CH 20

Name:Withdrawal Author:
Fu Zhi Zhou was someone who had been through birth and separation, death and farewell. He believed that he was someone who had gone through the ups and downs and the many obstacles of life. But at this moment, he became the world’s most useless coward.

He was terribly afraid, as fearful as a death-sentenced criminal who was about to be hanged, as he struggled to escape the claws of the cruel punishment.

Thus, Fu Zhi Zhou hastily flicked Qiao Luo’s forehead. Because of his tight nerves, he missed his first shot. Then, he slightly touched the middle of Qiao Luo’s eyebrows and his breath quickened, “Sleep. You still have to wake up tomorrow.”

He wanted to say: If you don’t wake up, I won’t send you.

But he thought for a while and changed his words— This threat may no longer be useful.

Qiao Luo quietened and his thin and small frame retreated towards Fu Zhi Zhou’s back. Fu Zhi Zhou glared at Qiao Luo’s little hair whorl. He sucked in a breath, afraid that the death-sentence rope would tighten around his neck in that instant, making him face the inevitable reality of losing Qiao Luo.

Fortunately, Qiao Luo didn’t continue talking. He merely stared blankly for a while, unsure of what thoughts ran through his mind.

After another while, Qiao Luo silently rolled towards his direction. Perhaps he was afraid of pressing onto his wounds, but his actions were extremely careful.

Except for the superficial wounds, the aching repercussions of his muscles and strength caused by the fight started to appear. But Fu Zhi Zhou no longer felt anything. He titled his body to the side and adjusted his posture to the optimal position for Qiao Luo to cuddle into his arms. Then, when Qiao Luo landed, he reached out a hand to hug him.

Fu Zhi Zhou felt that he was probably beyond cure. When Qiao Luo clung onto him, he even started to involuntarily fantasise that the person Qiao Luo confessed that he liked was him.

This time round, Fu Zhi Zhou’s hug was very well-controlled. It was the psychological type of hug where the complicated feeling of not daring to go close was mixed with the unbearableness of letting go. 

Fu Zhi Zhou prayed: Don’t say anything, just let me hug you for the night.

But to no avail, Qiao Luo started speaking again, but his voice was very cautious, “Zhou Zhou gege……”

Fu Zhi Zhou’s switch seemed to have been flipped on. The same moment when Qiao Luo let out a sound, he pressed a hand on the back of Qiao Luo’s head, pressing him into his chest. He speedily interrupted, “Shut up. Sleep faster.”

His senses were overly sensitive. Every strand of nerves in his brain was tensed to the max. If Qiao Luo were to say another word, these strands may just break, making him keep the person next to him without a care in the world. This was the reason why Fu Zhi Zhou didn’t realise that Qiao Luo’s voice had already carried the nasal sound.

But after a few seconds, he felt sprays of breath against the area on his neck.

Following that was Qiao Luo’s warm and soft lips pressed onto his neck. Thereafter, within the tiniest of distance, he raised his head and kissed Fu Zhi Zhou’s chin.

The trial of the sentence was here. But the death-sentence rope carried not a single whiff of the musty scent of blood. Instead, it carried the sweet fragrance of the blossomed fresh rose. Using the cloying and candied scent of the flowers, it was declared that he was innocent and was granted release.

Fu Zhi Zhou resembled a survivor of a disaster as he held Qiao Luo’s shoulders, creating a distance between them. Then, shifting away from the kiss that made his mind float away, he called out, “Luo Luo?”

The corner of Luo Luo’s eyes still hung little beads of tears. He was in despair yet sincere as he confessed without a hesitation to drag in the mud, “I li……”

“Qiao Luo!” Fu Zhi Zhou nearly roared out. He stretched out a hand to stuff back the remaining words into Qiao Luo’s mouth. Then, he continued without a pause, “Luo Luo, I’m the one who likes you. Don’t say it out loud. I’m the one who liked you first.”

Qiao Luo hadn’t returned to his senses. When Fu Zhi Zhou released his hand, he let the bottom half of his sentence slip out in a daze, “……ke you”

In the next moment, he was hugged with a death grip into Fu Zhi Zhou’s arms.

Qiao Luo quietly allowed himself to be hugged. His wide and doe eyes seemed a little silly. Very slowly, he digested Fu Zhi Zhou’s confession. Using a small range of movements, he squeezed out a hand to push Fu Zhi Zhou’s shoulder and said softly, “I’m about to break into half……”

Fu Zhi Zhou then loosened his grip. He gave Qiao Luo’s waist a light rub, “I’m sorry.”

Qiao Luo was still bewildered and asked whatever came into his mind first, “But you said you didn’t like anyone……”

Inside Fu Zhi Zhou’s brain, he felt as if he had lost and then regained something. This time round, he said the truth nimbly, “I lied to you.”

The cheated Qiao Luo didn’t show any intentions of getting angry. He lazily lay in Fu Zhi Zhou’s arms and with his soft milky voice, he confessed cutely, “Then you really do like me? No, you must say: Fu Zhi Zhou likes Qiao Luo.”

Fu Zhi Zhou rubbed his chin against the top of Qiao Luo’s head and said in all seriousness, “Fu Zhi Zhou loves Qiao Luo and has been in love with him for a very long time.”

Qiao Luo was very satisfied and gave Fu Zhi Zhou an earnest rub. He whispered, “Then why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

At first, Fu Zhi Zhou was worried about becoming a burden to Qiao Luo’s grades. Now that he could truthfully meet the reality of his thoughts, the bigger reason was because he was afraid that Qiao Luo would reject him.

Thus, he said, “You’re still so young. How could I have said ‘The person whom you treat as a brother actually has different thoughts about you’?”

Qiao Luo righteously and forcefully accused, “Then why did you say it now? You even stole my confession.”

Fu Zhi Zhou gave a silent laugh and started to lie again, “Luo Luo, have you heard of this saying before? If the person who likes the other first confesses first, this couple can grow old together happily and never be separated for this lifetime. I had to grab my chances.”

Qiao Luo understood this sentence and complained while taking note of the key point, “You liked me first, but you never chased me. I feel like I’ve lost a lot.”

Fu Zhi Zhou said helplessly, “The plan was to wait until you’re older then I’ll give you a proper confession……”

He felt the person in his arms jab at his shoulders unhappily. Without even thinking, it was that little mouth pouting. Qiao Luo used a flirtatious grumbling gaze to look at him. So Fu Zhi Zhou switched it up, asking, “How about you reject me, then let me chase you? If I chase you, I’ll do so properly. I’ll send presents every holiday, wake you up without being mean, won’t glare at you for throwing the food you dislike into my bowl, if you say carry I won’t hug, If you ask me to accompany you on Friday night, I won’t dare to come on Saturday morning……”

This was too tempting. Qiao Luo yearned for it but said wisely, “I don’t want to. What if you chase me midway, then find me troublesome and stop chasing? Won’t I suffer more losses like that?”

And then he continued with his wisdom online, “Besides, if you’re not fierce to me in the morning, I might be late everyday. You have never once disdained me for throwing food I don’t eat into your bowl. When I’m uncomfortable, you’ll be the first to instantly come and visit me, even giving me snacks. When I’m in trouble, you come to fetch and send me to school……”

Qiao Luo counted and counted as he raised his head to look at Fu Zhi Zhou. Then, he said with lots of lingering fear, “No, you’ve confessed and I’ve accepted it. What if you suddenly take it back? I’ll die from the loss.” 

Fu Zhi Zhou found it terribly sweet and amusing in his heart. Why did he never realise that this little rascal was the top champion of sweet talks?

He asked Qiao Luo, “How about presents then? Do you not want to receive presents from me?”

Qiao Luo pursed his lips and said in extreme disdain, “Forget it. I don’t want to receive another assessment book.”