The production of the advertising page is very simple, that is to fill in the words, and then print it.

Now the printer is ink, print out the thing is very rough, but normal reading without any problem.

As for the above advertising slogans, they are "Celebrating the opening of a new store", "booming", "the original price of 39 yuan for members is now free", "members enjoy the door-to-door service of rice delivery" and so on. Even the patterns are simple triangles and five pointed stars, which are the patterns of the production software.

From the print shop, Huang Enquan could not help but Tucao said, "just make complaints about seventy-five yuan for these papers. This is faster than the rush money!"

Huang enquan, this is really not nonsense. Now you go to the street and find a pedestrian to rob. There's a 95% probability that this person doesn't have so much money.

Zhang Qianxiu said: "it's an exclusive business, and they invest a lot in the early stage. The two computers are both tens of thousands, and the printers are estimated to be thousands."

Zhang Qianxiu probably knows that in this era, tens of thousands of new computers are still luxuries, and printers are still unknown.

On hearing this, Huang en Quan was startled: "just those boxes will cost more than 10000?"

Nowadays, many young people are not familiar with computers. The construction of the domestic network did not begin until 1994, and it was not until 1994 that China was recognized internationally as a country with Internet.

The emergence of Internet cafes will wait until after 1994.

"Or what do you think? It makes sense for him to ask such a high price. " Zhang Qianxiu said.

"I don't think that's anything special!" Huang Enquan could not help but make complaints about "motorcycle is good."

Zhang Qianxiu casually explained: "I don't know much about other things in the computer, but there is a thing called CPU in it, which is only about the size of the shell. There are hundreds of thousands of transistors in it, or one layer, which is not stacked up. If you don't know the transistors, you will understand that the circuit is almost the same."

"Hundreds of thousands?" Huang enquan was surprised again, and looked at his finger shell: "even if you draw lines, you can't draw hundreds of thousands of them in such a small place?"

Zhang Qianxiu carefully recalled the chip incident that started in 2019. He specially checked the chip related information.

40386 CPU should be launched in 1985, using 1.5 micron process; 40486 CPU was launched in 1989, using 1 micron process.

According to this calculation, the boss's computer should not be 486, but 386 or 286.

"His production process is about 1.5 microns, and the transistors inside are very small," Zhang said

"Micron? I know centimeter and millimeter. Is ten microns equal to one millimeter? " Huang en didn't know how big the micron was, but the meter, decimeter, centimeter and millimeter were all decimal.

Zhang Qianxiu shook his head: "a hair is equal to a thousand microns."

"What?" Huang enquan felt a little inconceivable: "that is to say, his thin eyes can't see clearly?"

Zhang Qianxiu thought for a moment. He had never seen how big the 1.5 micron was. He thought it was invisible: "almost!"

Huang enquan thought for a moment and asked, "can our country make this thing?"

"No!" Zhang Qianxiu didn't even think about it. Decades later, although it can be made in China, the technology can't keep up with the times, and it should be even more difficult to make it in this era.

Huang enquan's face was slightly disappointed: "in the future, we will certainly be able to build atomic bombs, but we can't build a thing that is big with a shell?"

Zhang Qianxiu heard Huang enquan's words, but his heart seemed to be hit fiercely.

He seems to have found his own direction!

Zhang Qianxiu turned his head and thought to Huang enquan, "I want you to join the army. Are you going?"

Huang en didn't even think about it: "no! I'm used to being loose, and I can't bear to be so restrained. "

Zhang Qianxiu asked, "if you go back to 50 years ago, when the country was in the most critical situation, would you go to war?"

Huang enquan also did not think about it, blurted out: "go! Kill those Japanese pirates, don't let me live, kill one and earn another. "

Zhang Qianxiu was silent for a moment.

Perhaps when it comes to life and death, Huang enquan may be afraid of death and retreat, but Chinese people all have a strong sense of belonging and pride, pride and unyielding.

When the country comes to a critical juncture, there may be traitors, but there will also be countless brave heroes who are not afraid of death.

Think of decades later, the national chip was pinched, there are countless people on the Internet said that China missed the best opportunity to develop chips.

And this is the best time.

Although Zhang Qianxiu is not a hero and doesn't know chip, he also wants to do something for this country.

Don't understand the chip is not a big problem, as long as you have money, you can hire professional people.

However, this is just an idea for the time being. Chips can't be made if you want to, but Zhang Qianxiu has at least found a direction to make money first and then make chips when he has the opportunity.

"Let's make him a small target first!" Zhang Qianxiu said suddenly.

"How much is the small target?" Huang enquan asked.

Zhang Qianxiu showed a smile and said, "one hundred million!"

Zhang qiankang carried two bags of rice and asked, "is it money?"

Zhang Qianxiu nodded: "yes!"

"How much is a hundred million?" Zhang Jiankang doesn't have a big idea about this number.

Zhang Qianxiu was slightly stunned and said, "I haven't seen it either."

Huang enquan didn't believe that Zhang Qianxiu could make so much money. If he made tens of thousands, he still believed it.

Huang enquan took it as a joke and said with a smile, "when we make money, we'll pile it up and see how much."

"Good!" Zhang Qianxiu knew that Huang enquan thought it was a joke.

In Zhang Qianxiu's heart, in fact, he has no confidence to earn 100 million yuan, but if he doesn't work hard, it's even more impossible.

Zhang Qianxiu is not a 16-year-old boy. He has the life experience of the last life. He knows the cold, warm and dangerous of the world. He has no enough knowledge, management ability, business strategy ability and a strong team to achieve great things only by his own prediction of the future.

He has no knowledge, management ability, business strategy ability or team. He is just a passer-by. His original knowledge and ability have not changed.

He must collect these slowly like a dragon ball, and then summon the "dragon".

Thinking about it, Zhang Qianxiu felt that his goal had become more and more clear.

Zhang Jiankang saw two people laughing. Although he didn't know what they were laughing at, he also laughed with them. He was very simple and serious.

When you get to the market, put the rice against the wall.

There are three bags of rice in such a wide place. The whole shop looks empty.

Zhang Qianxiu took out 20 yuan and handed it to Huang enquan: "go to find a few people to load some river sand by the river. Try to load dry sand by the bank. Don't drip water. Sweep the river sand outside the bag."

"If there isn't so much sand, it can be stuffed with some wood and so on. The wood should be put in the middle and put in dozens of bags."

Huang enquan was stunned: "brother Xiu, you said yesterday that you wanted to load sand. What do you want so much sand for?"

Zhang Qianxiu explained, "do you think that if we just put three bags of rice here, will someone come to see us? Just carry some sandbags here and look like rice from the outside. "

Huang enquan took a look at the empty shop and found that the three bags of rice were too shabby to put here. Even if someone passed by and saw that the whole shop had only three bags, he would not think that it was business.

"Brother Xiu, what we put is all sand. Will it show up?" Huang enquan asked anxiously.

"We don't sell them after we sell them. What's the filling?" Zhang Qianxiu said: "we won't show them the sand. It's better to put it here than to leave it all empty."

Huang en Quan also thought: "I'll go to find someone now."

As soon as Huang enquan left, Zhang Qianxiu asked Zhang Jiankang to stay in the store and send out leaflets at the door of the market.