Chapter 113 - Everyone's Fear


Rapper, singer-songwriter, record producer, and fashion influencer, Qin Dion was loved by many because of his artistic views, talent, and personality. However, many had claimed and spotted him in public places with a non-celebrity personality. 

Was the reason for his sudden hiatus is that he had a secret wedding? Here is some of the evidence that Qin Dion might've secretly married and is now a family man.

Dion scrolled down and read the article faster than a machine, making him gasp in disbelief. There were stolen photos of him and Devon taking walks in the mall, and just everywhere they went! Although it was lucky… or the source just chose to upload the photos where Devon's face wasn't shown, Dion could tell it was her!

"Oh, my lord…" He dropped the phone, not caring when the owner of the phone yelled at him. "… this cannot be happening."

Devon furrowed her brows as everyone suddenly got busy on their phone. When Bella raised her head, her expression was inexplicable.

"Is there something wrong?" she asked once again, feeling that everyone was looking at the two of them.

"What?! So you are not lovers, but married couples?! Is that what you mean when you said you're family?!" Mike yelled with no restraint, slowly sobering up but not completely. "Brother Di, you got married?!"

"You're married?" Devon also asked as she faced Dion, who was utterly shocked at the news. 

"Ugh!! I am fucking doom!" Dion snapped as his phone suddenly rang, making him jolt in surprise. "Ah, shit!" 

He didn't excuse himself as he rushed outside to a place where no one was around so he could explain to his manager. It was just his manager, but what he had feared was seeing Lewis's name on his phone screen.

"What happened?" Devon inquired, completely left in the dark. She turned to Bella when the latter tapped her shoulder.

"Dev, you have to see this." Bella offered her phone to her, which Devon accepted.

Devon read the article that everyone just read now. Her brows furrowed the more she read its content. The "evidence" that proved that Dion's real reason for his hiatus was because he got married shocked her. 

"Are you two…?" Bella trailed off as the proofs were too convincing. There were even photos of Dion going in and out of a private subdivision. 

Devon raised a brow and cocked her head to the side. "Were you mad?"

She could have answered directly. However, she had already answered and denied her relationship with Dion. Hence, Devon was more intrigue if Bella would turn on her now that someone spread a malicious rumor about the two of them.

Bella stared into her eyes for a moment, pursing her lips before she shook her head. "No. Honestly, I'm just surprised. It looks like you two live together."

"No, we're not." Devon heaved a sigh of relief as it seemed Bella wasn't lying. How could Bella lie if she had acknowledged that it would even surprise her if Dion liked Devon?

"Then this?"

"He just accompany me since I had an accident." Devon summarized the reason with a weak smile. "I had a head injury and… am having trouble with my memory. So, he visits me since I knew nothing."

"Oh… that makes sense." No wonder Devon seemed she didn't know most of the trends. Although that didn't make her less of a human or cool.

"Really, these paparazzi just wouldn't stop." Bella clicked her tongue as she accepted her phone when Devon returned it to her.

Bella checked the social media once again just to see fans posting some of the photos taken tonight from other guests. Some of them caught Dion's blurry back and a woman beside him. 

"Whoever posted this seems to have a death wish," she murmured because she believed that no matter how big this rumor was, it would be forgotten overnight. "How can they do this?"

"God… who will go down tonight?" one person expressed and the room suddenly went to a standstill. 

No one had talked about it, but everyone knew it was not just the source who would go down tonight. The Qin Empire would surely expose someone who had a dark secret that could shift the attention of people tonight.

A cannon fodder who would use to cover up such news... and that scared many people like them.

"I am clean. I don't think my dark past is enough to cover up third young master's shocking news." One voiced out as everyone just got sobered up by this sudden fear creeping into their hearts.

Each one of them had to silently hope none of them would be used to cover up Dion's news. Although the Qin Family mostly use politician's corruption news, some celebrity scandals were worthy to use as well. Thus, although they were friends with Dion, there was just a clear line that only Mike had crossed.


Devon was startled from observing everyone when Mike suddenly perched beside her. She turned her head to him, creating a distance from him.

"Are you two married?" he asked in a slightly drunken state. 


Mike leaned back with brows furrowed. "How come you two look like you live together?"

"We're not," Devon affirmed as Mike reeked of alcohol. "Rest. You seem you had drunk a little too much."

"Dev, my friend, this news so big is enough to sober me up!" Mike exclaimed as he patted his chest. "Anyway, if that is the case, you don't have to worry since Dion's backer is strong."

Mike grinned as he raised both his thumb while his brows wiggled. Devon wasn't worried, but she had noticed that everyone was. 

"Hey, guys! Don't post anything anymore, eh? You don't want any attention shifting on you, right?" Mike draped an arm over the chair and cast everyone a look. "I'm still a little tipsy, but man, someone had the gall to post such a thing."

"You don't believe it?" asked Devon, as it seemed Mike had believed her almost immediately this time.

"Of course, why would I believe the word from an anonymous?" Mike clicked his tongue and shook his head. "Dev, you know what? Although it's rare that Dion to lose his composure like that, he is not the only one who is worried about this."

"And why is that?" 

"Well, I told you, his backer, your relatives are very influential. Just see tomorrow's news, and this article will be buried." Mike guaranteed, as he assumed Devon was just unaware of the Qin's influence.

Maybe, because she was raised abroad? He didn't know, but that was more like it.

"Influential, huh?" Devon murmured as she found it weird. Was Lewis' family business that huge? But it didn't seem like that to her.

If only Devon knew that the place she was currently living in was a subdivision for only those who had hundreds of millions of net worth, she would understand. Alas, she was too ignorant about it and Lewis didn't find the need to explain how much that house costs.



"So?" Lewis raised a brow while looking at the flashing lights on the road from the backseat. 

"It seems the person who uploaded this article is desperate to have a break. Their company had been struggling for years, and their reputation had pummeled down after they were sued for defamation and false news." Derek reported, while staring at the tablet in his hand from the front passenger seat. "We can sue them for the same purpose and set the compensation to a higher price."

"I see…" Lewis nodded calmly as his eyes blinked ever so slowly. "Who is it this time?"

"The ministry of finance had been accepting bribes and is involved in the corruption," Derek answered systematically as he had already rolled the roulette. "He can go. People like him are not good in the country."

He glanced in the rear mirror to see Lewis's inexpressive face. His boss was always like this, unbothered. Something like this was what made Lewis more terrifying, having to know powerful figure's darkest secrets and using them at his own disposal. The reason more people feared and respected him.

'This source knocked on death's door voluntarily.' Derek thought, shaking his head, as he just didn't understand other people's level of intelligence. 

Why would anyone want to make an enemy of the Qin? Did they think Lewis' retaliation knew mercy?

"Sir?" Derek called, as Lewis hadn't given the green signal. He turned his head back just to see Lewis still staring outside the window.

"Are we not there yet?" Lewis inquired as he narrowed his eyes. 

His assistant furrowed his brows but then realized what was Lewis asking about. "We're almost there, young master."

"Do what needs to be done." Lewis rocked his head slightly before he peeled his eyes away from the window and set them on Derek. "However, I want to meet this source. Invite him to my office tomorrow." 

His eyes glinted menacingly, making the always composed Derek gulp upon feeling the shiver running down his spine.