Chapter 114 - Surrounded With Good People

"Ah, God…" Dion paced back and forth along the hotel's corridor, glancing at his phone that was being bombarded with emails, messages, and missed calls. However, that wasn't what he feared.

There's only one name he was waiting for and that hadn't yet appeared: My generous big brother. Although Dion thought that Lewis not trying to reach him was alright, it wasn't! The longer that Dion waited for a scolding, the more this anxiety in his heart build up.

"Ay! Goodness!" Dion jumped when his phone rang and saw it was his manager again. "Tsk! I told him I'm not married! Why can't they just stop contacting me for a minute?"

He still answered the phone angrily, putting it in front of his ear. A sigh escaped his mouth, hearing his manager's shaking voice.

"Dion, everyone is flocking outside your villa! I will pick you up right there! I think some people had guessed where the party is at!" 

"Fuck!" Dion cursed as he ran his hand through his hair. "Let them come, then! I will beat the crap out of them in front of national television!" 

"Brother Dion, do you really hate me? How can you say that?"

"How can I not when they keep of pestering me? How dare they treat me like a criminal? Am I a nation's property, ha?! I'm a human!" he grumbled, seething in anger as he hated how everyone was overreacting, which heightened his anxiety about everything.

"Brother Dion, had you talk with CEO Qin…"

Dion immediately hung up before his manager could mention Lewis. His big brother had saved him multiple times, and the main reason no one had dared spread malicious rumors about Dion that could harm his reputation. 

"Of course my big brother will clean this problem," he murmured with a sigh, staring at his phone. "He always does."

His eyes flickered with sadness as another sigh escaped his mouth. He knew Lewis wouldn't bury him, Lewis wouldn't bury him alive, at least. However, he had tried not to cause trouble and keep his profile clean to be a less bother to Lewis. 

These people, like the source of this article, just wouldn't leave them alone. Just because he was a Qin, they just wrote anything to ride on his popularity.

"Whatever. I'll just do better next time." Dion finally turned off his phone and returned to where he left Devon.

When Dion returned to where they were, his brows furrowed as Mike was throwing a huge fit. Not surprised about it, his eyes searched for Devon, who sat on the same spot.

"What do you mean the party is over, eh?!" Mike grumbled while talking on the phone. "Is there's something wrong with this agency? Instead of stopping the party, why can't you raise the security? What the fuck is the use of holding a celebration party in an expensive place if they can't do that?" 

Hearing Mike's complaints, Dion already got a good grasp of the problem. He sighed, swallowing down whatever shame that crept into his heart, and walked inside.

"Sis," Dion tapped Devon's shoulder, catching her attention as she turned her head to him. "Err… I think we should go."

Devon furrowed her brows and studied his expression. Dion was sporting an awkward smile, but there was something in his eyes that she noticed. Something like… shame, as if he had messed up or something.

"I think… we should stay." Devon blurted out as her gut feeling told her they should stay.

"But, the thing is —"

"Are you running away?" Her sudden question took him aback, as he gazed at Devon and then at Bella, who was staring back at him. 

"Running away? Of course, not. It's just there are annoying people outside and we should go before they camp here." Obviously, that was just a minor reason. Dion just didn't like to trap everyone with awkwardness in his presence.

After all, this was supposed to be a day to celebrate Mike's success, but now everyone had to worry. Letting these people breathe was the best course of method.

"Sit." Devon patted the space next to her, making his brows furrow. "At the time of crisis, being surrounded with friends is better than fighting it silently and alone."

Dion looked at her in surprise. Did Devon know she was the woman involved? Did she know how Derek would bury this issue? Does she have an idea that everyone here was worried, that the Qin family could use them just to save him?

"Of course, you don't know that," he murmured to himself, but still sat his butt down beside her. 

"Did you say something?" asked Devon as she heard her mumble something, but couldn't discern the entire context.

Dion shook his head. "Nothing."

"Cheer up." She patted his chin lightly while smiling. "Even if the entire world doesn't believe you, we believe you." 

That wasn't his concern. Not the world, not Lewis — well, slightly — but mainly his relationship with these people. The reason he couldn't really make friends was that there would always be hostility from other artists because of his strong background.

Other people would think a lot of people would try to suck up to Dion. It was the complete opposite. With the Qin Family behind him and Lewis' cruel retaliation, one must think twice of approaching any Qin — especially those who bore ill-intention. This had its advantages, but there were also disadvantages.

"I don't want to hear it!" Mike's voice thundered once again as he seethed in rage, completely sobered up. "Say it again like that, and I swear it's adios for you."

Everyone's eyes were on Mike. He seemed furious, making others wonder what could be the person he was talking to was saying.

"Also, don't act as if my man is a criminal, alright?" Mike continued through his gritted teeth. "So what if he got married or even had a child? It's his life! What the hell? Ay! This won't do! Don't contact me and raise my security. I swear if there's a single fly that managed to enter here, I will kill you myself!" 

Mike huffed as he hung up, wanting to throw his phone out of frustration. He only realized that everyone was watching him when he shifted his eyes to them.

"People are crazy.," He sassed as he walked towards them.

Dion was the most surprised of all, as he didn't expect Mike to be this angry in his stead.

"Hey, bro, just let them be. These retards are all crazy! Tell your brother to incinerate them!" he suggested once he perched on the armrest. "Let's just start our own agency. This agency is full of retards, or let's just enter your brother's agency."

"What? These young masters surely are rich! But, if you're going to be recruited in the fifth young master's agency, let me in too."

"Me too… these agencies just won't give me a break. Did they think they're my mother? How dare they tell me to return now?"

"I'm worried, but let's just party! Goodness! I'm starting to think this is a funeral instead of a party!" 

One after another voiced out their opinions as they all turned off their phones. Of course, they were worried that one of them might be used as cannon fodder. They even have to wonder if, once they opened their phone, any of them had already taken Dion's spot. 

But there were much bigger players aside from fear, it was friendship and respect. Everyone knew Dion's temperament. He might be too blunt, but he only spoke the truth, especially when honest criticism was needed. 

"You guys…" Dion let out a quick chuckle as he shook his head. At times like this, Dion would often just go off on his own, and wouldn't bother seeing their reaction. Who would have thought that these people were truly crazy?

"You are surrounded by good people." Devon smiled at him, watching him raise his head. "Let's not worry about that, anymore."

"Sis…" Dion bit his tongue as his heart warmed up. The Qin Family surely needed this angel in their lives, he thought.

"I think a lot of guests already went and only a few are still outside," Mike mumbled, blinking as he scanned everyone's face before his eyes brightened up. "Pool party! How about that, eh?"

"Wow… you surely have a lot of energy!" 

"Why not? This might be our last day! Who knows if tomorrow is the end of the world? Or a zombie apocalypse will start?!" Mike raised his hands, arguing his reasons. 

"I'm in." Dion raised a hand as the corner of his lips curled up into a smile. "I'd rather enjoy my life before a zombie apocalypse starts."

"I'm in!" Bella also chimed in, smiling brightly as she turned to Devon. "I brought swimsuits. Do you know how to swim?"

"Swimsuit? I don't know how to swim, but what is a swimsuit?" Devon furrowed her brows as her eyes narrowed, recalling where they plan to swim. She didn't get to see the pool earlier, but she remembered other people walking around drenched in water.

"Swim — swimsuit?" Mike, who overheard the girls, raised his brows, shifting his eyes towards Devon. Not just him, but the rest, who were also interested in Devon, set their eyes on her.

"No fucking hell!" Dion sprung up on his feet, on fire as he cracked his knuckles.. "Just when I thought I should be kinder, you proved that I shouldn't."