CH 32

Name:Withdrawal Author:
Senior’s wedding ceremony was held on a Saturday. It was a bright spring day, the flowers were blooming, the clear sky was radiant and warm.

Fu Zhi Zhou was on time; not too early, not too late. His suit was of a deep gray colour. Qiao Luo on his side, was wearing a light flax white suit. His figure and proportions were brilliant; standing there made him stand out as a beautiful young man. The two gave others the feeling of suppressing the groomsmen at that instant: One was a solemn, handsome man oozing of testosterone; another was a youth with vibrant heroic spirit.

The bride and groom were receiving the guests at the entrance with close family and friends. When Senior noticed them, she smiled as she ridiculed, “Tsk, here to steal the show?”

Fu Zhi Zhou offered his red packet, “Not at all, not at all. Senior, you’re looking really beautiful today. I wish you a lifelong happiness, may you both grow old together.”

There were still many guests who wanted to give their well wishes, so Senior and Fu Zhi Zhou spoke for another 2 lines before having the employee from the wedding staff lead them to their respective seats. Qiao Luo tugged at Fu Zhi Zhou’s sleeves, and spoke softly yet full of vinegar, “You didn’t even praise me.”

Fu Zhi Zhou pinched his hand, saying, “Go snatch the bridal bouquet, marry me next year.”

Poof- Qiao Luo’s face went flush. Tearing open Fu Zhi Zhou’s hand, he ran straight to the dessert section.

In reality, he couldn’t stomach even a few bites. He went round and round before coming back, face still red.

Fu Zhi Zhou watched as Qiao Luo carried his little red cheeks back. He thought that it might be sunburn, so he had Qiao Luo seated next to him, blocking the sun.

Qiao Luo sat there quietly for a while. Then, he suddenly pulled onto Fu Zhi Zhou’s sleeve, whispering in his ear, “If you propose, I’ll say yes.”

Fu Zhi Zhou nuzzled his hair. The soft fine tips exposed to the sun were warm and toasty. Then, he lowered his head and softly spoke into Qiao Luo’s ears, “I’ve brought you here to let you know that whatever others have, you will have it all too. No matter what we face, don’t ever be afraid.”

Qiao Luo faced down and mumbled an “Okay.” The hand that was pulled into Fu Zhi Zhou’s hand was covered by a layer of perspiration.

All along, he was protected too well by others, being naïve and foolish up until he was 18 years old. His boyfriend was the one who watched him grow up, his gege who had always stood in front of him to provide shelter. His dating life was sweet, honey-filled, worry-free and carefree. It was only at this wedding, that Qiao Luo realized that Fu Zhi Zhou and his relationship was secretive, against the norm and not recognised by society.

For the first time, a little scheming plan of his bloomed in his heart.

He must tell his mom and dad about this relationship, and get them to approve of it.

But Qiao Luo hadn’t managed to find a suitable time to speak to his parents before the arrival of his end-of-term examinations.

In these two weeks, Qiao Luo had been very determined to succeed, making his best efforts as he wished to get the highest score in history, so high that when he confessed to something that might make his parents very angry, he would have the courage to do so. 

But heavens did not play by the script.

On normal days, Qiao Luo played to his heart’s content, cutting corners whenever he could. His grades were unsteady and smoked through. This time, perhaps it was due to his tight nerves, mugging desperately in these 2 weeks, he actually didn’t even hit the average mean score of the level, directly dropping out of the first 300 place, getting the lowest score in history.

After the end-of-term examinations, it was the summer holidays. On the last day of school, Fu Zhi Zhou picked Qiao Luo up from school.

Qiao Luo grasped onto his transcript, feeling down and depressed. With a face of resigned failure, he walked to Fu Zhi Zhou, “Let’s go.”

Fu Zhi Zhou took a look at his transcript and his brows subconsciously furrowed. Yet looking at Qiao Luo’s pitiful and downcast expression, he couldn’t bear to say anything. He gave a good rub on Qiao Luo’s hair and comforted, “It’s okay.”

Qiao Luo’s eyes went red, he was actually about to cry from grievance.

This was his first time caring so much about his grades, his first time not making a fuss to Fu Zhi Zhou, his first time wanting to do a little something for Fu Zhi Zhou, yet, the results he yielded were horrible.

The setback was truly too strong, Qiao Luo couldn’t hold it in.

Fu Zhi Zhou felt a little flustered and helpless. Qiao Luo wanting to cry from feeling wronged and making trouble was a very common sight. But being so dejected from his grades was a first. He could only say, “Don’t be sad. Let me see your papers at home, let me help you break it down, okay?”

Qiao Luo asked nasally, with hints of tears and snot, “Why are you not scolding me? Don’t you always lecture me whenever I don’t score well?”

Fu Zhi Zhou was exasperated, “You’re already crying like this, how can I lecture you?”

“Oh.” Qiao Luo fastened his seat belt, “Then if I ever make a mistake in the future, as long as I cry, you won’t bear to scold me?”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “……”


Realising this didn’t improve Qiao Luo’d mood. He cupped his head and said extremely upset, “You should just scold me…… Getting scolded might just feel a bit better.”

This was too out of the norm. Fu Zhi Zhou found that things might be a little more serious, he asked, “Do you want to tell me at home or find some drink store now and tell me then?”

Qiao Luo was suffering. He bent his knees, shrinked himself into a ball, stuffed his head into his bag and said melancholically, “Home.”

Qiao Luo wasn’t one who could hide his feelings, especially in front of Fu Zhi Zhou.

Once home, he gulped a box of yogurt. Qiao Luo then revealed his plans and little schemes aggrievedly. He rushed into Fu Zhi ZHou’s long limbs, wanting a hug, “I’m so useless.”

He really was too useful. Fu Zhi Zhou’s heart melted into a soft puddle of nothing. He carried Qiao Luo up into his arms and spoke, “Are you silly? How to tell Uncle and Aunty Qiao and when to say it, are all things I’m always considering. If you say it so upfront, what if they scold you?”

The tip of Qiao Luo’s nose was reddened from his cry. He looked at Fu Zhi Zhou, “Then if you say it, you won’t get scolded?”

How could that be? Enduring a beating should be a given.

But Fu Zhi Zhou merely duped him, “Won’t. Uncle and Aunty Qiao are very reasonable people, they won’t scold me.”

Qiao Luo was very gullible. He obediently nodded his head, nesting in Fu Zhi Zhou’s embrace quietly. Then, he found a loophole that didn’t quite match, “But, it should be me who tells Mom and Dad. I’m especially disappointing, needing you to do everything for me.”

Fu Zhi Zhou knocked the crown of Qiao Luo’s head two times, “Little ungrate, I’ve already spent so much worries on you for countless years and only now you’re reflecting?”

He kissed the eyebrows that were sagging from sadness, teasing Qiao Luo, “But where are you disappointing? My confession was nearly stolen by you, our first safety glove experience was nearly bought by you.”

Speaking of this safety glove experience, Qiao Luo’s face turned crimson. He used his limbs to crawl out of Fu Zhi Zhou’s embrace with all his might, and said solemnly, “I’m talking to you seriously!”

Qiao Luo’s appearance of having teary red eyes while trying to put on a strict face was truly too provoking. Fu Zhi Zhou couldn’t hold back from pinching it a little. He asked, “You really want to tell Uncle and Aunty yourself?”

Qiao Luo slapped his hand off, saying with all seriousness, “Yes.”

Fu Zhi Zhou got serious too. He pulled Qiao Luo’s hand and said, “Okay then. You can say it when school is about to start. At that time, you can just tell Uncle and Aunty that you seem to have fallen for me and don’t know what to do. You also don’t know how I feel towards you, wanting to be with me but afraid that I might dislike you. Then, you can leave the remaining matters for me to handle, okay?”

Qiao Luo didn’t understand Fu Zhi Zhou’s intention and asked foolishly, “But you and I are already together.”

Fu Zhi Zhou tapped Qiao Luo’s nose, “But Uncle and Aunty don’t know. Once summer holidays end, it’s time for your arts examination. If you meet such a situation regarding your feelings, with how much Uncle and Aunty Qiao loves you, their first reaction would be to protect and guide you, this lost and helpless little fool. This will make things easier.”

The little fool watched Fu Zhi Zhou in a foolish daze for half a day before saying in shock, “You are so bad.”

Fu-silently evil-Zhi Zhou happily hugged Qiao Luo with no guilty conscience, “So now you know I’m bad? What should I do, the little boy has already been eaten clean by me, there’s no path for regrets.”

The little bit of melancholy was completely extinguished in Qiao Luo’s heart. He started sprouting all sorts of messy thoughts from Fu Zhi Zhou’s words. On that night, as they lay on the bed in their room, a scene crashed into his mind, causing an itch to make trouble. With a face resembling a big apple, he tilted his head and asked Fu Zhi Zhou, “Then…… Is the little boy delicious?”