Chapter 279 - Come And Let’s Talk To Our Baby

Zoey could get discharged anytime but with soon-to-be grandmother and the soon-to-be daddy Xi's request, Zoey had to stay in the hospital for a little while longer. 

Matthew Xi talked to doctors whom he wanted to be her ob-gyn to watch over Zoey's pregnancy, Vivian Xi excitedly announced to her amigas and a few relatives that she would be a grandmother. 

Therefore, Zoey was now alone in the hospital room with Zion Kwan sitting across the room. Zoey rubbed her tummy gently, the corner of her lips curled up. 

"Brother, is there really a baby inside me?" Although her voice was meek, Zion Kwan heard her clearly. 

Staring at the soon-to-be mother, Zion Kwan nodded his head. His eyes softened; his little sister was going to be a mother in a few months. Even though Zoey would have a child before him, he was happy for her. 

Still, the guilt within him never left him. After all Zachery Kwan did to Zoey, Zion Kwan constantly avoided her these past weeks because he didn't know how to handle it. 

"Z, I—"

"It's not your fault, Big Brother." Before Zion Kwan could construct a sentence, Zoey already guessed what he was about to say. Hence, she interrupted him as she slowly looked at him. 

"What your father did to me, it's not your fault or mom's. And my decision to keep it a secret is my own choice." Zoey gave him a reassuring smile as her words genuinely came from the bottom of her heart. 

"If not for Zachery, I would love to stay with mother and you. However, I needed to keep my peace of mind. By that, I mean by distancing myself from the Kwan family because I can't pretend to be on good terms with your father." Zoey paused, recalling how good the Kwan family was to her if she put Zachery Kwan aside. 

Sarah Zheng, Ezekiel Tang's mother, was sweet and understanding. However, since she was blindly in love with Zachery Kwan, Zoey would hate to break the kind woman's heart by tearing the family down. This was the reason Zoey chose not to take away that happiness. 

Same with Zion Kwan; Zoey would hate to see him hate his father and doubt all the things he believed to be true his entire life. Zoey cared for them sincerely and rather than getting her revenge on Zachery Kwan, Zoey chose to protect these two innocent people's hearts. 

Moreover, it's not like Zoey's biological mother and the father she grew up with were dear to her. There was no reason for a thing such as revenge if it's just personal grudge. 

The world moved on, right? Zoey attained success and found her love, companion for life, the father of her children that would protect them. That was what was important, instead of being stuck in a loop of revenge. 

"I'm going to be a mother, and all I want is for them to not experience what I had experienced. I won't get mad if you want to forgive your father, because I already did, long ago. I forgave him for peace of mind, but I don't think I can see him as my father or the grandfather of my child." Staring at Zion Kwan in the eye, Zoey still bore her meek smile despite her unfiltered words. 

"Big brother, Zachery wasn't good to me, but he was a good father to you. He loves you dearly, at least." Caressing her stomach, Zoey stared at her tummy that was covered by the sheet. "If you're thinking about me, I'd prefer you choosing the path for peace of mind. Forgive if you must, then move on. Let's move forward, big brother. Life is too short to hate on people." Slowly, Zoey raised her gaze again and locked gaze with Zion Kwan with a smile. 

"I'm already happy with my life, with my love, with this life growing inside me. I hope you and Cora will find the same happiness despite how bad things are at the moment." Perhaps, these were the kindest words that came out from Zoey's mouth while conversing with Zion Kwan. 

Zoey tended to say things she wanted indirectly. She mostly annoyed people or teased them to relay her message. But today, she didn't feel the need to go on that road. 

She knew about Zion Kwan's guilt and worries. She pretended not to notice his previous actions of avoiding her. But today, she wanted to let him know what's on her mind about it. 

After all, there was nothing to worry about because they were under Matthew Xi's protection. Zoey was certain Zachery Kwan wouldn't meddle with them again. 

It was time for them to leave the past where it truly belonged. Walk forward and welcome what life holds, wholeheartedly. That's what Matthew Xi taught her.

"Z..." Hearing her sister, Zion Kwan's eyes stung. The corner of his eyes formed tears as Zoey's words struck his heart. 

Truly, he was blessed to have a sister like her. "I'm sorry..." Slowly, Zion Kwan strode closer and sat on the side of the bed. He held her hand, squeezing it gently as he stared at her. 

He was the big brother, but he couldn't protect her and failed her. Yet again, here she was, acting like the wise big sister and speaking wise words which should actually come from his mouth. Regardless, he swore that from this day onwards, he would protect his little sister; even if a day comes that the world goes against her; Zion Kwan would stand beside her. 

"Big brother, why are you crying? It's making me cry too!" Seeing how emotional Zion Kwan's eyes were and hearing his voice crack, Zoey already bawled before the tears from her brother's eyes could fall. 

"Haha, no, I'm not." Seeing her cry even before he could, Zion Kwan chuckled as he patted her head with a smile. 

However, at the same time, Matthew Xi returned and witnessed his wife crying while Zion Kwan patted her head. "What do you think you're doing?" His cold voice thundered, taking large steps towards the bed as his mind made up different scenarios why his wife was crying. 

"Hah," Chuckling as Matthew Xi stood on the side of the bed, Zion Kwan slowly retracted his hand away and stood up. "I told her that if the day comes that you get tired of her, she has a brother to protect her. Brother-in-law, even if I had to go against you, I would fight you head-on if you hurt my sister." Facing Matthew Xi, Zion Kwan smiled despite the threat he dropped. 

"Anyway, congratulations for the baby. I'll have to call my fiance about the news." Diverting the subject, Zion Kwan glanced at Zoey one last time before he left the room. 

Meanwhile, Matthew Xi furrowed his brows as his brother-in-law left. Didn't he come here and witness his wife crying? Shouldn't he be the one saying Zion Kwan's monologue? Why did it sound as if he was the one who made Zoey cry? Weird. 

"Darling, don't mind him." Seeing the confusion on her husband's face, Zoey giggled as she shook her head. She then raised her arm to him. "Come and let's talk to our baby.." Zoey proposed with a large smile on her lips.