“Yuki, I…I’m gonna get a girlfriend.”


Upon my return home from school, these were the words that Onii-chan greeted me with when I opened the front door—and I, Sasaki Yuki, almost passed out from the shock. Today was the first day of Kouetsu High’s cultural festival, and I naturally visited this as I aspire to enroll at that school next year. Plus I wanted to use this chance to spend time with him, but an unbelievable scene played in front of my eyes after I searched for him.

‘Th-That’s why…P-Please go out with me…!’

For the first time in my life, I had witnessed a page of youth unfolding in front of me. A classmate of Onii-chan uttered these words with a quivering body and shaking voice, and when I saw Onii-chan get all flustered and bewildered, I thought to myself ‘So the time has finally come, I see.’ I had a feeling that I would be forced through this day at some point.

After all, Onii-chan is handsome and cool. It’s not just his looks, he’s very kind and always willing to take my hand. That’s why my destiny to fall in love with him had been decided even before my birth, and our relationship practically transcends anything that can be put into regular terms in relation to human relationships.

Plus, the event that the human race was born on this planet was caused by a miracle that came about by the distance relationship between the other plans and the sun, meaning that our very existence is a practically impossible result caused by astronomy as we know it, but the fact that Onii-chan and I would always stay together until the end of time was decided even before this. In other words, because Onii-chan and I had to be born at some point, the human race came into existence. Thus, we are beings above our fellow humans, and I personally see Onii-chan as the messiah that was gifted to these puny insects.

Additionally, comparing his facial features to the roundness and common shape of the earth, it becomes clear that Onii-chan is more handsome than the world itself, as well as the commoners living on it. And taking all of this into consideration, some lowly human woman, who couldn’t help but fall in love with this world’s most beautiful individual, called Onii-chan, should have no hope of conquering his heart, and that is what I decided subconsciously when I witnessed that conversion. Thus, this whole ordeal isn’t my fault for not blocking off her contact with Onii-chan, but rather that his greatness surpassed whatever destiny the stars had prepared for him. Hence, I will not accept this. I shall not let this stand.

The only person I permit to spend time with Onii-chan is Sajou Wataru (15), and he also said—that Sasaki Takaaki was approaching his breeding season (*He did not). After offering his everything to the soccer club in middle school, Onii-chan now sought a partner to continue his bloodline, to spend the rest of his life together (*He did not say that either).

Hence, I was certain that his beloved little sister, which is me, simply had to become that existence for him, and I made up my mind during today’s festival. I decided to pretend I hadn’t seen that confession, to have him spoil me, and overwrite any possible memory of that event with the single existence that is “Sasaki Yuki,” but when I reached the front entrance, all my determination was shattered in an instant.


“Well…I’m in high school, after all.”

Onii-chan let out a faint snicker and took off his shoes, passing by me who had become a frozen statue. I gasped and returned to the reality in front of me, chasing after his back.

“W-Were you confessed to…?”

I asked this, well-knowing that he would simply nod along. And as expected, his ears turned red as he did. So cute…If I were to compare it, it was like the faint reddish glimmer of a starfish you would encounter in the Okinawan sea, and I wouldn’t mind cutting that part off to put it into a small aquarium.

“Why did you agree…? Up to this point, you never seemed too interested…”

“Yeah…I guess so.”

When I posed another question, Onii-chan stopped in his tracks after he made it halfway up the stairs. I saw that woman confess to him. The way things looked, they probably hadn’t been too close, and she most likely wasn’t aiming to close the distance between the two, until she finally decided to reveal her feelings today. Rather, the confession seemed to have been rather abrupt and random. In other words, Onii-chan also should not know that girl too well. And since Onii-chan is very kind, I don’t see how he should blindly agree to such a major request. Knowing him, he would probably say something like ‘Let’s start by being friends,’ showing kindness no matter what. So why did things…

“Do you know why I treasure you this much, Yuki?”


“It’s because you care for me this much. That’s why I love you, and enjoy looking after you.”


My heart skipped a beat. This is why I can’t give up on him. Compared to him, all other men just look like apes to me. And since he made me turn out this way, I’ll have him take responsibility. I was feeling excited and full of anticipation when Onii-chan continued.

“—And that girl’s the same.”


I could feel foam forming deep within my throat. I might actually just die from the shock.

“I get that this must come out of nowhere. I didn’t think about dating someone immediately either. Even if I were to start dating someone, I thought it’d happen after I put my effort into it, accomplish my duty, and get beaten up by a friend of mine.”


Hold on a second. Something doesn’t add up here. The way Onii-chan makes it sound like he was the one who fell in love first. That’s different from what I was told. So…did he have feelings for her from the beginning? And after the confession today, they entered a mutual relationship? Onii-chan must have guessed that I was filled with doubts, as he showed a weak smile.

“I’m talking about the person Sajou likes. You know him, right? I fell for the same person he’s got feelings for.”


That came out of nowhere. My mouth was open in shock and I didn’t have the power to close it. I had no idea Onii-chan had fallen in love with someone. And to think it was the girl my secret detective was after, too. How could I not realize that something like that was going behind the scenes…?

“Shocked, huh? Well, that just shows how much I was acting like usual. There was no change in me that you could have caught on to.”

“…What…do you mean?”

“Like I said. It’s the person Sajou has feelings for. I think I gave up from the very start. That’s why you didn’t pick up on anything.”


What is he saying? Onii-chan is perfect. No man could hope to compare with him. I’m sure that this girl he’s talking about has feelings for Onii-chan, too. Which would be bad in itself, but still.

“You’re saying that…you lost?”

“…Yeah, that’s absolutely right.”


“The relationship they fostered isn’t something I can compete with. It’s already far too late for me to get between them. And after being shown that over and over, I had to accept that my love would not come true.”

“You…your heart was broken…?”

“Ah, well…I pulled back myself, so I guess it’s a bit different than that.”


I didn’t think that such a situation was going on between Onii-chan and Sajou-san. Not to mention that Onii-chan would lose…Should I thank Sajou-san for this? Or should I resent him? I don’t know.

“And that’s when…she confessed to me.”


“I was in love with another person up to recently. Hence, I didn’t think I would care much about anybody else for a while.”

“But then…you should have rejected her, no?!”

“Haha, you really get me.”


Onii-chan rubbed my head. His expression was as peaceful as always, which had me close my eyes and enjoy it.

“That’s what I had planned on doing. However, the way she cared for me shook my determination.”

“She cared for you…?”

“I realized just how much she likes me…Just as you do. That’s why I wanted to respond to these feelings.”


I didn’t want to hear any more of this. I didn’t want to share the same feelings for Onii-chan with someone else. I’m different from her. Her feelings can’t compare to mine. The feelings I’ve harbored all these years…are the same as some random woman who appeared out of nowhere? Don’t joke with me! My Onii-chan…isn’t the same Onii-chan I knew! I hate this woman who’s trying to steal Onii-chan from me. I need to separate them no matter what. And then Onii-chan will be my kind Onii-chan again.

“Why do you look so anxious, Yuki?”


“Do you really think that’s all it’s gonna take for me to be stolen from you?”


Onii-chan put his fingers on my chin, pulling it up. My gaze was forcefully directed at him. This sudden hottie move made my heart feel like it was gonna explode.

“Nothing will change.”

“B-But…your kindness…it’ll all be towards that person!”

“Not just her. You’re just as important to me.”

“No way…you can’t just direct it at two people equally…”

“Of course I can. Who do you think I am?”


All of the malice and hatred filling me vanished elsewhere. It was all melted by Onii-chan’s kindness, filling me with warmth.

“Don’t you know? I’m your older brother.”


I truly felt like our bond had grown stronger.


‘Damn, you’re easy.’

‘What are you saying?!’

After enjoying a heartfelt and passionate time with Onii-chan, where we deepened our feelings for each other, I wanted to tell someone of this major event, so I decided to call my secret detective Sajou-san, whose first reaction was exactly that. I couldn’t help but burst into anger at that. I will not allow anybody to ridicule the bond I have with Onii-chan.

‘Oh shut up. What time do you think it is? God damn 2 am. And you kept it ringing until I picked up. If I’m not answering after thirty seconds, then you gotta take the hint and assume that I’m sleeping.’

‘I’m currently reaching full capacity with the emotions I can store as just his sister. That’s why I’m sharing it with you.’

‘What do you mean ‘Just’, huh? You’ll stay his sister forever and ever. Also, I don’t need any love for Sasaki, so just flush it down the toilet instead.’

‘Are you calling my feelings a waste product?!’

‘Nobody said to squeeze it outta you. Just flush it all down.’

Even though I should be the one angry, Sajou-san shows no signs of calming down, either. What’s gotten him so riled up, I wonder? I was thinking of just lulling him to sleep by telling him about all my feelings for Onii-chan. Plus, I still have a bone to pick with him. He wasn’t telling me the truth about Onii-chan at school. But it doesn’t matter, Onii-chan’s kindness will still be directed at me from now on.

‘Also! What you told me today only left me more worried! But in the end, Onii-chan’s kindness is unlimited! And he’ll continue showering me with kindness from now on!’

‘Yeah, yeah, my bad. Just don’t scare me like that ever again.’

‘Hmph! Can’t you even accept what people are telling you? You really can’t compare to Onii-chan! Just tell your girlfriend that she’ll regret not picking Onii-chan for the rest of her life!’

‘Wha…Natsu—She’s not my…’

‘What are you mumbling about? That’s gross! If you want to become a man like Onii-chan, then you need to be clear with your words!’

‘What are you so angry about…I’m gonna hang up, all right.’

‘Ah! Wait! There are still things I need to ask you! And hear from you…Ah, wha…’

DO-DOOT, I heard the sound of him hanging up mercilessly. We barely talked for about twenty minutes, too. Even though Onii-chan would always talk with me for up to two or three hours when I feel lonely…Well, I’ll just call him again……

‘I’m blocking you.’

‘Wait, no, please, just a bit mo—’

H-He really blocked my number…!