing him that he was at the carpark. He thought about it and was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to find it, so he added another message to let Qiao Luo know that when he ended class, Fu Zhi Zhou would go over to fetch him.

After a 10+ minute interval, Qiao Luo’s return message came in. He first sent a “flying-pounce-hug” expression pack2 and then wrote: I ended class!

Fu Zhi Zhou pulled his lips into a gentle smile. The little rascal was back to his lively and energetic ways.

Qiao Luo was indeed over cloud nine. He completely forgot the unhappiness that he felt the day before. He changed out of his training clothes and grabbed his bag on the run. He had every intention of “flying-pounce-hug” on scene.

But he was called to a stop at the entrance of the staircase.

It was the person who had given him the love letter, the girl who directly incited the hooligans to surround him.

The young girl had also changed out of her clothes. She was wearing a white knitted skirt, a pair of clean loafers and was carrying a box of biscuits in her hands. She said with extreme embarrassment, “Qiao Luo, I’m sorry I gave you trouble. Those people…… I don’t know how I provoked them. These biscuits are made by my mom. She asked me to give these to you as a form of compensation, a form of apology.”

The girl emphasized with lots of guilt, “I’m sorry!”

Qiao Luo wasn’t one to hold grudges. In his bones laid a gentleman just like Father Qiao. He couldn’t bear seeing the girl so guilty. Thus, he accepted the other’s apology gift and said after some consideration, “You mustn’t provoke them again.”

The girl nodded with all her might, saying, “My dad will fetch me from school. You must also have someone to pick you up.”

Qiao Luo instantly thought of Fu Zhi Zhou. He didn’t feel like chatting any longer but didn’t want to appear disrespectful, so he said, “My brother is here to fetch me.”

And then he looked back and saw a tall and handsome Fu Zhi Zhou standing at the entrance of the building.

Qiao Luo’s eyes went biu as it lit up. He heard the girl say “goodbye” and hastily threw a reply, “bye bye”, and ran straight to Fu Zhi Zhou.

Fu Zhi Zhou…… didn’t have a good expression.

The exit of the stairs faced the entrance of the building. Qiao Luo and the girl walked down the stairs, shoulder to shoulder and chatted. Fu Zhi Zhou coincidentally watched the whole thing from the beginning till the end. Even the angle was extremely good. If a camera was given to him, he would be able to create a movie about a school adolescence romance.

Especially those hipster kinds.

Thus, when Qiao Luo was a couple of steps away from him, he turned around and walked in front coldly and silently. Just like this, they turned a corner and walked to the car park lot.

Qiao Luo was confused, “Zhou Zhou gege?”

Fu Zhi Zhou turned on the engine. He gave the thermal flask to Qiao Luo and reminded, “Secure your belt properly.”

Qiao Luo simply and honestly put on his safety belt. He saw Fu Zhi Zhou’s tightened lips and asked weakly, “Are you unhappy?”

Fu Zhi Zhou reversed out of the lot, replying, “No. Drink your milk.”

Qiao Luo stared unblinkingly. He drank a couple of mouthfuls of his milk selfishly. A flash of holy light appeared immediately.

He offered the box of biscuits to Fu Zhi Zhou, as if offering a box of offerings—— Of course he unconsciously sent in his evidence—— and even said happily, “I’ll share some biscuits with you, okay?”

Fu Zhi Zhou was stiff from anger. He nearly stepped on the accelerator and exploded out. He pinched his thighs hard and controlled himself, “I’m not eating. You eat less too. Biscuits are too heaty.”

Qiao Luo wasn’t an avid fan of biscuits, but seeing the darkening of Fu Zhi Zhou’s expression, he started doing an action that would only incite worse—— he bit half of the biscuits and even evaluated, “It’s pretty good, not too sweet. It might not be too heaty. Try some, yeah~”

Fu Zhi Zhou glanced at Qiao Luo who was almost leaning onto his body out of his peripheral vision. He saw the long and white fingers, then saw the half eaten biscuit.

He paused. Then, he lowered his head and put the biscuit in his mouth.

——He put the biscuit which Qiao Luo bit directly into his own mouth.

It was indeed not overly sweet.

Fu Zhi Zhou chewed twice and said, “Sit properly. Drink finish your milk.”

He surrendered as he thought: This rascal is really silly. If he really did date early, why would he still care about whether his neighbour would appear at his coming-of-age ceremony?

Editor: Musk