Chapter 344 - High On Zoey

Zoey was unable to argue with him as she figured it was pointless. Hence, with that being said, she tagged along with him. On the way, Zoey felt his constant glance that subconsciously made her turn towards him.

"What?" She asked, her eyes wandered as they gleamed in curiosity. Alas, his answer was a mere shrug and silence.

"Mister, you're being weird. I know you can't believe that you're dating a goddess like me, but don't fret, your beauty doesn't pale in comparison." Out of habit, Zoey humored him with her shamelessness, lifting her shoe which made Paul Qian and the driver's brows twitch on the front passenger seat. Although the partition between the front and back passenger seat was up, they could still hear Zoey's shameless claims.


'Her voice sounds familiar and looks familiar…' Paul Qian thought, pondering where he had seen her. Since he had a glimpse of her earlier, this thought had been bothering him for a while.

Despite her shameless remarks, he remained unfazed. Zoey clicked her tongue, shaking her head as she looked away once again. 'Well, I did try to cheer him up. He's moody, no need to ask what's inside his mind.' She grumbled inwardly, convincing herself that asking funny questions were pointless. Thus, she let Matthew admire her natural beauty 

Meanwhile, Matthew gazed at her side profile, recalling the long manuscript he read last night until dawn. The story of Evalyn and Levi… Matthew was bothered by it which caused his head to throb until this very second. 

At first, Matthew was just curious by this 'hobby' of hers that he didn't expect. Thus, although it was out of his moral to invade someone's privacy, he read the manuscript she was writing. However, as soon as he read the first page, he found himself immersed in the narration and somehow felt a strong connection to it.

The story started with fateful night of Evalyn drinking her sorrow away… a fateful night that neither Evalyn and Levi expected to meet for the first time. Levi was tricked by his friends, drugging him and setting a trap to his sexual problems. That night, neither of the two expected to meet again after seven years under strange circumstances.

There were some -- no, honestly, too many comedic scenes that would question the author if it was possible in real life. Regardless, since it was a story written by her, Matthew continued despite the utter baloney of the premise.

Seven years later, Levi, who had forgotten his real savior from that night seven years ago, was once again saved by her. To be fair, Matthew thought that Levi (the male lead of the story) was a smart, cautious guy. The only problem with him was he was indecisive of his own feelings. Regardless, Matthew thought it was only his defense mechanism -- just like how Zoey described him.

Funny how Zoey seemed to understand Levi more than Evalyn. She paid more attention to that character more than the female lead. Actually, Zoey paid more attention to other characters than Evalyn. Strange, wasn't it? Still, since there were more pages to the story, Matthew decided not to dwell on it.

However, the more he read it last night, the more he noticed how prominent his deductions from earlier were. Zoey barely paid attention to Evalyn's emotions. The only time she expressed Evalyn's emotion was when she described Levi and how he made her feel every time.

It should be moving, but Matthew felt that the words in how she described him contained angst; a description akin to someone who had long passed on from this world. It was akin to a person describing someone with longing knowing the fact that he wouldn't come back in her embrace forever.

Sadly, the story wasn't complete yet. Thus, Matthew had to wonder at some pointers left in the story. First, it's title. The title alone gave him some kind of feel that there was more about it that his heart and mind wanted to unravel. Second, the similarities of the character's description -- especially Levi who was described with the same pair of russet eyes just like his.

And lastly, Zoey's naming sense. If Matthew wasn't curious as a child about the meaning behind names, he would overlook this part. However, he couldn't. In some parts of the world, the name Zoey means life -- same meaning behind the name Evalyn. Meanwhile, Levi's name was another form or related to the name Matthew in the past. 

Therefore, Matthew couldn't shrug the idea of this coincidence. Although there was a slight difference in how the characters met in the story, and how they met two days ago, he couldn't help but feel bothered. Not to mention, the story was written the morning before Zoey barged inside the private lounge of the nightclub.

How could anyone think he would have a peace of mind thinking of this coincidence? Still, realistically speaking, that was impossible, right? Zoey wouldn't interrupt the party and stopped the love drug from going inside his system just because she had foreseen the future. It's just impossible and unrealistic.

The reason Matthew suffered from a horrible headache which resorted into him taking painkillers. Matthew wanted to ask her while staring at her, but words clogged in his throat sabotaging these myriad questions he had in mind. Furthermore, asking her such questions would only mean that he had invaded her privacy without her permission.

"Oh, we're here!" Soon, Zoey announced upon seeing the small building of Z Image Group. As she did so, she turned towards him. Upon seeing that he was staring at her but appeared that his mind was wandering elsewhere, she snapped her fingers in front of him.

"Mister Xi, are you high?" Zoey inquired, obviously not serious by her question. Still, her gesture effectively brought him back to reality.

Slowly, his unfocused russet eyes fixated upon her. "Hmm?" She hummed, raising her brows seeing the inexplicable expression across his face. "We're almost here.��� She said, blinking her eyes innocently as she couldn't be bothered by whatever his unreadable thoughts.

"Mass…" Unconsciously, Matthew whispered inciting a puzzled countenance on her face. Good thing, he realized it sooner, or else, he would have continued his demand for mass release.

"Mass?" Confused, Zoey tilted her head to the side. "You're not high, aren't you?" She asked, narrowing her eyes witnessing how strangely he had been acting since this morning and now speaking gibberish.

Matthew's curled long eyelashes fluttered slowly, his russet eyes never left her skeptical countenance. "Maybe, I am high… high on Zoey." He muttered, leaning his face closer, causing her to automatically draw away.


"Nothing. Let's go." He shrugged, changing the focus of the subject somewhere else as he didn't truly know how to save himself from his curious mind.

"Let's go? Hey! Why are you going out?" More confused than ever, Zoey snapped while he retracted his head and hitched outside the car without second hesitation.

"What? I bought a property here and wanted to check how bad it is." After going out the car, Matthew leaned down and informed her. After that was said and done, he immediately closed the door while Zoey was still inside.

"Damn… I really have a bad feeling about this." Her brows twitching along with the side of her lips.. Deep down, Zoey sort of guessed what this man was up to, but to think that she might be wrong, Zoey dragged her entire body out.