Chapter 179 - 179

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Out of all the times and places, it just had to be now.

Duke Mason could see Lady Melissa's face dropping, before she quickly regained her composure, hoping that no one had noticed, and no one had, all too busy staring at the Crown Prince and the brunette-haired woman except for Duke Mason.

The reason why Lady Melissa knew that it was the two of them, was because of the fact that neither of them was wearing masks to disguise their identity.

Instead, they were currently waving their hands and smiling.

"Continue the party! What are you all staring for?"

The Crown Prince ordered, while the nobles thought he was joking, though they quickly continued the party.

Lady Melissa couldn't help herself but gawk at the couple, for a few seconds, making sure that they or anyone else for that matter didn't notice it.

At least her suspicions were confirmed now, but it just didn't feel real to Lady Melissa, the fact that he and the brunette-haired woman were a couple.

Lady Melissa was suddenly filled with dread when she realized what had just happened.

She changed the timeline, and since she didn't know the future anymore, or what was going to happen in the future, she had lost her hidden card.

The Universe just had to play a cruel trick on her, though it'd be a lie if Lady Melissa said she didn't see this coming.

Her chance at life for a second time had made a difference, and those small differences would, of course, end up leading to a bigger difference.

"Are you okay Lady Melisssa? You look pale."

Duke Mason said as he interrupted Lady Melissa from her thoughts, noticing how pale her face was.

"Oh I'm completely fine, though we need to change partners now, I'll see you later."

Lady Melissa said, as she quickly changed partners with the next man.

"Are you okay?"

The next man said as Lady Melissa didn't pay attention to him, too indulged in her thoughts before only realizing that the man had said something to her.

"I'm fine, thank you for the concern."

Lady Melissa bluntly said as the man looked at her with concern.

"I know something's wrong with you Lady Melissa."

The man said as Lady Melissa put her head up, only seeing the man's face now.

Lady Melissa realized that the man was none other than Duke Gaston, with a black mask.

She couldn't help but think of how handsome he was and how good the suit looked on him.

How handsome he looked with the black mask, with his blue eyes, almost as if they were drawing Lady Melissa's body in.

"Are you okay?"

Duke Gaston said, repeating his question as he realized how Lady Melissa seemed as if she wasn't focused, and that her mind was somewhere else.

Lady Melissa quickly shakes her head, now wasn't the time for her to be thinking of such things.

"Thank you for your concern, but I'm fine, truly."

Lady Melissa said as she brought his hands onto her waist before anybody could realize that the both of them weren't dancing with each other.

"Dance with me will you?"

Lady Melissa said as she whispered into Duke Gaston's ears, as he blushed a bit, at the closeness of Lady Melissa and him.

"Your wish is granted."

Duke Gaston said as he winked at Lady Melissa.

Lady Melissa danced with Duke Gaston, while she kept her eye on the Crown Prince and the brunette-haired woman, who just so happened to be dancing in the middle of the venue.

They were right in front of Lady Melissa and Duke Gaston, but she couldn't lay a hand on any of them.

"It was a pleasure dancing with you, Lady Melissa"

Duke Gaston said as he bowed down a bit before Lady Melissa had to change partners once more.


Lady Melissa replied, bowing her head as well before she changed partners.

Lady Melissa was once again, face to face with Duke Mason.

She knew how much Duke Mason loved competing, and especially winning when it came to Duke Gaston.

But it seemed as if it was a competition for Duke Mason, who could dance with her.

Lady Melissa didn't have the time to be dealing with this, nor did she have the effort to.

"What is it?"

Lady Melissa asked Duke Mason, as he quickly put his hands on her waist once more, with a smile on his face.

"Nothing, though may I have the honour of this dane m'Lady?"

Duke Mason asked Lady Melissa, as he got on one knee, though before anyone could quickly notice, Lady Melissa said yes, not wanting to cause a commission or for Duchess Victoria to see any of them.

She didn't want any rumours to spread, at least not these kinds of rumours, especially when she had nothing going on with Duke Mason.

"I hate you."

Lady Melissa bluntly said as Duke Mason took it as a compliment.

"Aww, how cute. I love you too."

Duke Mason said as Lady Melissa's face had no expression, too focused on the Crown Prince and the brunette-haired woman to care.

Duke Mason frowned a bit, irritated by Lady Melisa's lack of expression, though he quickly moved on from it, as the both of them danced and danced.

Finally, after what had seemed like ages to Lady Melissa, the song had finally changed to another one, and this time it was a group song.

Lady Melissa quickly left the dancing venue, as she came to sit at one of the empty spots.

She definitely needed some bourbon and champagne to get through the night, especially with seeing the Crown Prince and the brunette-haired woman looking so…romantic together.

Lady Melissa made sure to look elegant while drinking them though, as much as she wanted to ignore manners and just chug all of them together, she had a reputation to keep up.

Even though most of the people in the room didn't know who she was, because of her mask.

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