CH 33

Name:Withdrawal Author:
In regards to whether the little boy was delicious, Fu Zhi Zhou used his might and body to give Qiao Luo an answer.

On the second day of the holidays, Qiao Luo slept in till 2 in the afternoon. Growling and hungry, he crawled out of bed and gave Fu Zhi Zhou a look of misery, “I want to go home…”

Fu Zhi Zhou brought a bowl of warm congee to the bedroom, “Have something to eat first.”

Qiao Luo was close to developing allergies to the word “eat”.

He had long forgotten the discipline of getting up for school the next day. One line of “Is it delicious” blew Fu Zhi Zhou’s flame to an uncontrollable degree. He was dragged into bed and was eaten inside out, cleanly and thoroughly. He cried till there were no more tears, no more energy to even breathe. Even when the bed felt as if it was going to fall apart at any moment, Fu Zhi Zhou still hadn’t let him go.

Qiao Luo played back the scenes in his head, and together with the messy disordered thoughts, his face was close to letting off steam by the time Fu Zhi Zhou put the small table on the bed.

Fu Zhi Zhou had a fright. He immediately reached out a hand to touch Qiao Luo’s forehead. It wasn’t hot, but still, he didn’t feel at ease. Sitting on the bed, he hugged Qiao Luo and said, “Let me see.”

Qiao Luo grasped onto his blanket for dear life as he told Fu Zhi Zhou pitifully, “I can’t anymore…”

With one hand laying the blanket open, Fu Zhi Zhou joked, “Where did the guts to buy your own gloves go?”

A single slip may cause lasting sorrow. Qiao Luo made a face, “Lost them from all your ramming.”

He fawned over Fu Zhi Zhou with his signature cutesy act, “Let me rest for a while, then you can continue doing me.”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “…”

Why did he feel like such a villainous hooligan?

He halted his act of flipping open Qiao Luo’s blanket. Placing a pillow behind Qiao Luo’s back, he asked, “Where does it hurt? Is it unbearable?”

Qiao Luo’s face became warm and toasty, “It’s not pain.”

He pointed to the congee in front of him. Resembling a baby swallow waiting for the older swallow to feed him, he opened his mouth wide and waited for the food to be delivered, “Ah—”

Fu Zhi Zhou fed him two mouthfuls then a spoonful of side dish. From time to time, he cut the fried egg into pieces and fed it together with the congee. Qiao Luo finished his meal after 20 minutes, then gave a yawn, “I still want to sleep.”

He was truly considered as too ruthless. This little rascal was completely unable to hold on. Fu Zhi Zhou silently noted down that he couldn’t be this wild next time. At least before Qiao Luo graduated from high school, he must be more controlled. Then, he fed him some water before saying, “Sleep.”

With this, one day was spent unconscious as it went by in a blur. However, after he returned home, he still showed his report card to his parents.

Qiao Luo thought about the plan to confess to his parents after the holidays, so he said ambiguously, “I had some worries and ended up scoring badly.”

Mother and Father Qiao belonged to the open-minded authoritative parenting style. After looking at his grades, they gave a call to his homeroom teacher. Then, they called Qiao Luo to the study for further discussion, “We’ll invite a tuition teacher for you in the holidays. Your homeroom teacher says that your mathematics foundation is too weak and feeble. Do you agree with the plan?”

Qiao Luo wasn’t too keen on it, so he asked with hesitation, “Can’t you let Zhou Zhou gege tutor me?”

Mother Qiao wrinkled her brows. Since a long time ago, that inexplicable unease came patrolling around her heart again. She sighed, “Luo Luo, Zhi Zhou has a good relationship with us, but you can’t always trouble the other.”

It was Qiao Luo’s turn to frown. He said in an extremely disapproving tone, “Zhou Zhou gege won’t find me troublesome.”

“Even so, no.” Mother Qiao looked at his grades and made a decision, “Zhi Zhou may have good grades, but he isn’t a teacher. He doesn’t have the same insights as a professional tutor, able to give you a solid revision. Our family has always been reasonable. If you feel too exhausted from the tuition, we can reduce your number of sessions appropriately per week, but we really can’t keep bothering Zhi Zhou.”

Qiao Luo puckered his lips and said unhappily, “Okay then, but I still want to hang out with Zhou Zhou gege for a week. Tuition can start once I’m back. I can have one additional class per week.”

Father and Mother Qiao also agreed that hard work was inseparable from fun and enjoyment. Even if Qiao Luo’s grades were unsatisfactory and shameful, they couldn’t get too hung up about his mistakes. Holidays were indeed meant to play and let loose.

And just like this, the family had reached a general consensus. Qiao Luo will go out and play with Fu Zhi Zhou for a week, have 3 sessions for maths and 1 for general language per week once he returns.

Fu Zhi Zhou had also taken into consideration that Qiao Luo would need to revise more during this holiday. The time to have fun with everyone was settled on the first week of Qiao Luo’s holiday.

Yu Zi Heng had also shed his shackles of working in a corporation. He started entrepreneurship, and his return date was delayed by projects and work. He could only watch in jealousy quietly.

One trip, six people. They first went to their hotel. As they were settling the paperwork, Zhao Zi and Handsome Fattie both requested a standard hotel room. The boss, Fu Zhi Zhou, was utterly shameless, insisting on getting a room with the biggest bed. 

Zhao Zi, “…”

Dashing Fattie, “…”

Zhao Zi was straightforward and spoke his mind openly. He directly said, “You are such a beast. Luo Luo is only so old, and you’re… Ah?”

Qiao Luo’s face turned red in an instant. He subconsciously hid behind Fu Zhi Zhou. Boss Fu Zhi Zhou wasn’t too concerned, “He slept on my bed since he was 3. Do you have a problem with that?”

Zhao Zi, “……”

Dashing Fattie, “…… So it was a child bride1.”

The child bride had a position that was infinitely high. He only carried a small haversack bag, inside which was only an itinerary and a map. All his luggage was inside Fu Zhi Zhou’s huge bag. Even the bottled water was carried by Fu Zhi Zhou.

After entering their room, he threw his bag aside, sat on the bed, shook his slender legs and kicked off his slippers. With a demanding tone, he commanded, “I’m thirsty.”

Fu Zhi Zhou gave him a bottle of yakult and picked up his slippers, “Wear it properly.”

Qiao Luo put on his slippers obediently. Rubbing against Fu Zhi Zhou, he finished his yakult in one shot and spoke softly, “They…… called me a child bride.”

Fu Zhi Zhou, “Don’t tell me you’re not? You glued yourself to me since you were 3 years old, it’s almost the same thing.”

Qiao Luo’s little face had already been glowing with heat, now it only got worse, “Child bride, bride! They know that me and you are… like that?”

“What’s that?” Fu Zhi Zhou teased him intentionally.

Qiao Luo replied as he dropped a kiss on Fu Zhi Zhou’s face, ”This.”

Fu Zhi Zhou felt his mood going up, “I only told them that you are my little boyfriend. I didn’t say that we kissed. As for which base they think we are at, I’m not sure of that.”

He grabbed Qiao Luo in for a long kiss, then pasted his ear to ear, temple to temple as he added on, “Qiao’er, your Brother Zi Heng also knows, my closest friends all know that you’re mine. So actually, coming out of the closet isn’t that scary.”

Qiao Luo was especially unable to resist Fu Zhi Zhou whenever he coaxed him with such soft voice and sweet words. Feeling numbness on his ear, he shrunk his neck, “En. I feel that my mom and dad will accept it.”

He nuzzled his head on Fu Zhi Zhou’s chest and cuddled for a while longer. With grievances, he pouted, “But I don’t want to be a little wife, I’m a boy.”

“En.” Fu Zhi Zhou hugged him, “You will be my little husband.”

Shi Si: Fu Zhi Zhou: Me, the big husband.

Editor: Musk

a girl that is adopted into a family as the future daughter-in-law