Chapter 132 - Be Thankful It Is Not Poisoned

Two hours later, Dion received a delivery and both he and Devon had accepted it outside the apartment. They stared at it in silence. Dion's face kept twitching while Devon's eyes were sparkling while clasping her hands.

"Sir, please sign these." Dion snapped back to reality when someone came to him with a form to sign. 

He let out a deep sigh, accepting the form reluctantly. "I said 'stop this madness', not fan the flames," he muttered while signing the form. 

"Are these real?" Dion glanced at Devon, who was asking the other delivery guy. "Really? They're real?"

Devon walked around the scooter, poking it a little. Just one touch and a bubble of excitement sparkled in her stomach. 

"How… can I take a look inside?" she asked, and the man she was asking nodded. Devon excitedly checked storage. 

"It can really store many things," came out an excited cheer as she cast Dion a look. The latter let out a deep sigh, waving at the delivery guys before they left.

"Sis." Dion marched lazily towards her, hands inside his pocket. "Are we going to, err… go to your first gig with this?" 

'Please say no!' he prayed deep down, hoping that she wouldn't get this crazy idea. Not only it was dangerous, but it was also impractical. There was no way Dion would drive her from this place to CC city by scooter. 


"Sis, you know how dangerous — what?" 

Devon cocked her head to the side. "It's impractical, isn't it? I read which vehicle is more convenient, and it seemed CC city is a little far. Traveling there by scooter will not only be a hassle but is very dangerous. Are you considering that you will accompany me with this one?"

"What… but you just said earlier…"

"That is because I haven't read this information just yet."

"Ahh, ha ha…" Dion heaved a sigh of relief while awkwardly chuckling. "That's good then."

Devon just smiled as she shifted her focus on the scooters. She kept walking around them, hands behind her.

"Err, sis?" he scratched the back of his head. "Do you want to ride it? I can drive you around. It's not dangerous if we just drive around here."

"No." She shook her head, setting her eyes on him. "I will wait for Lu."

"Oh… okay?" His attention shifted to his phone as it vibrated. Dion fished his phone out of his pocket and checked who it was. His brows immediately twitched upon seeing his grandfather's name on the screen. 

"Really… Ge already promised him they will visit him once he is not busy." Dion grumbled under his breath, already tired of hearing the same complaints his grandfather kept telling him every single day. He had already memorized Marshall's words even before picking up the call.

Despite his reluctance, Dion still answered. Only Lewis had the audacity to reject Marshall's call — although that rarely happened because Marshall would rather not call Lewis at all. The old man was the one who couldn't handle Lewis.

"Hel —" 

"Why aren't you answering, huh?!" 

"Grandpa…" Dion let out another deep sigh before distancing himself from Devon.

Meanwhile, as Dion tried to placate Marshall, Devon rubbed her thumb around the scooter's handle. A smile appeared on her lips, pleased that this scooter was new yet not unfamiliar to her. Ever since the party, Devon had been studying this world to get a better understanding of it.

"It is an interesting world with quite a fascinating history," she whispered, caressing the scooter she had seen on the television. "I am truly in a different world..."

Her eyes softened, recalling the time she had seen Quentin. After a lot of pondering, Devon considered that the Quentin she had seen in this world could be a different person with the same face. Although she didn't rule out the possibility that it was the real Quentin, she had thought of other possibilities as well. 

"You don't have to be afraid, me." She told herself, staring at the rear mirror of the scooter. Her face was different from what she originally looked like. "Lu is with me and I should be strong... just like how I've always been."

'In this world, there is a law, and it says no one is above the law.' Devon pursed her lips, staring at her reflection as if to convince herself. 'This is not the empire anymore where the emperor's will is absolute.'

Believe it or not, Devon had studied the law in a span of a week. Although she didn't memorize it from cover to cover, she knew that murder was illegal. Still, people were being punished according to the weight of their offenses. 

"I have a right..." Her smile grew gentler, falling in love in this world even more. "Human rights. A voice to speak and a chance to be heard."

She had put her hand in her heart and promised to do better in this life. That was for her own healing and to not worry Lewis, who had been a wonderful support to her. 

"First, I need a career while learning more." She clenched her hand into a tight fist, taking a deep breath. "I need to pay rent, bills, and credit cards — also, my tuition fee. I read that's where most adults transfer their wealth. I should also add insurance."

Devon reviewed everything in her head that she had learned from the internet. Reading had always been her hobby, and now that she started learning more about the world, her horizon broaden. It was just like what Ghost Lin told her. The world was huge and there were so many things to do aside from waiting for Lewis all day long. 

"Now that I think about it, I wonder where Ghost Lin has been," Devon murmured, looking around and sighed. "Was she with her grandpa? Right... I also need to visit the Lin Family residence."


Ghost Lin clicked her tongue, sitting on the scooter in front of Devon. A heavy exhale escaped from her nostrils for the nth time, arms crossed.

"She can't totally see me now." She scratched her head due to stress. "Will she be alright in meeting those damn devils? The date I told her is a week from now, and I'm not even sure if she will be able to see me once again."

If only Ghost Lin knew that her time limit in this world would be this short, she would've insisted for Devon to meet her family sooner. However, regrets only happened in the end.

"Whatever. I think she will be fine since she had been working and studying hard." Ghost Lin nodded, convincing herself as she had witnessed how Devon studied as if she was cramming in school.


"I'm home…" Lewis trailed off as soon as he entered their home. Unlike usual, Devon didn't welcome him with a big hug or wasn't rushing to him. 

He furrowed his brows, changing his shoes to house slippers, and looked around the living area. She was not there. Suddenly, he heard noises from the kitchen, so he marched in its direction only to see her in an apron while tasting the food she was cooking.

His eyes softened as a smile instantly appeared on his face. At the same time, her eyes landed on him and she smacked her lips.

"You're here?" she asked, placing down a spoon on the plate on the kitchen counter. "This will be ready in a minute. You can wash up first."

"You're cooking?" he walked towards her while she watched him. Lewis stopped from behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, and rested his chin on her shoulder. "Where did you learn this dish?"

"Yuutube." She smiled, cocking her head at him as she relished in his warmth. "Also, Madame Agnes helped me prepare before she went home. It was surprisingly easy — I mean, cooking. I just had to put all the ingredients together and wait."

"Are you sure it's edible?" 

She frowned, turning her head to him. "Be thankful it is not poisoned."

"Even if it was, I will still eat whatever you cook." Lewis buried his face on her shoulder, making her furrow her brows.

"Are you alright?" she inquired, holding his arms away as she turned around. Devon cupped his jaw, studying his flushed face. "Do you have a fever? Your face is all red."

He shook his head, closed-lipped. "I am simply happy, that's all."

"You are happy? Because?"

"Because of you." Lewis bent over, brushing the apex of his nose against hers. "You make me so proud."

Just a week ago, Devon was bored with doing nothing. But now, she had started trying out things and picked up the hobby of reading. Instead of watching dramas, the two of them picked up a new activity of reading together at night. 

Devon blushed at his kind words. "My lover, you don't worry. I will feed you with my cooking and I will learn to bake as well. Also, I will work hard so I can pay my rent, my bills, my credit card, and give you a better life."

"A better life…?" Her last remarks truly baffled him as he tilted his head.

"Mhm! I read a person needs to work to have a better life! Once I get a permanent occupation, I will buy everything you want!"

"Everything I want?"

"Hmm!" Devon nodded in determination, ready to spoil him just like how he spoiled her. "Don't you have anything you want?" 

Lewis pursed his lips, staring at her with genuine wonder in his eyes. "I already have what I want."

"Oh…" Devon realized Lewis was akin to a king in this world. How silly of her to think like that. "You have money to buy what you want." An awkward smile resurfaced on her lips.

"No amount of money can afford what I want." He shook his head, pulling her waist closer before he bent over while whispering into her lips.. "I can never put a price on you, my love."