CH 22

Name:Withdrawal Author:
Fu Zhi Zhou was indeed only suffering from superficial wounds, but hiding it was not easy. In order to prevent Old Man Fu from seeing it and getting needlessly worried, Fu Zhi Zhou used the excuse of being busy with school and didn’t return home for more than a week.

Naturally, this meant that he hadn’t seen his little boyfriend either.

Qiao Luo was feeling pretty depressed. His boyfriend hadn’t permitted him to play on his phone for long and wanted him to keep his grades up. Thus, the chance for the two to chat were sparse. In the morning of a day when Fu Zhi Zhou woke Qiao Luo up, Qiao Luo complained so much, “I haven’t seen you in so long. Are you planning to forget about me?”

Fu Zhi Zhou was silent for a couple of seconds, “Alright, you’re learning to act even cuter. Quickly go to school, you’re going to be late.”

Qiao Luo pressed his lips in a thin line before hanging up the call. For the entire day, his mood wasn’t good.

This lasted until the end of his night dance class when he saw Fu Zhi Zhou waiting for him at the entrance from afar.

The street lamps’ yellow hue lengthened Fu Zhi Zhou’s shadow, making it seem skinny and tall. The long trench coat made Fu Zhi Zhou seem even taller and even cooler, looking especially unapproachable since young.

When Qiao Luo was in elementary school, he was still the king of laziness, the same type that couldn’t get out of bed. At times, he basically didn’t have the time to eat breakfast. Fu Zhi Zhou’s middle school and his elementary school weren’t too far away, so Fu Zhi Zhou occasionally appeared at Qiao Luo’s class to feed him bread and milk. This always made Qiao Luo extremely delightful.

There were even times when he intentionally acted like a smartie pants and skipped breakfast just to wait for Fu Zhi Zhou to find him.

He would end up getting beaten.

Thereafter, Fu Zhi Zhou would hand over the warm milk he had stuffed in his bosom to him, staring as he finished drinking. Then with an ashen face, he would run back to class.

The cool brother Fu Zhi Zhou had now become his boyfriend. This person’s past, present and future, all belonged to him. This made Qiao Luo double happy!.

He directly flew over, pounced on him and hugged Fu Zhi Zhou’s waist as he shouted happily, “You’ve come to fetch me!”

Fu Zhi Zhou returned the hug for a little then took his bag and linked their hands together. He recalled the moment when they just confessed and Qiao Luo had brought up the ‘bully little boys’ matter. As they walked, he purposely teased Qiao Luo, “Who’s here to fetch you. I’m here to kidnap a little boy.”

Qiao Luo immediately pointed at himself and asked, “Do you think this little boy is dumb enough? Take me away if you think so.”

Fu Zhi Zhou eyed Qiao Luo carefully for a few rounds. He found that the little rascal didn’t seem fatter or skinnier in these 10+ days that they hadn’t met. His spirit looked bright and full of vigor, so Fu Zhi Zhou relaxed his heart and continued playing with him, “This little boy seems like he originally belongs to me.”

Qiao Luo sat in the front passenger seat and secured his seatbelt properly. He was as happy as a ball and sold meng, “Then can we return home later tonight?”

Fu Zhi Zhou gave Qiao Luo a little sweet taste of his exclusive benefit. Then he regained his serious and proper appearance, “No. You still need to go back and finish your work. You’re greedy for sleep so if you can sleep earlier, then that’s better.”

QIao Luo let out a very disappointed “ah~” as he grumbled, “I want to go on a date with you.”

He was especially disappointed. His little face was so pitiful, as if he had just lost a hundred thousand dollars. He looked at Fu Zhi Zhou pitifully with a gaze full of complaints, accusing him for his cold expressionless look.

This made Fu Zhi Zhou unable to hang on any longer. He coughed and said, “Wait for the winter break, okay?”

Qiao Luo remained very unhappy, “Winter break is impossible. Every winter break you will be gone for half of the time and won’t even tell me what and where you went.” 

He suddenly opened a large brain hole and he asked in dead shock, “Don’t tell me you actually have another Qing Mei childhood sweetheart1?”

This sentence was a little interesting. This meant that he claimed to be Fu Zhi Zhou’s Chu Ma childhood sweetheart.

Fu Zhi Zhou wanted to laugh a little so he tapped his nose, “My Chu Ma boyfriend, don’t be unhappy. This year, I’ll only be gone for a few days during the New Years. I’ve already requested leave from school and will spend the entire winter break with you.”

Qiao Luo was easy to coax. One only needed to have good news and that would be enough to coax him with the maximum happiness index. Especially after receiving the big good news that he will be able to hog Fu Zhi Zhou all to himself for the entire winter.

Thus, he lost his sour face. He leaned his whole being into Fu Zhi Zhou’s side and confirmed, “Really? You’re not saying it just to lie to a little boy, right?”

This “little boy” joke was definitely not going away anytime soon. Fu Zhi Zhou didn’t hold back his laughter and rubbed Qiao Luo’s soft and fluffy hair, saying, “I’m not lying. Besides, where will I get a Qing Mei girlfriend from? It’s enough to have one of you. I’m going to visit my other grandfather.”

Fu Zhi Zhou was brought home by Old Man Fu when he was 7. Although the Qiao family and Old Man Fu’s relationship was deep, they had never talked about Fu Zhi Zhou’s birth.

Old Man Fu was tight lipped regarding this matter and Fu Zhi Zhou’s parents hadn’t appeared before. It was obviously a topic that wasn’t good to bring up and Mother Qiao and Father Qiao were respectful people. They weren’t willing to take the initiative in digging up other’s past scars and weren’t curious about other’s secrets. 

Furthermore, at the very beginning when there were signs of Qiao Luo becoming extremely sticky to Fu Zhi Zhou, Father and Mother Qiao strictly instructed Qiao Luo never to ask anything regarding parents in front of his Zhou Zhou gege.

So regarding the matter of Fu Zhi Zhou’s birth, Qiao Luo was honestly clueless about it.

He mulled over the instruction his parents gave him and then thought about how Fu Zhi Zhou had brought up the topic himself. This shouldn’t make his Zhou Zhou gege sad so he asked extremely cautiously, “Another grandfather?”

Fu Zhi Zhou hadn’t brought up this conversation to anyone in a very long time. Now that he thought about it, this story was full of holes and dust. But Qiao Luo was already his closest person, so he said honestly, “It’s my biological grandfather but he’s sick. He has dementia and mild cerebral thrombosis2. He wasn’t able to take care of me then so little gramps brought me home.”

Then, that was how he could meet such a great Qiao Luo.

Qiao Luo had a simple and naive mindset, but this didn’t mean that he was dumb. He was merely sheltered by Fu Zhi Zhou and his parents too well and hadn’t seen the darkness of the world. So when he sensitively felt that Fu Zhi Zhou wasn’t too willing to continue this topic, he obediently stopped pursuing and said, “Then…… How about you go and accompany your grandfather instead? I can be a little more obedient.”

When Qiao Luo was being good, it really tempted others, especially his pair of bright and glistering eyes that shone with gleams of concern.

That was a piece of unpolished jade, completely free of blemishes, uncarved, unembellished, pure and beautiful.

Fu Zhi Zhou was unable to resist feeling moved. He kissed Qiao Luo’s forehead, not wanting him to think any further. Thus, he didn’t mention Old Man Fu and his grandfather’s relationship. He only said, “I’ll accompany you. There will be someone else to accompany my grandfather.”

Qiao Luo indeed stopped thinking deeper, all because of the forehead kiss.

This was a signal that they were about to change the topic from proper business to romantic love.

Qiao Luo conscientiously leaned over and hugged Fu Zhi Zhou’s neck. He said in a small voice, “Then…… Can we kiss again?”

A/N: My most beloved little boy trope is online! I have always been stuck on this trope hehe.

T/N: @shisi author-nim, are you okay? hahaha~

Editor: Musk

青梅竹马 (Qing Mei Chu Ma) is a title from a famous poem and this phrase usually refers to childhood sweethearts or lovers who grew up together. Here, they use Qing Mei as the girl and Chu Ma as the boy.

Patients had physical numbness before the onset of the disease, poor movement, speech confusion, dizziness, blurred vision and other signs.