CH 21

Name:Withdrawal Author:
Speaking of this assessment book…

Actually, Fu Zhi Zhou had chosen a few presents, but he had his guilty conscience and over-thought everything. He kept feeling as if whatever he gave would be full of secret intentions. Finally, he just chose the least desirable gift: The assessment book.

But when this topic was raised, Fu Zhi Zhou’s rationality surpassed his belly full of tender sentiments, as he asked a question that completely broke the good atmosphere, “Did you not finish your homework today?”

Qiao Luo was stupefied. He looked at Fu Zhi Zhou in disbelief, “You, you are hugging the boyfriend who you’ve just confessed to and all you can think of is to make him do his homework?”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “I was just thinking that he has to wake up at 6am tomorrow for school.”

Qiao Luo was instantly reminded of the accompanying fear after being woken up at 6am.

The atmosphere had been thoroughly destroyed. Qiao Luo cried tearlessly in regret, “Why did I have to bring up the assessment book….”

Some people were just unmoved by worldly matters and would say selfless words with a rigid face, “Because next year, you will be in your third year. Be good. Hurry up and sleep. It’s already so late.”

Qiao Luo flipped around in his arms. Back facing Fu Zhi Zhou, he threw a tantrum, “Some people only know how to say nice things on the surface but will bully little boys in reality.”

This really left Fu Zhi Zhou with no choice, smiling in amusement. He hugged Qiao Luo’s waist to pull him closer and patted his head, “Little boy, you know that you’re still ‘little’? Sleep, I’ll send you tomorrow… No, your boyfriend will send you to school tomorrow. Is that better?”

Qiao Luo pulled out his hand that had been sandwiched between himself and Fu Zhi Zhou and held the other by his arm, saying squeamishly, “Not much, you must at least show me through actions. Kiss me or something.” 

He then flipped around again, closed his eyes and raised his little face upwards. The little fan-like brows quivered slightly, revealing his highly tensed nerves and anticipation.

Fu Zhi Zhou rubbed his nose and said with a voice full of smiles, “Whether you’re shy, you’ll need to kiss me yourself.”

Qiao Luo opened his eyes to glare at him, making a ruckus. His little face ballooned up into a ball in anger as he looked at Fu Zhi Zhou fiercely, “You are so annoying! Forget it, just see how I’ll dump you!”

Too adorable.

Fu Zhi Zhou felt that his heart was now placed in a boiling pan of sugar, burning up and softly melting into a puddle; sticky, muddled, sweet and salty. 

Tyrannically abusing1 this little guy should be part of his exclusive rights as his boyfriend. Fu Zhi Zhou let the little rascal kick up a fuss. He pinched Qiao Luo’s bloated, angry little face and gently laughed as he hooked his hand behind the other’s head. He placed their two foreheads close together intimately and repeated Qiao Luo’s words, “I’ve confessed, and you’ve accepted. You can’t regret now or else I’ll die of suffering!”

Qiao Luo was so angry that he wanted to land a fist on Fu Zhi Zhou’s chest. Then, he remembered that Fu Zhi Zhou was still injured, and couldn’t bear to do it. The hand that he sent out went one round and very gently rubbed Fu Zhi Zhou’s wound.

Fu Zhi Zhou was basically hurting in his heart and feeling sour in his mouth due to the excess cuteness. He felt that fate was rather fair. It had snatched away his family, so it gave him the best love.

The world’s best and most treasured baby now belonged to him.

From this day on, he could openly follow his heart to hug him, kiss him and protect him. At every important pathway of their lives, they would find the other accompanying themselves every step of the way.

Fu Zhi Zhou tugged on Qiao Luo’s hand and held it in his palm. He leaned close to Qiao Luo’s face, and very gently, he pressed his lips on Qiao Luo’s eyes. He used his lips to give only a feather-like touch on that long and soft eyelash. Then, as per Qiao Luo’s wishes, he touched the corners of Qiao Luo’s lips. It was a kiss as pure as distilled water. 

It carried over just how much he treasured him, loved him, his joy and happiness, but did not have a single naughty thought in it.

He gently patted the back of Qiao Luo’s head as he said lightly, “Sleep, goodnight.”

Qiao Luo delightedly gave an “en,” and used his head to rub against Fu Zhi Zhou’s jaw. Then, he very naturally squeezed into his boyfriend’s embrace as he slept.

Fu Zhi Zhou used one arm to slung over Qiao Luo, thinking as he stared into the darkness, “F*ck, this little rascal still ended up dating early.”

The night before, the two of them had shared their trials and tribulations together and poured out their hearts to the other. They were messing around till 2am before finally sleeping. For the first time ever, Qiao Luo had actually woken up on his own.

Romance had advanced and injected a cardiac stimulant in him, filling him with vigour and energy.

Previously, even with Fu Zhi Zhou’s long distance wake up service, Qiao Luo would spend 10+ minutes rolling on the bed as if fighting a war with himself before school. The housekeeping auntie wasn’t able to come that early so Mother and Father Qiao would take turns to prepare Qiao Luo’s breakfast and to supervise Qiao Luo so that he would not fall asleep on the sofa after waking up.

However, taking Fu Zhi Zhou into consideration, Mother and Father Qiao got up together today. Thus, they found Fu Zhi Zhou, who was originally sleeping in the guest room, coming out of Qiao Luo’s room.

Fu Zhi Zhou had stolen the others’ son away and was feeling very guilty. But on the surface, he said unhurriedly, “I just woke Qiao Luo up. I’ll send him to school in a while.”

Father Qiao didn’t agree, “Let him sit on the train. You’re still injured. It’s best to go to the hospital.”

Qiao Luo had unprecedentedly stood on Father Qiao’s side, “En, it’s better to go to the hospital.”

Fu Zhi Zhou took over Qiao Luo’s breakfast box and said, “The doctors at the hospital wouldn’t be at work this early. I’ll send Qiao Luo to school then see the doctor in our school.”

Qiao Luo was as firm as a stalk of grass, as he said after listening, “It’s not like that doesn’t work.”

Mother Qiao brought over a small bag that contained a few creams and ointments for wounds and instructed, “Zhi Zhou, don’t treat yourself lightly. If you start feeling uncomfortable anywhere, just give me or Luo Luo’s father a call. Uncle Fu is old so don’t trouble him too much. You better not force yourself and hold everything alone.”

Fu Zhi Zhou accepted his future in-laws’ care and concern. He was a little embarrassed as he took the bag and walked out with Qiao Luo, “I’m really fine, Uncle Qiao, Aunty Qiao. Don’t worry.”

Qiao Luo followed Fu Zhi Zhou blindly and even used his little head to rub Fu Zhi Zhou’s side as he chattered, “Are you really fine? Does it hurt? If not I’ll just take the train……”

Mother Qiao stared at the two gradually disappearing silhouettes and was silent for a while. She hesitated for half a beat, but still asked Father Qiao, “Don’t you think that…. the two kids’ relationship just got a little overboard?”

Father Qiao hadn’t slept well the previous night and yawned consecutively. His reaction was a little slow, “Ah? Is it not good that they have a good relationship?”

Mother Qiao furrowed her brows. There was a sort of indescribable feeling arising in her heart. After a while, she sighed loudly with a “hais”, saying, “Maybe I didn’t sleep well so I’m overthinking it.”

T/N: Aiyo it’s like I ate a whole box of macaroons…. My mouth feels so sweet and sour~! Mothers always have the most primitive instincts….

Editor: Musk

ONLY FOR PLAYING AROUND not serious!!!! please don’t do this seriously (disclaimer for the young’uns)