Chapter 92 - A Cheapskate

The cousins soon retired to their own rooms to get changed and meet up again downstairs.

Just like Wade and Wayne had their own rooms in Yang Manor, Lina and her brother too had their own rooms here in Luo residence.

Butler Mo had already asked Butler Ping to send some clothes over so that Lina might change into them.

So after she took a relaxing shower, Lina changed into a loose sweatshirt and shorts. 

She picked up her phone and sent a text to Uncle Pat that she would have a sleepover with the twins.

She then made her way to the hall where she found her brothers already waiting for her there.

They were wearing matching black PJs and it seemed like they were bickering about something.

"You were the one who said that, so you deal with it!" Wade pushed Wayne away who was trying to hug him

"It just slipped out! I wasn't planning on that to happen!" Wayne cried out and pounced on his brother.

"What slipped out?" Lina asked when she reached them.

Wade stopped pushing Wayne and they looked at her.

Immediately, Wayne got off his brother and pulled Lina to sit between them.

"Nana! I need your help!" Wayne looked at her with a pouty face and she chuckled loudly.

"What did you do now?" She shook her head and inquired.

"A friend of mine recently had some design troubles in his latest project." He began and Lina listened carefully.

"So I might have bragged a little about how great you are and now he wants to see your design." Wayne closed his eyes and blurted it all out.

"You told someone that I am LY?" Lina screeched and whacked Wayne on his arm.

"What? NO! I just said that someone I know is a great designer. That's all, I swear! Ask him if you don't believe me!" He pointed at Wade to prove his innocence.

Wade promptly nodded his head and Lina took a sigh of relief.

"But first ask him what that project is about?" Wade looked at Wayne with contempt and Lina skeptically looked over.

"Hehe.." Seeing their questioning eyes, Wayne smiled sheepishly and scratched his head.

'I have a bad feeling about this!' Lina was wary when she saw his 'Oops' smile.

"It's actually a gaming arena." He answered and Lina let out a laugh.

"You want a jewelry designer to do an architect's job?" She asked him sarcastically.

"That's what I told him!" Wade chimed in when he heard her.

"But he just wouldn't shut up even when I was signaling him with my eyes!" He ranted enthusiastically.

"So you were with him when this was happening?" She questioned and saw him nod.

'He told that his presence was needed somewhere else and this is what he was doing? Hanging out with friends?' Lina stared at him with her brows raised.

But Wade did not notice this as he was fully into his rant about what had happened.

"Not only did he ignore me but also when I tried to stop his big mouth, my friend gave me a threatening look that shut me up." He trembled while thinking of those evil eyes that could freeze him.

"This is the same friend who always bullies you?" Lina asked when she caught sight of his frightened expression.

Wade hurriedly nodded and he explained the cupcake fiasco when he saw Wayne's confused eyes.

"Yes yes, Nana! He bullies me too!" Wayne too pitched in.

"So why are you still helping him?" Lina asked with an innocent face.

"Cause he's our best friend!" They said in one voice and Lina smiled widely at them.

"Fine!" She was happy to see them so eager to help their friend out.

"I still don't get why he wants to see my design, but sure I'll humor him." Lina shrugged and accepted Wayne's offer.

She asked a maid to fetch the Tablet in her room and in the meantime she asked Wayne to talk about this project.

When she heard about the different types of facilities that would be available in this gaming arena, she was excited to see when it would be opened for public use.

The maid arrived with her Tab and Lina sat with a pillow on her lap.

"Okay, now slowly describe the kind of place your friend envisioned." She instructed them and closed her eyes.

This was a method that she always used when LY received orders for customized pieces.

She would ask the client to send a detailed email of what they wanted from her and ask her Asst Benji to read it out to her as she closed her eyes and visualized the jewelry's design.

Wayne quickly read the message that Reuben had sent him when Wade explained about Lina's work process.

Lina paid attention to those words and created a basic blueprint in her mind.

She sat still even after Wayne was done and after a few minutes, she slowly opened her eyes.

Without speaking any words, she just fired up her Tab and started drawing straight lines on it.

Wade signaled his brother to zip it when he saw that Wayne was about to say something.

They both just silently peeped into her Tab to see the lines slowly forming the layout of what looked like a building.

At first, they were excited to see her hands moving rapidly with the stylus but soon they got bored and started texting each other to avoid disturbing her.

Wayne - You think she can do it?

Wade - Why did you ask her to try when you did not have faith in her?

He scowled at his brother after sending that text.

Wayne  - I know she'll do great, but will that Ice Emperor like it!???  ( `ε´ ) 

Wade - ╮( ˘_˘ )╭  Let's just wait and see how it turns out.

Right on cue, Lina announced that she was done.

Wayne hurriedly yanked it away from her and looked at it.

Seeing that he wasn't saying anything, Wade went over to see how her design was.

"I've tried to make it according to his wishes but I gave it a few Lina touches as well." She violently shook her hands to relieve the tension in it.

"Nana… This is amazing." Wayne exclaimed and kissed her on the head.

"Much better than the last design we saw." Wade too praised and nodded.

The Tab showed the design of a three-storeyed building with each room spacious and comfortable.

Every room was designed keeping its purpose in mind and also to give off a cozy hangout vibe.

Of course, Lina paid extra attention to the console room that she was most excited about. She drew it to match her version of an ideal game room with the tiny addition of a snack bar in a corner.

She was pleased to see them marvel at her creation.

'I think they've seen enough.' She inched towards them and snatched her Tab away.

"Hey!" Wayne whined when he saw her locking it.

"I did not know that I was gifted in this area too. Thanks to your friend, I discovered a new talent." She proudly smiled at them.

"Absolutely! So if you can send it to me, I'll forward it to him." Wayne eagerly asked her.

"I designed it to see if I could do it. But I never said that I'll give it to him." Lina smirked and shook her head.

She giggled when she saw their faces become gloomy in an instant.

'How bad is this guy?' Lina wondered.

"I am willing to sell it to him though." She added and the wilting flowers bloomed again.

"Absolutely! I'm sure he'll be willing to buy it when he sees it." Wayne agreed with her idea.

"50 Million." She enunciated while smirking.

'Let him pay for bullying my brothers!' She crossed her hands over her chest and sat like a boss.

Wayne and Wade coughed when they heard the amount that she wanted to charge.

'She's trying to mess with that guy!' Wade facepalmed.

"Not a cent less." She added and waved the Tab around.

Wayne thought about the pros and cons of presenting this proposal before Reuben.

'The chances of him agreeing are high, but the chances of me getting an atomic wedgie is higher!' He winced at that thought.

"Done!" Wade cheerfully agreed when he saw Wayne's body flinch earlier.

"And since it was Wayne's bright idea, he will be in charge of negotiations." He added and saw Wayne's dirty glares.

'Serves you right for almost exposing Nana's identity!' Wade sneered at his brother.

"What a pleasant surprise!" They heard a loud happy voice and turned towards the door.

Patrick Yang stood smiling at the door and gave his jacket and briefcase to Butler Mo.

"Uncle Pat!" Lina hugged him when he came to where they were seated.

"I sent you a text informing you that I was here, did you not see it?" She asked and saw his confused expression.

He checked his phone and saw that she really had sent him a text.

"Sorry kiddo, important meeting." He apologized and rubbed her head.

"Let me just go change into something more comfortable then we can talk." He tugged at his tie and excused himself.

Now that Uncle Pat had left, Lina looked back at Wayne.

"I'll be looking forward to working with your friend." She beamed at him and emailed him the file containing her design.

But just to be on the safe side, she only sent the basic model rather than the detailed design. 

"If he agrees then I'll send over the final draft. Also, tell him to hire a professional architect to look over the proper dimensions for it rather than being a cheapskate and hiring a designer." Lina admonished while rolling her eyes.

'She calls 50 million as being cheap?' Wade gawked at her and Wayne was thinking of how to handle Reuben later.


Inside his home office, Reuben sneezed thrice and reached for a tissue that was placed on his table.

"Am I catching a cold?" He wondered while he wiped his nose.

He looked at the land deed of the gaming arena and felt a headache rising.

"Will the designer that Wayne boasted so highly about be able to win me over?" He thought of the praises that his friend had been piling over when he spoke of that designer.

"I highly doubt it!" He scoffed and dismissed that silly idea.