Chapter 530 - You Knew?

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?!" Ivan shouted as he clenched his hands into a fist and approached Matthew. "How dare you rap…"

Ivan didn't finish his sentence as he charged towards them. He directed his fist at Matthew without the slightest reserve.

"What --" Fortunately, Zoey had a fast reflex and caught his wrist before he could land a punch Matthew. Zoey's eyes sharpened as she only realized Ivan's rash action upon stopping him.

"Are you out of your mind? Why would you attack my darling?!" Zoey ground her teeth as she glared at Ivan. Her grip on his wrist tightened as she wouldn't forgive even Ivan if he successfully hurt Matthew.

Matthew raised his head and glanced at Zoey's side profile before shifting it to Ivan's. The two of them were glaring at each other as if Ivan forgot that Matthew was his target. By the looks of it, Ivan only took this chance to let out his frustration that was unknown to the two.

"Oy! Are you mute? Why are you saying he's taking advantage of me?! Do you really think he can do that?!" Zoey raised her voice that echoed in the entire building.

Good thing that everyone had left the office. Well, not everyone as Melanie was still around and was startled at the sudden ruckus. Not just her but also Cora who returned to the office after forgetting something.

"Huh? Is Zoey arguing with someone?" Cora whispered as she cautiously walked inside the office and immediately felt the tension enveloping the entire office.

"You both should calm down." Matthew uttered calmly as he could feel the growing tension. He darted his gaze from Zoey to Ivan and sighed.

"Tsk!" Ivan ground his teeth and clicked his tongue before he forcefully pulled his wrist away. 

Ivan had a lot to say, but he knew it was pointless. He knew deep down he was just utterly frustrated at the things he overheard earlier and it triggered all the accumulated frustration that he had been bottling for a long time.

Thus, he snapped upon seeing the two inside. It was as if he finally found a reason to let his emotions out.

"Ivan, I'm, indeed, taking advantage of your sister." Matthew admitted as he turned his head towards Ivan. "However, I think you're underestimating her… or did you just find a reason to assault her?"

Matthew added as his right brow slightly raised. Although Matthew didn't spend much time with Ivan, Matthew knew one thing or two about his true colors.

He wouldn't betray Zoey, though. But, he was one of the worst kinds of people Matthew had encountered in their previous life. 

"Hah! I am not trying to attack her. I was aiming at you." Ivan scorned as he cast Matthew a look of disgust.

"Oh? Are you?" Matthew indifferently replied as he cocked his head to the side. "Doesn't look like it."

"You're lucky she's around. But, for how long are you going to hide behind a woman? Aren't you a man?! Will you let her protect you until the very end?!" Ivan scoffed and ignored everything Matthew said.

Ivan had been irked at the fact that Zoey would go to extra lengths to protect this man. Although Matthew was powerful and wealthy, in Ivan's eyes, all he could do was to use his men to protect himself. 

And yet, his men were all unreliable. How could Ivan let his sister do everything for Matthew and get all the benefits? Zoey had been sidetracked a little too much, atleast this was what Ivan believed.

"Shut up," Zoey balled her hand into a fist. "Shut up or I'll cut your tongue if you say anything further."

Zoey raised her head, staring at Ivan dead in the eye. How dare he talk trash to Matthew? Ivan never insulted her aside from her cooking skills. However, insulting Matthew was also akin to insulting her.

How dare he think he knew Matthew that well? How could he be so foolish?

"No, sis." Ivan scoffed once again as he shook his head lightly. "Why would I shut up if what I'm saying is the truth? Did it hit a nerve?"

"I see," Upon hearing his last remarks, Zoey nodded in understanding. "I guess I can't settle it with words. I'm disappointed; he didn't discipline you well, huh?"

"Zoey, calm down." Matthew gave Zoey a side eye and noticed that she wouldn't hold back. Hence, before the two could clash over a small thing, Matthew stopped her. 

"We have a party to attend. If you want to teach him a lesson, do it afterwards." 

"Hah! There you are again! Acting high and mighty." Ivan chuckled as he mocked Matthew's attitude. He disliked Matthew more and more and thought that Niko was way better than him in any aspect.

Niko wouldn't order Zoey around like that. At the very least, Zoey had more freedom before this man came into the picture.

"That's because I can." Matthew answered as he turned his pair of russet eyes to Ivan. "If the source of your madness is because you think I'm taking advantage of your sister, then do you want me to prove you're getting it all wrong?"

Matthew tilted his head to the side as he calmly shoved his hand inside his pocket. He studied Ivan's expression as if he could read him easily.

'He's still young and naive… unlike the same man I've met seven years from now.' Matthew uttered internally as he recalled the older version of this guy.

The older version of Ivan was harder to read. Even Matthew, who encountered a lot of dangerous men, couldn't discern what Ivan was thinking nor he could trust his actions and words. Ivan had potential and he mastered it several years from now.

'It's still a relief we can change that.' Matthew secretly sighed in relief because he would hate to take him down again in this lifetime. Actually, not just him but everyone… Matthew had a full control and his decision would change their fate -- be it for the better or for the worse.

"Just one word from me, your entire Silva Family will go down. Do you want Nikolai Silvestri's head on a silver platter tonight?" Matthew indifferently inquired and watched as Ivan's strong front gradually changed to shock.

Even Zoey was surprised upon hearing Nikolai's name through Matthew's lips.. 'You knew…?' She asked internally as she stared at Matthew's cold side profile.