C36 – Sign the Contract

He turned around and entered the room, examining its layout. There was only a bed and a table in the spacious room, both draped in clean white cloth, and the walls were painted a bright white.

Aside from him and the injured person, there were also Wang Zizhao and Hu Jinpeng, as well as two servants from the Imperial Residence present.

Tang Yue first washed his hands and donned the white cloth gloves that he had asked someone to make. He then placed the medicine box on the table beside the bed and checked the injuries of the wounded person.

Wang Zizhao sat beside him, watching intently. Occasionally, his gaze would wander to Tang Yue’s face. He was impressed by his confident and composed expression, and it made him feel that having a broken leg was not a big deal.

Tang Yue looked into the injured person’s painful eyes and smiled. “Don’t worry, don’t worry. We can fix this.”

A patient’s mood was critical, and Tang Yue was accustomed to consoling them before surgery. It was a doctor’s greatest pleasure to see their patients trust them.

As expected, upon hearing his words, the other person’s expression became more assured. Although the pain caused him to sweat profusely, the fear he had experienced earlier had dissipated.

Tang Yue turned to a nearby servant and asked, “Can any of you write?”

The two servants were taken aback and shook their heads in unison.

“If the young master needs something written, I can do it for him,” Hu Jinpeng stepped forward proactively. He couldn’t let Wang Zizhao do it himself.

Tang Yue nodded and cut a piece of gauze from the side. He handed a charcoal pen to Hu Jinpeng and instructed, “Copy the document I brought and read it to the patient. If everything is correct, have him sign it.”

Hu Jinpeng was confused. “Why go to such lengths? Even if the condition cannot be treated, it won’t cause trouble for you.” He was just a servant.

Although Tang Yue could tell from the man’s clothes and expression that he wasn’t of high status, as a doctor, he believed that all patients should be treated equally. He had a responsibility towards both himself and his patients.

“This is a necessary step. I apologize for the inconvenience,” Tang Yue said.

Hu Jinpeng looked at Wang Zizhao, who nodded in agreement, and then began to write on the cloth with a short piece of charcoal. He pressed down hard, and the charcoal broke into pieces once he finished writing.

Tang Yue was astonished, but fortunately, he had brought along several pieces of charcoal, or else he wouldn’t have been able to handle this brute’s force.

Hu Jinpeng didn’t read out the consent letter to the patient. Instead, he used his finger to poke a hole in the cloth, leaving Tang Yue speechless.

Nonetheless, this matter was between them, and Tang Yue had no intention of seeking justice.

“Shall we begin?” Hu Jinpeng handed the agreement letter to Tang Yue and inquired.

Tang Yue donned a white robe and mask, laid out the surgical tools on the table, and delegated tasks to the two servants.

One servant was responsible for passing the surgical instruments to him. His medical bag was meticulously arranged, with the number one scalpel being the largest and most prominent, followed by the others in descending order. Anyone with intelligence would be aware of this arrangement.

The other servant was there to assist him, and would occasionally apply pressure or help stop the bleeding.

“Let’s get started,” Tang Yue nodded at Wang Zizhao and asked the two assistants, “Are you both ready?”

The two nodded in unison and replied confidently, “Yes.” Their expressions revealed a hint of conceit.

Wang Zizhao must have chosen these two individuals for their competence and reliability. It was natural for them to exhibit some arrogance.

“Anesthesia,” Tang Yue extracted a porcelain bottle from the medical kit. It contained the anesthetics that he had prepared. While oral injection might not be as effective as intravenous, it provided enough time for the procedure.

Once the anesthesia took effect, Tang Yue glanced at the two assistants and shrugged. He appeared slightly anxious.

As Tang Yue’s scalpel incised the patient’s skin, both assistants stood there in disbelief.

“Second scalpel, hurry!” Tang Yue stretched out his hand to the side, but there was no response. He turned his head and saw that the young assistant who had just made a solemn vow was turning black and collapsing on the ground.

He shook his head and sighed, then picked up the scalpel and resumed his focus on the patient’s leg.