CH 18

Name:Withdrawal Author:
The girl, who was chasing Qiao Luo, would appear in front of Fu Zhi Zhou with Qiao Luo every once in a while. But other than that, everything went well for the entire week.

However, on Friday night, Fu Zhi Zhou waited at the entrance for more than 10 minutes past the usual time. Just as he was frowning, thinking about whether Qiao Luo and the girl were sticking to each other again, Qiao Luo’s phone call came in.

From the phone, Qiao Luo sounded like a bird, who was frightened by a mere twitch of a branch1. He said, stammering, “Zhou Zhou gege, they are blocking me.”

Even though this sentence had no context, Fu Zhi Zhou immediately knew what had happened. His heart went cold and he tried his best to stay calm as he asked, “Where are you?”

Qiao Luo, “Toilet. I’m hiding in the toilet.”

Fu Zhi Zhou turned and rushed straight into the building where he had his dance class, asking, “Which floor?”

He didn’t get a reply. He only heard the sound of a door being kicked open and the movement of the phone hitting the ground with a “Ding Dang”. Following immediately, was the tone of a busy signal.

Fu Zhi Zhou flew up the stairs with 3 steps at a time. He even bumped into 2 people on his way.

Qiao Luo’s classroom was on the 4th floor. The probability of him hiding in the 4th floor toilet was the highest.

But Qiao Luo was on the 3rd floor.

The girl that he didn’t like kept sticking to him. He was afraid that Fu Zhi Zhou would get angry so he quietly slipped away the moment their class ended. When he had just reached the 3rd level, he saw one of the men who had beaten him up the other day.

The other party had seen him too.

Qiao Luo wanted to run downwards because he knew that Fu Zhi Zhou was there. Unfortunately, the other party’s companion was on the 2nd level. Running downstairs would mean facing a dead-end.

Although there was high traffic, Qiao Luo was still very afraid. Unconsciously, he rushed into a confined toilet.

The area was enclosed with walls, making Qiao Luo feel safe.

However, the moment the other party kicked open the door of the toilet, the walls that gave him a sense of security closed off his escape route.

Qiao Luo made a terrible decision. There wasn’t any CCTV in the toilets. These hooligans had nothing to hold them back.

Their first move was to turn off the phone which Qiao Luo had used to call, then rip apart Qiao Luo’s school bag. They laughed wickedly as they cornered him into the small space.

Qiao Luo immediately screamed as loud as he couldーー This was yet another very terrible decision. In a situation where one was suppressed and outnumbered, the last thing to do was to agitate the other party.

They took out the training clothes Qiao Luo wore and stuffed it into Qiao Luo’s mouth.

Qiao Luo stared at them with wide eyes. His fright had then turned into shock. He could only watch as a dustbin came flying straight at him, accurately hitting the person who had stuffed his mouth, right on his head.


The public dustbin was manufactured with hard plastic. It would not make the person directly faint or die, but it was indeed very painful.

Argumentatively speaking, when Fu Zhi Zhou rushed in with a head full of burning sweat, a fearsome face full of killing intent, it was as if a God of Destruction had descended and chosen its victimsーー At least this was what Qiao Luo felt so.

Fu Zhi Zhou attacked first. With two legs, he kicked the person away. He flew over and carried the petrified Qiao Luo into his arms, asking, “Are you okay?”

He didn’t have the chance to ask more. He stuffed his own phone into Qiao Luo’s hands and protected him as he brought him to the entrance. He repeated his instructions twice, “Go downstairs and get the security. I have already reported it to the police. Wait at the security booth for me. Listen to me.”

He pushed Qiao Luo out, then locked the toilet door.

ーー The wall that blocked Qiao Luo was now blocking the group of hooligans.

Fu Zhi Zhou spat. His eyes were as fierce as a famished panther who had finally seen some fat sheep after starving for 7-8 days.

He was repressing his fire a long time ago. Qiao Luo’s injury on his thigh hadn’t healed. When dancing, he would always be in throbbing pain. When he went home, he would complain aggrievedly that it hurt. Once Qiao Luo said so, Fu Zhi Zhou’s heart felt as if it was being sliced by a knife, almost making him worried to death.

His move of bringing in the dustbin had added oil to the blazing fire. The other side, who didn’t have much IQ to begin with, had it instantly become a clear zero. They hadn’t noticed Fu Zhi Zhou locking the door, only caring about using fists.

This group of 5-6 people were all bastards of 18-19 years old. If they were to really fight, Fu Zhi Zhou would have never been able to take them head-on. So he only targeted the one who had pinched Qiao Luo’s chin, punching him with every fist making contact with flesh. Whether the others landed their fists on him, he didn’t care about that one bit.

This method of harming 800 but suffering 1000 loses had Fu Zhi Zhou adequately coloured into a rainbow by the time Qiao Luo staggeringly brought the security up.

The local police arrived after 20 minutes.

Qiao Luo had a case report previously, so the situation wasn’t difficult to handle. But Qiao Luo and Fu Zhi Zhou still needed to go to the police station to give their statements.

Fu Zhi Zhou was beaten into an array of colours. He held up an ice bag on his face as he called Father Qiao to notify him of the situation.

When Mother and Father Qiao reached, Qiao Luo was sitting listlessly next to Fu Zhi Zhou, the whites of his eyes red not from fear, but from heartache.

Qiao Luo was completely fine, only a little roughened up and his phone was broken.

But Fu Zhi Zhou was in a terrible state. His face was already starting to swell. Parts of his back which couldn’t be seen had some injuries too.

Father Qiao felt slightly guilty, “Who knew that they would really take action! If only I knew, I would have fetched Luo Luo myself.”

Fu Zhi Zhou rubbed his nose a little. Since he had personally beat up that bunch of hooligans, he was in a very good mood, “If I hadn’t fought with them, they would have just ran away. Luo Luo wouldn’t be completely safe. But it’s all good now. Just now when the police were checking, the leader of the group had other case files too. It’s enough for him to be locked up for a couple of years.”

When everything was completely settled, it was already nearing dawn.

Fu Zhi Zhou only suffered from skin trauma. It was only visually horrifying. Father Qiao wanted to send Fu Zhi Zhou to the hospital to treat his wounds but when Fu Zhi Zhou glanced at the sky, he immediately rejected, “It’s too late. If we make too much noise, Grandpa will know and will be worried about me. It’s nothing too serious, I’ll be fine after getting some cream and applying it at home.”

Another person was injured for protecting their own child. Father Qiao and Mother Qiao were full of guilt and gratitude.

Father Qiao pulled Fu Zhi Zhou, saying, “Then do it at our house. How will you apply cream on your back injuries?”

It really wasn’t a big deal, Fu Zhi Zhou wasn’t like that bunch of brainless hooligans. When fighting, he only exposed his solid back. He dodged all the fists that would harm himーー Except for the one at the corner of his lips. That was caused by the person he was beating up. That guy had become so anxious he used his head to bang directly at Fu Zhi Zhou.

But he glanced at Qiao Luo who was staring at him with wide eyes and agreed, “Okay. Then I’ll have to trouble Uncle.”

Although he was injured, it didn’t really affect his ability to drive. Thus, he didn’t find another driver and drove by himself.

Qiao Luo followed Fu Zhi Zhou blindly. Father Qiao called him but he wasn’t willing to sit in his own family car. He climbed into Fu Zhi Zhou’s passenger seat and secured his safety belt. As he looked at Fu Zhi Zhou with a pained heart, he wanted to reach out a hand to caress Fu Zhi Zhou’s face. Yet, he was afraid that it would hurt Fu Zhi Zhou, so he didn’t dare to do so. He had the mentality that Fu Zhi Zhou was a fragile flower vase that could break at any moment.

Qiao Luo was extremely remorseful, “Why didn’t you run with me then?”

Fu Zhi Zhou rubbed his hair, wanting to laugh. But when he smiled, it pulled at the tear at the corner of his lips. With a hiss, he comforted Qiao Luo, “Are you scared? Do you need gege’s hug?”

Qiao Luo really did wish for a hug, but was afraid that Fu Zhi Zhou’s legs would also have some injuries. So he grabbed Fu Zhi Zhou’s hand that was rubbing his hair, carefully and gently holding it up and he lightly blew on it, “I haven’t had the time to feel scared before you came.”

Qiao Luo’s gaze held concern for him and a lot of admiration, “You came to my rescue so quickly.”

Fu Zhi Zhou didn’t want Qiao Luo, who had been frightened once, to feel scared again, so he purposely teased him, “How can I not be quick? I rushed up 4 stories to find you, then directly jumped onto the stairs to the third floor. It was such an urgent issue that I didn’t look clearly, even barging into the female toilet. Tsk, that’s gonna be a stain on my life.”

Qiao Luo was amused into laughter and very carefully blew cold air on Fu Zhi Zhou’s hand, “Does it hurt?”

Fu Zhi Zhou calmly took back his hand. Qiao Luo looked at his hand with such a devout gaze, cupping his somewhat unsightly looking hand. He was afraid that he couldn’t hold himself back.

He changed the topic, “Not pain. Listen to me. Sit back properly. It’s late already, let’s go home quickly.”

Qiao Luo sat properly with exceptional obedience, sitting like an elementary student with his waist and back upright, two hands on his knees, tilting his head to observe Fu Zhi Zhou.

From the police station to Qiao Luo home, it took around 20 minutes. And for the entire 20 minutes, Qiao Luo stared at Fu Zhi Zhou unblinkingly.

Fu Zhi Zhou was looked at until his blood pressure was soaring high. The palm that was holding the steering wheel had a layer of cold sweat. His heart had incessant grievancesーー He was really about to be unable to focus on driving soon.

Once they reached their destination, Fu Zhi Zhou finally couldn’t resist rubbing Qiao Luo’s face, scooping the person into his arms and said intentionally, “Is my face so swollen that it became especially ugly? You’ve been looking at me for the whole ride.”

Qiao Luo sprawled over his chest. He shook his head and said as soft as cotton, “Not at all ugly. Zhou Zhou gege, you’re so handsome……”

He looked at Fu Zhi Zhou’s swollen lips, at the slight curve of the eye which carried a smile, and recalled the sense of security he had the moment Fu Zhi Zhou appeared.

Qiao Luo’s heart suddenly went “Badump Badump”, throbbing with crazy speed.

He lost his cool out of the sudden fear. He really wanted to paste his lips near the corner of Fu Zhi Zhou’s lips.

He wished to kiss Fu Zhi Zhou.

Qiao Luo was stupefied. He didn’t know why he had the sudden disgraceful, grave and treacherous thought.

He didn’t dare to continue hugging Fu Zhi Zhou. He hastily crawled down from Fu Zhi Zhou’s embrace and said, “I’m a little sleepy. You should hurry up and find my dad to settle your wounds!”

Then, he flung the passenger seat’s door open and ran out all flustered and panicked.

Editor: Musk