Chapter 597 - Sixth Commandment X

Fortunately, the old Madam didn't probe any longer as Sarah felt dizzy again. With Sarah's condition, she didn't want to be forceful and put her daughter-in-law in danger.

Hence, after leaving detailed notes to the servants, the old madam bid her farewell. When old madam left, Sarah slowly opened her eyes. Her hand still on her tummy, caressing it gently, wondering if the news was real.

Sarah could only think that this child in her womb was created the first time she did it with Zachery. After all, the timeline matched it. Also, not that she slept with anyone else aside from Zachery.

Still, there were these mixed emotions in her. She was in bliss, obviously. But, Sarah was also in disbelief. She didn't know how to tell Zachery about it.

While Sarah was thinking of a creative way to let Zachery know, the smile on her lips faded ever so slowly. "Right, that woman…"

Sarah whispered as a bitter smile resurfaced on her face. Now, not only was she competing with Beth, the child on her womb was as well.

Biting her lower lip, Sarah looked down as the corner of her eyes welled up. "Daddy will come home, for sure." 


Later that night, Sarah was expecting Zachery to come to her. After all, it's been two days and he promised that he would accompany her tonight. Maybe, she could find an opening to tell him about her condition.

Zachery told her that the situation with Beth was still the same. Sarah knew that Zachery was getting tired of Beth and her craziness. Their children didn't need to compete; Sarah would accept Zachery's bastard if that would stop this competition with Beth.

Sarah looked up to the wall clock. At the same time, the time just hit eight in the evening. Zachery promised to come early, but it's been an hour since he should have left his shift.

"Did something happen?" She wondered, reaching for her phone and dialed Zach's phone number.

However, he wasn't picking up. So, Sarah continued on ringing his phone for three times but to no avail. 

Since Zachery would message her back if he was busy or just call her back, Sarah was growing anxious. She could not help it. After all, deep down, her subconscious mind knew that their relationship was standing on a thin ice that could break any moment.

Just take a wrong step, and everything would crumble into pieces. They could drown, and die underwater.

She didn't want that. Hence, despite her reluctance, Sarah didn't call him again and see if Zach would respond in a minute or two, maybe after an hour or two. She didn't really know.

Three hours later, Zachery still didn't call back. For the past three hours, Sarah was just waiting for him to return her call but to no avail. 

'What's happening?' She wondered as she checked the time again and bit her lower lip.

Deep down, she wanted to try and call him again. However, she didn't want to sound possessive. She didn't want to cause him trouble in case he was with Beth.

Just at the last thought, Sarah clenched on her lap. Why would she need to care about Beth? Why must she feel like she needed to be careful? She's not the mistress; she's the wife. The legal one.

But, deep down, Sarah knew all the answers. She loved Zachery and she accepted him despite all the odds. This was just the taste of the consequences of that decision to have a piece of the man she loved and the same man who was the father of the child in her womb.


While deep in her thoughts, Sarah snapped back to reality upon the loud ring of the telephone. Immediately, she picked it up.

"H -- hello?" 

"Hey," Upon hearing Zach's tired voice, Sarah heaved a sigh of relief.

"Hey, you sound tired." A subtle smile plastered on her lips, relaxing as she was relieved that he was fine, albeit, sounded a little tired.

"Mhmm, I'm sorry. I was in a meeting and couldn't answer your call." With an apologetic tone, Zachery briefly explained which made her nod in understanding.

"It's fine, Zach. I understand your situation. I was just worried something happened, but I'm fine now knowing you are." 

"Sorry for worrying you." Moved by her undeniable understanding, Zachery smiled subtly. "And, I'm sorry if I can't make it tonight. I have to stay in the office and pull an all-nighter."

"It's fine. Just get some rest if you can and don't forget to eat. You can't function without proper nutrients, you know that." Sarah humored with utter care she had for him.

Perhaps, she could just tell him about her pregnancy next time. She was just two weeks pregnant and Sarah thought it would give her time to prepare to tell him about the news.

"Mhmm. I will." Zachery hummed a low tune and Sarah stretched her lips in a thin line.

"Anyway, I don't want to keep you here longer. You should rest a little, okay? Don't worry about me. I'm fine as long as you are." Since there was nothing to talk about any longer, Sarah changed the topic to end the call.

"Mhmm, I'll see you tomorrow?" Zachery asked in a questioning tone.

"Sure. See you." With that being said, the line was cut off. 

As soon as she heard the fast beeping sound indicating that the line was cut off, a distinct loneliness enveloped her heart. Of course, Sarah wanted to be with him. But she couldn't be greedy, right?

Zachery would only be free from all this stress if they get back together. She didn't want to force him to come back to her. Thus, she needed to be a little more patient.


Meanwhile, after Zachery cut the line short, Beth's voice reached his ear. He wasn't in the office as he claimed just moments ago. Instead, he was already in the house hours ago.

"Honey, dinner is ready. Let's go?" Beth was standing on the jamb of the door of their bedroom.'

"I'm coming, Hon." Zachery smiled gently, standing from the edge of the bed and walked towards Beth. 

Unlike his stories to Sarah, Zachery and Beth had already made up after having a heart to heart talk.. Yet, Zachery had continued to lie to both women, playing with their hearts just because he was indecisive to choose.