Chapter 161 - 161 - Spatial Rift

Note- Happy New Year cuties. I have a new year special for you all. I will be giving away 100 coins to 10 lucky winners. All you have to do is vote and comment with the hashtag "Wincontest

Thunder rumbled and a few golden lightning fell down near the Kulin Mountains. The sky was ablaze at that moment. The nearby civilians of Suikal and juikal all observed this spectacular occurrence.

Meanwhile, the dragon hunters that were all staying in a nearby inn witnessed this abnormality in awe.

"That's.....a tribulation cloud. Who is advancing?"

"No, that's definitely the dragon! I saw a golden glint near the clouds, I'm sure of it."

"Or is it a heaven's cultivator? Oh my, we have struck gold," one of the hunters whispered enthusiastically.

The hunters whispered amongst themselves.

A masked man and a handsome lad wearing black armour heard this from a corner seat.

The handsome ghoul glanced at the clearing sky with a frown. "Is it our highness? It's not possible..... Highness was not even close to tribulation, "he whispered and calmly ate his rice porridge.

"It's not him that attracted the tribulation. It's...." the masked man whispered. Suddenly he remembered something. He shot up from his seat and dashed toward the general direction of the lightning.

He always had an inkling that the heavenly golden glove was close to breakthrough, but he did not expect that it would be so soon.

Like an idiot, he had gifted it to his son. He glanced up at the dissipating grey clouds. From the immensity of that tribulation, it's more than likely that the tribulation was not over yet. "Shit!" he shouted as he flew over.

The ghoul watched leave with a pout. 'Ah, I guess he is suddenly interested in the lightning,' he threw a silver coin and ran after him.

Just like them, most of the hunters and cultivators rushed towards the mountains. There was a huge crater on the ground with charred trees surrounding it.

"Wha--what happened here?" one of the hunters whispered and squatted down. There was something shimmering under all the charred wood. 'It can't be!' with trembling hands he picked up a golden scale. Swiftly he hid it inside his sleeve.

Glancing around, he saw many people gazing up at the rumbling sky in awe. Taking this opportunity, he dashed away.

The hunter glanced around vigilantly, making sure that he was truly alone. He carefully took out the treasure. It was the size of his palm and lustrous as pure gold. "A—a dragon scale...I have a dragon scale," he whispered in joy.

Leaves rustled, startling his poor soul. "Wh—who is it? Dare to come here. I will cut you to pieces," holding his sword with his trembling hands, he turned around.

"Really, I would like to see you do that," a wooden voice said. A man dressed in gold walked out from behind the bushes and approached him. "Looks like you have something that belongs to our golden temple," Prince Gua Jun whispered with a maniacal smirk.

The hunter panicked. he could not gauge the strength of the man in front of him. 'But It's mine.' he held is position. "I-I found it. Its mine now. Get lost,"

"Ah prince, why did... you" an old man panted from behind him. Followed by a lax looking, blue-haired man with a huge burn scars on his face.

"Shut up, you old croon. Tell me where the dragon is!" Prince Gua shouted. Lately he had been at his wits' end trying to keep his sanity. Firstly his beast, the Kirin, would not listen to his orders. Secondly, his wounded hands became infected, so he had to take a break from the hunt.

"Oh—oh okay your highness," the old man summoned a small compass and turned it around. The arrow twitched and pointed to the south. "It's this way!" he said with an excited glint in his eyes.

"Then get to it," Prince Gua said through his gritted teeth. No one was moving from behind him. Taking a glance at the unmoving Kirin, he bit his lips. "Didn't you hear what I said? I. SAID. GET. TO. IT!" he shouted.

Oli glanced at him and smirked. "I heard you the first time. butttttt....I don't plan to find that idiotic dragon now," he said and leaned against a nearby tree.

"And WHY WOULD THAT BE?" Prince Gua said with a glare.

"Because he's on his honeymoon period. Dragons are aggressive and illogical during that time. I DON'T Want to mess with that," Oli whispered with an exaggerated sigh.

" useless beast. YOU FOLLOW... MY ORDERS," Prince Gua shouted and stomped on the ground.

Oli closed his ringing ears and grimaced. "Wow, you sound like a spoilt brat," he whispered with a wink.

Prince Gua took a deep breath to control his surging anger. "You....just follow then," he whispered. He gritted his teeth and followed the direction.

As of now, the Kirin was the powerhouse of their golden temple. He could not even raise his hand against him in fear that the beast would leave them. Biting his already bruised lips, Gua stomped to the hunter. He slashed his throat swiftly and picked up the precious dragon scale.

Holding the golden scale, he frowned. 'Wasn't the dragon that fell a black one? Why is the scale golden? Is this a different one? Are there more than one roaming this human realm,' he thought whilst wiping his bloody sword on the poor hunter's corpse.

"Let's go," he shouted and walked over to the where the lightning fell the ground. The ground was completely charred with few broken trees on the sides; there were even some claw marks on the ground. But after that the trail ended completely as of the dragon disappeared.

Prince Gua glanced up at the clear sky. "Did he fly off?? Shit!" he cussed. "Old man, check again"

The old man panted from behind him and wiped his sweat. "Yes prince," he pulled out the compass again. But the arrow was still pointing at the same direction. Astonished, the old man walked forward a little. This time the arrow turned around and pointed to the opposite direction.

"What is happening?" he whispered and patted the compass. The arrow was not moving. Sighing, he walked back next to his prince. Suddenly the arrow turned around and pointed to the opposite.

"What is the matter, you old croon? Is the compass broken?" Prince Gua shouted as he watching him prancing around.

The old man squatted down and touched the charred ground. "It can't be.. The compass is saying that the dragon is here. Right in front of us,"

"What!" Prince Gua ran over to him. There was nothing on the ground except charred rocks and trees. He then rushed around and searched, but there were no traces of the dragon. "Where the hell is he?" he shouted and rushed back to the old man.

The old man wiped his sweat and whispered, "Right at this spot," he pointed to the burnt ground.

"You.. Are not making sense. How can a huge fucking dragon be in front of us and yet not visible? Did you get hit in the head?" Prince Gua shouted and plucked the compass from his hands. He tapped it lightly, but the arrow remained unmoving, pointing to the same spot.

"This fucking thing..ahhhh," he tossed to the ground and jumped on it.

"Your highness, that.....was our only way to finding the dragon," the old man whispered dejected.

Prince Gua stomped over and stabbed him in his chest.

The old man held the sword which pierced him. "Highness.....why?" he gasped out blood.

"There is no need for dead weight like you." Prince Gua said with a sinister expression. "Let's go," he shouted and stomped away.

Oli watched all this from the sidelines with an impassive look. This man.....he reminded so much of a poisonous leach. Drinking all the blood he can from the victim and poisoning them after. 'Looks like I chose the wrong humans,' he thought with a sigh.

As he was walking away, he felt a strong presence nearby. Strong mental suppression almost blinded him. The was almost chocking him. Through his blurry eyes, he watched around.

A man wearing a black mask walked closer. His green clothes swept in the wind as he strode over. "Have you seen a dragon and a crayfish?" he whispered in a soft voice. But that voice contained so much killing intent.

"N—no...I...I saw them four days....ago," he whispered, holding onto his closing throat.

"Hmm," his jet-black eyes stared into his soul. "Did you hurt them?" The man calmly whispered, but his murderous aura intensified.

"No..Yes....I...I don't....." Oli panted. He felt his soul being squeezed and pulled. "Ahhh....I didn't.....mean it," he gasped.

"So you did hurt them," the masked man whispered with a deadly smile. He summoned a small sword from his ring.. It was shimmering green with a small lotus engraved on its hilt.