Chapter 233 - A Second Child?

Lina's eyes widened as she continued listening to the explanation of what had happened after he and Jeanette had left the restaurant together.

'So much happened and I was deliberately kept in the dark!' She disputed this unfair situation.

She felt as though she could understand the feelings of the female leads in those CEO romance novels.

'Those poor ladies were always kept in the dark and protected by their possessive male leads but I can handle things on my own!' She narrowed her eyes and glared at her brother.

She now was not mad that he had hidden these incidents from her but was mad that he had made a choice on her behalf.

'I wasn't even given the choice of what should be done to me!' She sneered at this oddity in the present scenario as Wayne had decided what was right for her without consulting her.

The more she thought about it the more she felt indignant with what had happened.

However, her annoyance with Wayne was outweighed by her annoyance with another person when she heard a shocking piece of information.

"What do you mean by Ruby knew everything that had happened?" She snarled at her brother who displayed visible signs of panic.

'Shit! That just slipped out of my mouth!' Wayne cursed himself for having such a reckless tongue.

Lina's glowering eyes did not move away from his face. 

At that moment she looked like a lioness who had zeroed in on her prey, ready to pounce and sink her teeth into her prey's neck.

Wayne could feel a cold draft on his neck even though there was no source of breeze that could be explained in this closed room.

Even Wade was not spared by the daggers that were shooting out of Lina's eyes.

"Explain yourself!" She dictated without giving any leeway for them to excuse themselves from this scary conversation.

"Nana, I was just trying to say that Reuben knows everything that had happened that day and also about my plans to uncover the truth behind the scenes." Wayne had no other option than to spill the truth of the matter.

The silence that had pervaded the room was the same that they had experienced yesterday when Patrick Yang was interrogating the employees of Yang Manor.

'She is a Yang, after all, she has similar personality traits especially when she is mad at someone.' Wade analyzed as the death glares moved away from him and on his brother.

Wayne gulped his saliva in fear of losing his life if he made her wait any longer and hence revealed what had happened on that day.

"When I had driven Jeanette to the hospital, I had received a phone call and decided to leave the room." He began his narration.

On that day, when he had stepped out of the room, he hurried to find a silent place to answer the incoming call.

He knew that if he was in the presence of people, then they might hear the loud voice coming their the phone and might look at him weirdly.

This was a wise decision he had made, as the moment he entered the fire exit staircase and answered the call, a large variety of vulgarity accompanied by some colorful words were hurled at him.

"Reuben! What is with that language? What would people think if they heard the Emperor of the Ming family speak such filthy language!?" Wayne questioned as he held the phone away from his ears to lessen the loud volume.

He heard a mocking chuckle coming from the other side and then soon there was silence.

"You think that I fucking care about what people think about my language, you man whore?" Reuben's angry scowl resonated in the quiet and deserted staircase.

"Who do you think you are? You think that you can behave in such a way to my girlfriend and I will stand at the sideline with my hands tied behind my back!?" Another roar bellowed through the phone.

Wayne felt wrong that he was treated so harshly by this man who did not even know what was happening.

"I was just trying to save my baby sister from their schemes!" He retorted in a whining voice, sad that even his best friend had misunderstood him.

Reuben, as always, was quick to notice the tiny nuances in his speech, and his brows furrowed in suspicion.

"They?" He inquired in a soft mutter.

Wayne smiled because he felt that if there was someone who could help him in this situation then that person was Reuben.

"Mandy seems to have joined hands with Jeanette and they are certainly planning something." He disclosed his suspicions after the events of today.

Reuben did not doubt his friend this time and silently dialed another number from the landline of his office.

"I will ask Trigger to send some men to watch their movements. If they do another that might harm Kitten then they will not be spared." He gritted his teeth and declared confidently.

Hearing that he would assign his head of security to this case made Wayne realize that Reuben was serious with his approach towards Lina.

"You stick close to that woman and try to get any information about what their plans might be. She likes you anyway." Reuben shrugged when did not get any reply from the other side.

Wayne chuckled when he heard this since that was his plan all along.

He knew that Jeanette had a crush on him but what disgusted him was that she was just like the other women who wished to stick to him for his fame and name.

She had tried to initiate conversations whenever they would be at the same party or the same restaurant.

He also knew that most of the times that they had 'coincidentally' bumped into each other were all thanks to her hard work at keeping a tab on his whereabouts and great acting skills.

"I wonder how people call her innocent and sweet? I can sense her craftiness from a distance away." Reuben's irked words brought him back to his senses.

Another loud chuckle erupted in the lonely staircase as Wayne held his stomach and laughed to his heart's content.

"I wonder the same thing, my brother!" He agreed with what he had heard.

"But what bothers me is that she is also very keen about her image in public so how in the hell did she make friends with Mandy who was infamous in the society as the bastard child of the Yang family?" Wayne's curious yet thought-provoking question made them ponder.

"She wants to get close to you by using her?" Reuben answered with the most logical reason he could think of.

Wayne was still skeptical and hence he moved to the next topic.

"She also has that psychotic look on her face at times that scares the bejeezus out of me!" He shuddered thinking of the times she would stare at him with blazing eyes of desire.

This sentence made Reuben recollect the incident where he had found Burt Liang, her father directing the same psychotic look at his Kitten.

This had always been a strange experience and he could neither make heads or tails out of it.

Thinking of this, he finally came to the reason why he had even made this phone call.

"Listen here, Wayne Luo, and listen close!" He snarled which made Wayne confused at the sudden change in his tone.

"The next time I see you hit my Kitten no matter what the reason might be, I will make sure that you will end up with nerve damage in the very hand that you use." He succeeded in putting the fear of God in Wayne's heart.

'He always does what he says!' Wayne cried out and shook his head profusely.

"I swear that I did not want to do it but that was needed to show my anger with Nana." He justified his actions and pouted.

"Doesn't matter why you did it. Just remember that if there is ever a second time…" Reuben did not continue his words which made Wayne come up with horrifying imaginations.

The phone call was then hung up and he could just blankly stare at the black screen of his phone.

He shuddered thinking of what would happen if he were to piss Lina off in his presence ever again and decided to be extra careful about it.

When Lina heard his explanation, she blushed after learning that Reuben had gone as far as threatening his best friend for her sake.

Fountains of sugary sweet emotions erupted in her heart and she held her warm cheeks, squealing in embarrassment.

The brothers covered their ears and shook their heads in unison.

'Girls!' They sighed in exasperation and let her be.

'Ruby was so worried about me!!' She blushed and her earlier annoyance with the man almost faded away.

She had always been easy to please and the simple act of having him show his concern for her even when she was not around made her feel like she was flying high up in the clouds.

"But there was something that happened after the phone call which is still confusing me." Wayne's mutters made the other two turn in his direction.

They frowned when they saw him frowning and waited for him to explain what his words meant.

"Have you ever heard of a second child in the Liang family?" He turned towards his brother and inquired with uncertainty laced in his voice.

Wade immediately shook his head in refusal and sneered at his brother for even getting such a stupid doubt in his mind.

"Everyone knows that Jeanette's mother died during childbirth and her father never remarried so there is only one child in the Liang family." He explained the story that was famous in the city to Lina.

Lina nodded since she was not aware of such a sad backstory for that snobby girl.

'Is that why she acts like how she does? A cry for help hidden in the attention she seeks?' Lina, the amateur psychoanalyst tried to make sense of the behavior she had seen.

"No, I am asking whether Burt Liang has a brother." Wayne reiterated his sentence once again.

Wade narrowed his eyes as he tried to recollect if there was such a person in the previous generation of the Liang family but found none.

"Not that I know about." He gave a negative reply, making Wayne question the authenticity of what he had witnessed.