Chapter 227 - Reveal His True Intentions

If they had known where it was that Lina was sleeping right now then they wouldn't have been so calm about it.

Since they had no clue about it, they moved to concentrate on a more pressing matter.

"We need to figure out who messed with her car," Wayne whispered in a low, deep, and menacingly scary voice.

Wade raised his brows and looked at his brother, surprised that he was so bothered with this problem.

"Why do you even care about what happened to Nana? You like that Liang lady so go stick to her! Shoo!" He snarled at his brother and lifted his chin as though he looked down at him.

Patrick was baffled when he heard these words causing his head to shake in disappointment.

'Truly shameless! He just used Wayne's help to find Lina's GPS destination and now he is shooing him away?' He clicked his tongue at this young boy.

"You know nothing! And I don't like that creepy Jeanette!" Wade defended himself and cringed when he uttered that woman's name.

Both Patrick and Wade frowned when they observed the repulsion that was clear on his face when he called out the Liang lady's name.

"Explain yourself right now!" Wade demanded in a serious and straightforward manner.

Wayne sighed in defeat and then decided to reveal his true intentions before them.

"It is true that I do not like Jeanette Liang." He reassured them once again.

The confusion on Wade's face did not fade, but it further intensified.

"You yelled at Nana, carried the woman away before our eyes, and then fought with Nana from the same woman." He reminded his elder brother of the crimes he had committed in the span of a single day.

Wayne pouted when he was told off about what he had done at that time to keep his cover safe.

"I did not do them on purpose and I most certainly did not enjoy doing that!" He mumbled in an unhappy voice.

Hurting his baby sister was something the he would never think of doing.

However, that was exactly what he had to do to get to the truth of something that he had stumbled upon by sheer accident.

Patrick realized that there was more to it than what met the eyes so he waited for Wayne to disclose what it was that he had discovered.

Wade was still skeptical yet he did not make his thoughts known until he was sure of what was happening.

"Do you remember when we reached the place where Nana and Jeanette were arguing?" Wayne questioned and received a nod from his brother.

Since Patrick was unaware of what had happened, so once again Wade did the needful and explained what had happened.

Before Patrick could yell at Wayne for behaving in such a rude way towards his lovely niece, he was stopped by the culprit himself.

"Let me explain my side of the story!" He remarked with an aggrieved and wronged expression on his face.

This time it was not only Wade but also Uncle Pat who snarled at him in a nasty manner.

"Explain what side?" Patrick glowered, making Wayne pout further.

Wade felt disgusted by looking at this grown man who had absolutely no sense of shame, pouting like a little child.

"Did you not pay attention to what that Liang woman said?" Wayne shot back at his brother who had not stopped glaring and snarling at him from when he had arrived.

'I don't like being treated this way!' He whimpered to himself and came to the conclusion of revealing what he was aware of.

'It's not like they will be the first to know about it. After all that Demon Ice Emperor knows everything about it as well.' He shrugged thinking of how Reuben knew of this matter.

Wade froze for a second when he heard this but he still stared at his twin with suspicion laced in his gaze.

"What? All I heard was her mentioning about Mandy and then about the ball." He answered as his arms folded across his chest.

His body language clearly indicated that he was not willing to accept the explanation that Wayne was trying to give them.

"You dolt! She did complain about the spotlight being snatched from Mandy but did you not hear something else she said?" Wayne interrogated and all he received was a blank face from his brother.

Being a connoisseur of the pretty ladies in the city, he had great taste and had greater perception when someone was trying to pull tricks on him or around him.

Hence when he had arrived with the boys at the place where Lina and Jeanette had been arguing, he made them stop and watch the show from the shadows.

"I knew that she was up to no good when she tried to raise her hand at Nana and did not allow her to leave." He retold what he had observed back then.

"However, what stunned me was the extensive and burning hatred that I saw in her eyes when she uttered a certain sentence." He revealed while rubbing his chin in contemplation.

A frown appeared on his face when he thought back to the words he had heard.

Noticing his silence, Wade felt ticked off and glared at him which made him return to his senses.

"What did she say?" Patrick inquired since his curiosity in this matter had now piqued.

"She said something about Nana wasting all her time running after men and not paying attention to things at home." He divulged the part which was still a mystery to him.

The other two men were confused when they heard this.

"Nana just returned to the country and she has not stepped out of the house often. What is that bratty child talking about?" Patrick sneered at the behavior of Jeanette Liang.

He knew who her father was. 

After all, the present patriarch of the Liang family, Burt Liang, and the Yang family had a deep resentment for each other that ran for decades now.

But this matter was unknown to both the public and the members of the younger generation.

'They don't need to know about the things of the past.' He decided to remain tight-lipped about what had happened back in their youth days.

Wade on the other hand was trying to comprehend why Jeanette would say such a thing.

"Nana told me that she only has a crush on Director Ivan Zhou and then she started dating Reuben. So what the hell is this woman talking about!" He groaned in frustration.

Their sister was not a woman who went chasing after men, even if she liked someone she would drool at that pretty face from afar.

The brothers were well aware of her personality and hence what Jeanette just said seemed next to impossible to them.

"Dating Reuben? Isn't she still in the process of deciding whether to date him or not?" Patrick asked of his nephews with his golden eyes glimmering in the dark.

Patrick being a member of the Yang clan had its signature golden flecked eyes.

But the composition of gold was still lower when compared to his elder brother.

The rule in their family which had been followed for generations now was that the male child with the most concentrated golden eyes would be the destined heir to lead them.

Simon Yang had these qualities in him and his qualifications gave him an added bonus to make him the President of the Yang Groups.

But he had left them all behind to migrate with his family and start his own business abroad.

Patrick was annoyed with his brother's decision yet he supported him nonetheless.

Now that his lovely niece had returned after almost a decade, he hears that she is already dating that child from the Ming family?

Wouldn't that mean that she is going to be spending less time with them and more time with her boyfriend!

This was what irked him the most, that her time would get divided since she had already made her decision to date him.

"Why was I not informed of this development?" He questioned the two men with similar faces.

There was no anger or animosity in his voice but anyone could make out his seething wrath just by looking at his glowing eyes.

"Um…. We forgot?" Wade muttered sheepishly while scratching his head.

Wayne nodded his head fervently since they never had the intention of hiding this major news from them.

But the things that happened, their fight regarding Jeanette's incident had washed away the thought of this news.

Patrick took a deep calming breath and gave them a brief nod.

"It's late. We need to complete a task." He declared and then strode off towards the car that he had come in.

He neither turned back to look at them nor did he wait for them, he just got into his car and drove away as though they were not even visible to his eyes.

Wade and Wayne watched as the car zoomed away and then turned to look at each other's face.

"What are you looking at!? Let's follow him!" Wade demanded and then walked towards another car that was parked there.

Wayne raised his brows and shook his head at his brother who was now standing by his black convertible.

"Hurry up! You still have a lot of explaining to do!" His younger brother's angry shouts made him hasten his steps.

'I'm just glad that he is willing to listen!' Wayne sighed as he reached his car and then drove away in the same direction as Patrick had gone earlier.