“Did you miss Edith Abina?”

“I’m sorry.”

“I told you to get rid of her back when she was still at the Marquis’ residence!”

Jian bit her lips as she recalled the eyes that glared at her fiercely.

“Anyway, we must stop Edith Abina from becoming a saint. Okay?! Otherwise, you…”

When she remembered her last warning, a cold sweat formed around her forehead. Curtis, who carefully examined Jian, heaved a sigh as if he was worried.

“Are you all right, saint?”

“Oh, yes.”

Jian had pretended to faint until Edith left the carriage. She looked outside the carriage shaking, and then opened her mouth.

“Where did Young Lady Edith go? Did she tell you her destination?”

“No, she didn’t say anything.”

Curtis frowned as if he was uncomfortable with Edith’s name coming out of Jian’s mouth.

“…I don’t think she wants me to be involved with her anymore, saint.”

“What?” Jian asked, astonished, “What do you mean? That’s impossible. Edith adores Curtis.”

“No, she doesn’t. That was Edith from the past who was obsessed with me.”

Annoyed with Curtis’ attitude, Jian clenched her fists. Perhaps thinking that she was concerned about Edith’s safety, Curtis continued with a smile.

“So don’t worry about it anymore, saint. Edith doesn’t want the saint to care about her.”

“But isn’t Curtis even worried about her?”

“Ever since childhood, she had been a smart and resourceful person. I think she’d do well on her own.”

In response to Curtis’ answer, Jian pushed her fingernails into the palm of her hands that was hidden under her dress.

* * *

<SYSTEM> Curtis Caballero’s Likeability Increases. +5

Maybe it was because of the route I was forced to take, and all I did after meeting Curtis was get angry at him and push him away, but his likability began to rise.

‘I thought he’d cut me off because I hit Jian for no reason at all, but that’s unexpected.’

I shrugged at the likability that increased as I moved further away from the carriage. The system window, which was announcing his rise in likeability, flashed and showed a new message.

<SYSTEM> Curtis Caballero’s Likeability Increases. +3

The detailed likeability index was displayed by satisfying the basic likeability.

Curtis Caballero (52/100)

‘It’s already 52% full?’

My eyes almost jumped out of their sockets in amazement, but soon I nervously swept up my bands.

What was the point of raising Curtis’ likeability?

I was definitely able to spend the night with him as soon as I possessed Edith’s body, but I was still stuck in the game.

Therefore, Curtis Caballero wasn’t Edith Abina’s true love, but was rather a disturbing figure up until now. I glared at Curtis’ white erection – likeability – bar and frowned.

‘I’ll just have to check the items. Didn’t the system say I could change into a saint’s job if I filled the bag?’

<SYSTEM> Do you want to check your belongings?




The system window read my mind and erased messages related to Curtis. It then showed me my item window.

<ITEM> Extreme Job Guidebook

<ITEM> Lirina Abina’s chocolate.

‘Oh, there’s chocolate!’

While I cleaned up Lirina’s room, I seemed to have put it in my pocket and forgot about it. Having been hungry, I hurriedly took the chocolate and scrolled down.

<ITEM> 50 Holy Power

<ITEM> Sacred Pouch (0/50)

An empty pouch and holy power were in sight side by side.

It seemed like the new job quest didn’t appear because the pouch wasn’t filled. After munching the chocolate, I filled the empty pouch with holy power that I received as an award with the karma quest.

<SYSTEM> You’ve filled the pouch. Now you can change jobs to ‘Saint’.

Yes, it may be more advantageous for a saint to seduce Valérez than her previous job.

I tried to control the bitterness in my mouth as I recalled Valérez, which I thought was almost over. Just then, the job quest then glittered on the system window.